The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1328 Chiseling

A Lu Li can make people cry. What if it is a combination of Lu Li and a water elf?

The one chosen was the mage. Lu Li and the water elf had a tacit understanding and took turns controlling each other, and were on guard against being rescued by the sap knight. However, what surprised them was that even if the mage didn't resist, the paladin actually didn't say anything.

Now that everyone has a camp badge, no matter how useless they are, they can release themselves from the control once.

If he could hear the conversation between the Paladin and the Mage, he might immediately understand what happened.

Paladin: How are the skills of this pair of dogs? Can they fight?

Mage: They are very good at fighting, so let’s forget about it.

Paladin: Very skilled?

Mage: Not only is it high, the control is never interrupted. What’s even more outrageous is the attack. I feel like there are two BOSSs dealing with me.

Paladin: Do I still want to take action?

Master: No, I'll hang up now. It'll be your turn soon. Don't be afraid. Close your eyes and it will be over soon.

Lu Li and Water Elf were very depressed. These two guys looked exactly like wooden stakes. There was no difference between using chisel attack on these two guys and using it on wooden stakes. It would not have the desired effect at all.

Keep going, you can always meet someone reliable, Lu Li said.

Yes, yes, the water elf agreed.

In fact, each of them knows that this kind of thing is very unreliable. If they really want to practice chiseling, they can recruit a group of PVP players from their respective guilds to practice sparring. Even if they are not as good as star players, at least they are better than this kind of players. Arena from scratch is better.

We knew it, but no one mentioned it because of some strange combination of circumstances.

They enjoy the current situation very much. The two of them run a small 2V2 team together. No one knows what they are doing. They can temporarily forget everything, including Weiyu Pavilion, Sword of Judgment, and anything related.

I hope the next one will be more durable and try the poison I made myself. Lu Li wiped his dagger and traded the water elf for a few packs of the poison he made. The properties are not necessarily that good, but it has never been seen on the market before. thing.

The effect... is this your own creation? The water elf just wanted to despise the effect of the poison, but was shocked by the unfamiliar name.

My mentor has modified my alchemy. Now I can only make poisons, and I can't make them according to the formula. These are new poisons I have researched, and they are relatively low-level. If the level is higher in the future, there will be better ones. Poison, Lu Li had no intention of keeping it a secret, but had the urge to express it.

He did not know that he was behaving like a peacock.

Every spring is the breeding season of peacocks, especially from March to May. The male peacock unfolds its colorful tail screen and performs various graceful dance movements to show off to the female peacock. Its beauty attracts peacocks. After it has successfully courted a mate, it will lay eggs and raise chicks together with the female peacock.

If someone told Lu Li now, Lu Li would definitely kill that person.

After playing four games, all the teams we met were mixed teams. This situation was normal. After all, Lu Li and the water elves started from scratch, and normal teams would rise up after just playing for a few days.

It wasn't until the fifth game that I met a decent opponent.

Perhaps this is a new creation called Bo'er Team. The members are Priest Ben Bo'er Ba and Berserker Ba Bo Er Ben. The priest is female and the warrior is male. Judging from the names, they obviously belong to people they knew before entering the game. There is a deep ambiguity, which is similar to Lu Li's water elf dog-male combination.

This time the map is Dalaran Arena.

The Dalaran Arena is located in the sewers beneath the city of Dalaran - as the entire city of Dalaran was teleported to Northrend, a large chunk of land was also brought to Northrend. Under the glorious city of mage, an underground black boxing alliance has also been established. Countless warriors are engaged in brutal gladiatorial matches in the underground of Dalaran under the temptation of money.

It is still early in the game to open Alara, but it has been reflected many times in the background story.

The arena is similar to a dungeon, and it is not surprising to see it appear at this stage. The features of the Dalaran sewers include a stunning waterfall and a raised central platform.

A group of men and women from Team Bo'er were obviously veterans of the arena. After they came out of the preparation room, they immediately rushed onto the platform to occupy a favorable position.

Lu Li and the water elf looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Not to mention the slow leveling up of the team due to the constant abuse of newbies, the key point is that there is no interest in it at all, let alone finding opportunities to practice chiseling. There is no need to mention it.

If they inspire, their opponents will inevitably be disappointed.

From the perspective of professional combinations, the two-thief lineup of Lu Li and Water Elf is actually terrible. Even the Chopper Team is mostly a combination of combat cavalry. They are not lacking in explosive power and have first-class life-saving capabilities. The plate armor profession is in 2V2. It's not easy to die in the arena, but once a thief is controlled, death is basically not far away from a big whirlwind.

Berserker is the darling of the arena, whether it is 2V2 or 5V5.

If you want to kill the berserker, you can only kill him. In order to make up for this shortcoming, the berserker will usually form a team with a paladin, priest, or druid who can heal. The current healing shaman is not suitable for the arena. , almost no one is willing to take them to play.

The Bo'er team fought against the Mu, and of course they looked down on the combination of the two thieves.

Hey, he controlled the priest, hit the sap, and turned around to pounce on the berserker. Ba Bolben was shocked. To his surprise, the two thieves were not mixed.

Ba Bolben just released his control, but was suddenly doused with water.

This is related to Lu Li's water elves. Every once in a while, a waterfall will pour down from the iron grating on the ceiling in the Dalaran sewers, blocking the view and preventing players from crossing the rapid water. This design increases the changes in sight elements during battle, enriching the strategic use of the arena. If the player is directly under the water when the waterfall appears, they will be pushed back by the water.

The warrior was repelled by the water flow and was naturally released from control.

He cheered up and was about to run over to join his priest sister, but was controlled by another thief. Then he remembered that there were two thieves and had a bad feeling in his heart. This map is a bit high for healing. ah.

However, when he lifted the sap and turned around, he saw that his priest sister, Ben Bo'er Ba, had already appeared in his field of vision.

Another thief didn't control the treatment?

The Shabi rookie is a rookie. At this time, as long as you have some brains, you have to control the treatment, and then the thieves here can safely consume their own blood. When the priest's removal method is gone, the two thieves fight against each other, even if they win Even if you can't win, you can still lose a little better.

Ba Bolben thought so proudly.

Lu Li casually gave the berserker a slowdown, and then nodded to the water elf. He did not take advantage of his stealth to launch a sneak attack on the warrior.

Sneak attack is a very thorough control skill. After being attacked by a sneak attack, the berserker will lose all reaction capabilities - it is no different from a wooden stake, so a slowdown is enough.

The water elf twisted her slender waist and turned her whole body in front of the warrior.

The skill of chiseling is very demanding on your positioning. You need to face the target head-on, and you need to be fast, accurate, and ruthless...

The water elf successfully hit the target, with a completion rate of only over 70%. The stun time was not as long as one second in smart mode. Lu Li conservatively estimated that it would only last 0.7 seconds.

At this level, learning strengthening skills is a complete waste of skill books.

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