They agreed, but I took it upon myself to give him fifteen hundred gold coins, Root Number Three sent a message.

When he received this message, Lu Li didn't even remember how many times Magamanda had been wiped out.

This BOSS is actually quite powerful.

The main reason why the team was destroyed in the early stage was group control, and it happened not long after the war started. Melee professions were collectively attacked, and the hatred system completely collapsed.

After fumbled a few times, Lu Li asked the melee class not to deal damage at first, and at least wait until the first fear was over before taking action. Everyone stood and waited thirty-five yards away, which was the casting range of the BOSS's group control.

Melee professionals should hide as much as possible, or use their own methods to avoid being feared.

MT is not easy to handle. Azure Sea Breeze must build up enough hatred, and he can't hide.

The first situation was that he was frightened, and then the priest who kept the maximum distance and added blood had to come up to relieve the fear. Then the priest and other healers were also frightened. No one added blood to the MT, and the MT fell to the ground helplessly. Falling to the T naturally meant that The group is destroyed.

Because in this messy battle, other MTs had no time to build new hatred.

As long as the Dog King breaks into the formation of the civilian players, the team will basically be destroyed.

This is caused by the inverted T caused by the healer being feared. There is also a more direct situation where the MT is feared, the hatred level is weakened, the remote professional OT, and the dog king rushes over and starts killing.

It is very critical to fight Magamanda MT. You must catch him as soon as possible, and you must pay special attention to the fear of the first starter, because no one knows when the fear will occur. Then, as for the priest, you must relieve the fear of the MT as soon as possible. .

There is another difficulty in pulling monsters.

Under normal circumstances, MT will pull the monsters with their backs to the crowd, which can reduce the scope of everyone's AOE to a certain extent, but this does not work here, because there is a dog king in the middle, and the distance for the priest to increase blood is lengthened invisibly. .

At present, the priest's health-replenishing distance is 40 yards, and a dog king occupies five yards. If the MT is added to the blood through the dog king, then the distance between the priest and the dog king is thirty-five yards, which is exactly The fear range of the King Dog.

If the treatment is feared, who can we expect to add blood to the MT!

These are basically problems caused by fear. You can practice everyone's reaction and positioning through group eliminations again and again. You will soon enter the P2 stage. In this stage, in addition to the fear and fire breathing in the P1 stage, there is an extra fire. The presence.

Players disgustedly characterized Magamanda's behavior as spitting.

The things that Magmanda spits out will form something similar to a fire on the ground. This thing will cause damage as long as it is close to it. If it is attached to it, the damage will be even higher. No profession can last long.

Most people would not put up a fire as long as their brains were sound.

But once the BOSS is afraid, it falls into the category of brain loss, which is more terrifying than having no brain.

Several times, some people were scared and got into the fire. Fortunately, the game also pays attention to harmony, otherwise the smell of meat would permeate the entire dungeon.

Because the treatment pressure is extremely high, output professions should basically not expect the healers to take time out to increase their health. Lu Li, for example, often puts bandages on himself, takes medicine, or uses equipment with special effects to restore health.

In fact, these are nothing. A discerning person will know at a glance that they are a test of the priest's dispersal ability. The most annoying thing is the intermittent anger in the P2 stage - the attack power is increased by 100%, the attack interval is shortened by 50%, and there is a certain probability of causing a Killing effect.

In the P2 stage, it only appeared occasionally, and it had already resulted in multiple group wipeouts for Lu Li's team.

Once entering the P2 stage, the enraging effects appear one after another. It is obviously impossible for a small hunter with Can Meng to completely dispel the enraging effects of the BOSS.

The effect of Ningshen Shot is to dispel the anger effect of the BOSS - unlike the fury, the fury near the end of the battle in Dawn cannot be dispelled - at the same time, it can also dispel some shield effects, which is especially effective for players. So this skill is more widely used in PVP.

One thousand five hundred gold, Lu Li felt very painful.

But compared to the forty people who continue to waste time here, pursuing the uncertain possibility, these fifteen hundred gold can only be spent in silence.

Root Number Three never revealed his identity, so the group leader didn't know that Lu Li, the Sword of Judgment, wanted this skill book.

Of course, if the group leader knows the details of the buyer, he may be able to sell the deal at a lower price. After all, there are not many opportunities to make friends with a game master like Lu Li. It is even possible that he is a fan of Lu Li. In that case, the root number There is no need to go through so much trouble when discussing price.

However, neither Lu Li nor Root Hao San are too emotional people, and they don't take it for granted that others should please him.

In fact, it is more likely not to give up the high price because Lu Li wants to buy it, but to offer a higher price. An ordinary person is the buyer, and a club boss is the buyer. The price they can afford is obviously not at the same level.

Apples grown on the same tree may cost less than one pound per catty when sold to poor people in slums, but if sold to rich people in wealthy areas, they can sell them for tens of dollars per catty without proper packaging. I'm too embarrassed to lower my style and buy it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the team's destruction, Lu Li went out of the dungeon and got the skill book he just bought.

This skill book immediately became one of the biggest investments in this dungeon. When giving it to Huzhaza, Lu Li unceremoniously deducted 50 points of DKP from him.

Not only was Bearded Zaza not angry, he also felt that he had taken advantage of him.

Because he already knows how terrifying the price of this skill book is, it is three points more expensive than ordinary legendary equipment.

At the beginning, Lu Li let everyone know how much this skill book was worth.

He is not the kind of person who gives quietly without asking for anything in return. If he doesn't say anything, how can others know how much advantage he has taken? Otherwise, Beard Zaza may think that it is normal for him to contribute twenty-five points. After all, he and This was the price Can Meng secretly paid for the previous book.

One copy of Ningshen Shooting is not enough, the skill has not cooled down yet, and the BOSS has entered the enraged state again. With the second copy of Ningshen Shooting, at least in the P2 stage, Magamanda's anger cannot pose a threat.

With the new skill book, Huzha Zaza got used to it, wiped out the group two or three more times, and finally entered the P3 stage.

There is actually nothing new in the P3 stage. It can even be said to be a replica of the P2 stage. The only difference is that the density of anger increases.

And this increase will not make the hunters unable to cope. Theoretically speaking, two hunters can still barely completely dispel Magamanda's anger effect, provided that they must obey Lu Li's command.

If you obey the command, the Dog King is just a dish; if you don't follow the command, the Dog King is a god!

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