The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1364: Burning everything down

The group is destroyed, the group is destroyed!

Lu Li patted his forehead and sighed heavily. It would be great if Can Meng and Hu Zhaza were racers.

Not all racers are good at playing dungeons, but their reaction speed and judgment ability will be stronger. As for the dungeons that have not been weakened at this stage, especially the nightmare difficulty, sometimes they are just a little bit behind.

Lu Li looked at Can Meng who was about to cry and had no choice but to let everyone rest.

In fact, the most important thing was to let the two hunters who were scolded by Lu Li rest. Everyone else was fine. They took advantage of this time to get rid of the mobs that had been spawned. Lu Li was still in the magma with the water elves. Fishing - in other people's eyes, it's just two boring people torturing dogs together.

This break was a bit long, giving everyone a full hour to move around freely.

After starting over, everyone's performance was much better. Lu Li also changed his strategy and was no longer so stern. The water elf had just persuaded him.

Lu Li is a very serious person. He is a god-like existence in the Sword of Judgment. He is very nervous in front of Lu Li with his thorny beard. Once Lu Li gets angry, he becomes even more nervous. He makes mistakes several times in a row. Although Can Meng She was familiar with Lu Li, but Lu Li didn't yell at her often, and now he was almost yelling at her like a little fool.

During this period, two paladins went out and a priest and a warlock came in.

Lu Li originally planned to bring in a shaman instead, because shamans could insert fear totems. However, Luo Ying recalled that inserting several fear totems had no effect, which made him give up the idea of ​​letting a shaman enter. The new priest was a healer. Occupation, to a certain extent, makes up for the shortcoming of insufficient treatment that always kills people.

As for the warlock who has been replaced, he can bind soul stones to his teammates, which is equivalent to a battle recovery prepared in advance, and is usually given to important characters.

Today's goal is to kill two bosses. This is the minimum standard. Everyone should cheer up. The reason why we only killed one boss yesterday was not because the first boss, Lucifer Long, was more powerful than the second and third bosses. But because the forty people have just been formed, there is a process of adapting to each other.

There is still a lot of time today, but if everyone has not made any progress, time will not be of reference.

At this point, the strategy for the dungeon is no longer important. There are no shortcuts, just follow the instructions and cooperate, and no one will make mistakes.

As the number of group annihilations increases, the effect becomes slightly better, but it is not enough.

If we can pass this time, then everyone will add 50 DKP points, and I will keep my word, Lu Li began to induce after another group annihilation.

Fifty DKP points is already very good. No one here will feel that they don't care about fifty DKP points. After all, a legendary equipment only starts at ten DKP points, and there is no need to worry about DKP being useless in the end, because after the land reclamation is over, everyone can Exchange DKP into gold coins in proportion, or into guild points.

If we don't get through this time, how about we get through next time, Azure Sea Breeze asked.

Then I can only say sorry. Although there will be no deduction of points, it is impossible to give any more rewards, Lu Li said firmly, without any discussion.

What is meant by burning the boat is to cut off all escape routes. If Lu Li didn't think it was too much, he would even choose the iron-blooded method of deducting points if he failed. But that was too absolute. If he didn't make it through, it would be disastrous, and the morale of the players would plummet.

Lu Li didn't want to kill Magamanda for no reason.

The conditions for two Ningshen shootings are already met. After many times of running-in, the two hunters rarely make mistakes. The same is true for other professions. As long as they obey the command and cooperate well, Magamanda is just a piece of cake.

The P1 stage is very easy, after all, this stage is where everyone plays the most.

It's okay, don't panic, everyone, Bajiang pull him up. It was unfortunate to enter the P2 stage. There was a cavalry killed at the beginning, so Lu Li could only let Xiaobajiang pick him up.

Pay attention to your position and stay away from the fire. Once you find someone who is not afraid, remove them as soon as possible. There are three priests now. Other professions that can remove fear can also help. I would rather play slowly and save fewer deaths for me. Heal Career, pay attention to controlling mana, Lu Li didn't want to scold the healer. His most important thing now was to stabilize the morale of the army.

There is a point in the dungeon that makes people speechless, and that is when someone dies for the first time.

No matter who died or what the reason was, morale would drop sharply. If the commander just scolded them, there would be no need to continue fighting.

Lu Li's words stabilized the morale of the army to a certain extent.

Coupled with the temptation of fifty DKP points, everyone tried their best to complete their work.

The BOSS's blood volume dropped little by little, but no one was killed in the entire P2 stage. This was almost impossible before.

The fight was very good this time. Everyone played very well. If nothing else happens, we will definitely pass. Fifty DKP is waving from the front. As long as you play normally, Can Meng and Bearded Beard, cheer up, I will let any of you When it is activated, your name will be called. Don't think about anything, just use the skill directly on the BOSS. Lu Li felt that he was working very hard. Commanding a battle was like coaxing a child to play house.

But the effect is undoubtedly surprisingly good.

It's just two people who died. We still have thirty-eight, and I can still fight back, Lu Li encouraged everyone while fighting back a dead healer.

In fact, the personality charm is best reflected at this moment. Lu Li is the center of the audience, stirring everyone's nerves.

It's so violent. It's great. MT pays attention to the aggro. If the damage is not reduced, switch to others to resist. The maximum range of the output profession. Keep the life-saving skills for the melee profession. If you really can't hold on, just stay away. This time the fighting situation is good, Lu Li thought Try our best to let everyone gain experience.

The BOSS in Dawn gives each player a fixed amount of experience, and there won’t be a lot of experience just because there are few players.

Luciferon, the oldest one, has given everyone an extremely rich amount of experience, and Magamanda will naturally be no less. Many people in the team are approaching level 60. Losing the experience of a BOSS is too wasteful.

Ouch, with a low roar, Ragnaros' pet was finally knocked out of its last trace of blood.

The violent Magamanda, the fearful Magamanda, instantly crushed many tanks into ashes.

Experience, reputation, skill points...

A total of four people died. Compared with Lao Yi's ending where half of the team was wiped out, it can be said that this time it was a complete victory. Moreover, Lu Li himself finally received a skill point reward. In addition to him, there were two other people who received skill points. , including the ice method short circuit.

Lu Li brought him into the dungeon, his biggest hope was to let him get skill points.

A mage with lagging skill points will never be able to catch up with the footsteps of those veteran magic gods.

All the gold coins were still given to Lu Li. The money for repairing the equipment before the group was destroyed was paid by Lu Li, which was equivalent to the guild contracting the money for repairing the equipment.

Two synthetic stones, twenty-two strengthening stones, there were no particularly good synthetic stones this time. Can Meng handed them all to Lu Li. Such less precious stones would be distributed after the dungeon ends.

Lu Li also asked Lu Li to put away some rare materials.

Three skill books were dropped, and they should be given to whom. If there is competition, points will be awarded. With Lu Li in charge, there won't be any conflicts over equipment.

Three pieces of golden equipment were given to Weiyu Pavilion. No one needed the rest, so it naturally fell into Lu Li's hands. The subsidies for MT and treatment were calculated in gold coins according to the preciousness of their medicines, so they would not lose money. But it is impossible to give too much preferential treatment. After all, the BOSS cannot be defeated only by MT and treatment.

Almost all of the four pieces of dark gold are in demand.

It may be that the equipment dropped by the forty-person nightmare difficulty dungeon is no worse than the equipment dropped by the wild BOSS, or even better. Although the wild BOSS is powerful, there is no limit on the number of people who can participate in the battle. From the perspective of the difficulty of killing, in the wild The BOSS is actually easier to kill than Magamanda.

Druid T1 set, there is only one Druid here, naturally Hachi-chan gets it.

Losing her equipment does not make people jealous, but what makes people jealous is that this little girl got the equipment at the lowest price, which made other players who had made a lot of money almost shed tears.

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