The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1382 Racers appear and appear


The spell controller who was attacked by Lu Li didn't have time to complete his spell. A trace of regret flashed across his face. He might have felt that he didn't dare to stop and fight back, or he was worried about which piece of equipment he would drop later.

Lu Li killed the last person and then led the others towards the nearby bushes.

He must restore his blood volume. The strength of the new enemy is unknown, and it is likely to be another bloody battle.

He has been listening to everyone's reports in the chat room, so he knows that the entire Ashenvale is in raging war, and only the work on the Stonetalon Mountains is still going on. The main reason is that they are very afraid of the venture capital company and the dignity of the Goblin Prince. Inviolable, players are not ready to go to war with an NPC force.

Several people soon appeared in his field of vision.

The leader actually didn't hide his identity, and his face stood completely in front of Lu Li. This made Lu Li a little shocked and angry, because he knew this person.

This person is wearing an orange leather travel suit and tall strappy boots. If you guessed correctly, they are some parts of the T1 suit. Now there are not many forces that can get the T1 suit parts and make them. He even confirmed the identity of the visitor - Torrent.

Torrent's race is a troll, so it's hard to tell who he is based on his appearance, but this person is a bit handsome even if he chooses to be a troll.

Such a handsome troll, wearing T1, obviously convinced Lu Li that he was right. After all, he had played several games with this person. He really didn't understand why this person appeared here. Could it be that his Gale Legion wanted to and the Sword of Judgment face to face.

Come on, come on, let's fight, the troll said with two big teeth in its mouth, which made Torrent's speech a bit leaky.

He was accompanied by two people, a warrior and a paladin, but Lu Li was not sure if there were any thieves lurking around them, so he had reservations about Torrent's so-called challenge.

I'll lure them here. You can return later, Lu Li said quietly to a few people around him.

There was no way, the person who came was very strong, Lu Li was not afraid of him, he was afraid that there were other racers nearby. If two racers acted together, Lu Li would not be able to kill Torrent, and would even have to run away by himself. Just fine.

The current Gray Valley has become a mess.

Lu Li quietly changed direction, and then stood up.

Haha, I knew it was you, Torrent said with a smile. He was holding a green longbow in his hand. He was originally holding it, but after seeing Lu Li, he actually carried it behind him. Apparently he had no intention of taking action immediately.

What do you want to do? Lu Li said slowly.

It's just for fun. What about your friends? I really can't believe that you are actually transporting stones here in the Ashen Valley. Torrent looked around and saw only the breeze blowing the leaves. Stone-pulling carts were placed in the middle of the road, but no one was there.

In addition, there are still several corpses that have not been deleted by the system.

Going back, Lu Li said.

Torrent was noncommittal: That's such a pity. Now you have to deal with three of us alone...

It's four... Lu Li turned around suddenly, stabbed something with his dagger, and the figure of a thief was revealed. Lu Li's dagger just hit his face, and he hit a very complete High chiseling.

Torrent finally stopped smiling.

Who do you represent this time, the City of Glory or the Storm Legion, or both? Lu Li did not rush to attack. The visible thieves did not pose much of a threat to him.

For now, I only represent myself, Torrent shook his head: At least I didn't receive an order about this operation.

Lu Li was a little silent. He didn't completely believe what Torrent said, but this attitude at least showed that the two major clubs, City of Glory and Storm Legion, were not participating in the war openly and head-on.

How about it, do you want to have a fight? If you win, I will send away those people behind you and me. Torrent obviously knew the whereabouts of Lu Li and his friends. After all, they also had a thief - the one who had just been killed by Lu Li. Gouge, even though the gouge has expired, he still looks confused.

One on one? Lu Li sneered.

Torrent once defeated him in the arena, but that time it was an arena match, and what he defeated was only an incomplete version of himself.

Well, for your status, one-on-one is a bit much, Torrent thought carefully and felt a little guilty. In fact, he was not the kind of person who really wanted to compete with Lu Li. His purpose It's very simple, that is to hold Lu Li back and wait for others to come and surround Lu Li.

Haha, do you want to join us? When did the Storm Legion fall to this point? Lu Li waved the Devil's Strike in his hand: If you dare not challenge me head-on, then you will be trapped in fighting against me for the rest of your life. Amidst the fear, you have no chance of becoming a great racer because you are hesitant to even challenge one-on-one...

How mean, how vicious!

Several of Torrent's friends were a little stunned. The problem seemed to have escalated to the point where it would affect Torrent's career as a racer.

There has never been a promising racer who only focused on the present. One of the essential qualities of a racer is confidence, especially for a new racer like Torrent. Lu Li's words were like a magic spell that penetrated deeply into his heart.

Yes, if you don’t even dare to take action in the fairest one-on-one, why talk about reaching the top?

Okay, then let's have a one-on-one fight. Don't worry, these guys I'm leading won't take action. Torrent played a clever trick. The three people he led won't take action, which doesn't mean they'll come over later. Others will not take action.

Encircling and killing Lu Li is something that gives people a sense of accomplishment and also brings huge benefits.

You guys leave first, Lu Li said privately to the people who came with him.

Boss, if we don't leave, we won't die, and we have confidence in you. Of course, the others were unwilling to be deserters, and they still abandoned their spiritual leader.

That's bullshit confidence. They obviously have a backup plan. It's likely that the place will be overcrowded in a while. Lu Li is such a shrewd person. Torrent's poor performance is full of loopholes in his eyes. After all, he has been in a place with no lower limit since he was a child. Growing up in such an environment, people in slums resort to much more shameless methods in order to survive.

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