The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1329 The mind is wide open

Wait a minute, Lu Li casually blinded the berserker, causing the berserker to run around like a headless chicken for a while.

The priest girl Ben Bo'er held up her staff blankly. She didn't know what she should do now, because her partner, the berserker named Ba Bol Ben, didn't lose any health at all. The health bar was almost motionless.

And no one came to deal with her as a priest.

Someone come and take care of me. I am a priest and a healer. Even if you don't focus on me, at least control me. I feel so uncomfortable, so bored, and I really want to be beaten.

And those two people, what are you doing running around my Ba Boer and why are you laughing so obscenely.

Don't ask me why I can tell you are smiling. I can see your rippling expressions clearly even through the mask. Don't think that pastors are just doughy, and rabbits can bite people when they are anxious.

Let go of my bastard!

Where did you hit just now? Lu Li recalled the water elf's movements and quickly discovered the problem. In fact, this was the main reason why most rogue players were unable to perform high-level punches.

It's the forehead, the water elf said, wondering why Lu Li asked this.

I sometimes pierce my forehead, but there is another problem with piercing the forehead. One is that the forehead has a higher defense than the eye socket, and the completion of the gouge skill will be affected by the degree of armor penetration. To put it bluntly, If it's not deep enough, it won't make him lose consciousness. For some reason, Lu Li felt that he had a nurturing illusion.

This word was something I only came across recently, and it had a certain impact on Lu Li's outlook on life.

That means I didn't dig deep enough just now, the water elf felt that it seemed to make sense. While she was thinking, she did not forget to continue to control the warrior. The poor warrior was about to collapse.

In addition, the position of the forehead easily affects the skill trajectory. The effect that the skill can achieve is related to the trajectory. The angle is a point, and the trajectory is a line formed by a series of angles. The game company also added the skull into the design, so Sometimes your hands feel slippery when using gouge, especially when a moving target is moving around, which affects the accuracy of your angles...

Yes, that's it. When the dagger touched his forehead, his range of movements suddenly increased, as if he wanted to dodge, and then my hand slipped. The water elf's eyes were sparkling. She felt that Lu Li said It was so right that it made her suddenly enlightened.

When I use chiseling, I usually only stab my forehead when dealing with fixed targets, or when I am absolutely sure, Lu Li paused, then slowly said, When dealing with moving targets, especially boards with particularly high defense. A, I am used to pricking... my eye sockets!

With the last words, Lu Li appeared strangely in front of the newly freed Berserker.

System: The chiseling skill is 93% completed, and the target is paralyzed for 1.3 seconds.

In fact, after two versions, the skill description of Gouge will become - gouge the enemy target's eyes, paralyzing them for 1 second. Must be activated when the target is facing you. Any damage causes the target to wake up immediately.

The current skill description is to simply attack the target's head head-on. As for where to attack, everyone has their own methods. Although there are some who attack the eyes, they are not the majority after all, especially female thieves. Very few female thieves know how to do it. Attack the enemy's eyes, because the current version will have a fleeting special effect of exploding the eyeballs.

The white and black splashed out all over, which would make normal people feel sick.

A game health organization also complained about several game effects in Dawn, one of which was Gouge. Although it was still far from the real performance, it had a certain impact after all, and later this special effect was directly cancelled. .

After all, the water elf is a girl, and she is the type who is well protected.

She subconsciously didn't choose a place like her eye socket to perform Chisel Strike, but now that she saw Lu Li casually hitting more than 90% of the skill's effect, her heart started to move.

After all, she is not a weak woman!

The skills are almost cooled down. Let's try it. Hey, buddy, why are you not moving? Lu Li's last sentence was on the arena channel, and everyone in the arena could hear it.

What are you doing? The Berserker lowered his hands and remained motionless. The effect of his previous control had disappeared.

The priest also came over. She was almost bored to death. These two thieves were simply crazy. They either used control skills with very low damage or just whispered there.

Study the skills. Why don't you fight? Lu Li was disappointed.

I can't beat you. I originally thought I was pretty good. This is my wife. She was impressed by my gaming style. She is someone who can use games to pick up girls. But when she came to your place, she was completely suppressed and beaten. The soldier felt aggrieved.

What's so impressive? Don't talk nonsense. You are also a couple. Instead of going on a date to a place with beautiful scenery, you came to play in the arena. You are also drunk, the pastor said.

Uh... Lu Li opened his mouth, but changed the subject: Do you want to fight or not? I think you have good skills, soldier, so I will help you. I will waste at most ten minutes of your time.

Don't go too far. It's my husband who will poke your eyeballs to see if your girlfriend is distressed or not. The pastor said unforgivingly: Wait, why did you change the subject? Are you not a couple, but why don't you dare? What's the explanation? Are you cheating? One of you is a mistress. Who is the mistress? Have you ever thought that cuckolding someone who loves you is a very shameful behavior. Maybe one or both of you have it. The child is born, do you know how harmful this is to the child’s growth...

Lu Li and the water elf were sweating together and almost knelt down in front of the elder sister.

This idea is too exaggerated. If she continues to say this, he and the water elf will probably die directly.

He simply pulled off his mask, and Lu Li revealed his face, which was not very handsome, but at least it looked very comfortable. The first season of the Dawning League had just ended, and those who played in the arena were all PVP players. , it’s impossible not to recognize him.

Being able to force Lu Li to reveal his true colors, this eldest sister can be considered a talent.

You are... The pastor's eyes widened: You are Lu Li, my God, it's really you...

Lu Li nodded reservedly.

Then I heard the other party continue to shout: You actually seduced a married woman, how can you be worthy of March Rain, how can you be worthy of the water elf, how can you be worthy of Xiao Hachichan, how can you be worthy of Can Meng, how can you be worthy of Luo Luo Sakura recalls...Cats love to eat meat...

Wife, stop talking. Didn't you see that his eyes are already smoking? If we keep talking like this, we probably won't be able to leave Stormwind City in the future. The Berserker quickly covered his wife's mouth and made a big mistake. He said decisively before: Come on, let's continue, but you can't play tricks on me anymore. You have to do your best, otherwise I won't play with you.

The water elf smiled silently beside her, her willow eyebrows curved, and Lu Li could imagine her smiling face through the veil.

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