Ge Yueyun heard the other party's voice and said very happily: "Hongyan, you are also in Xuanxian County, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

The other side of the phone replied with a grin: "Yes, not only me, but also Xiao Feng, they are also here, tonight's party Chai Yingjun's gang will also come, we rarely get together so many people, you are a former study committee, but you must be there!"

Ge Yueyun thought for a while and said, "I'll discuss with someone, you send me the address first!" The

person on the other side of the phone instantly laughed strangely and teased: "Oh? Who to discuss? It wouldn't be a boyfriend, would it? If you have a family member, bring it with you! Chai Yingjun, their gang all chanted back, wondering who could take away you, a big colonel and a big beauty!

Ge Yueyun was a little embarrassed, changed the topic and chatted a few more times, and then hung up the phone.

Jiang Hui was very perceptive, seeing that Ge Yueyun seemed to have something, and her task was completed, so she didn't stay long, exchanged contact information with Liu Huimin and took the initiative to leave.

Liu Huimin was also anxious to deal with the rest of the things here, and said to Chen Yao and left.

When only Ge Yueyun and Chen Yao were left in the box, Ge Yueyun finally plucked up the courage to speak: "Chen Yao, there is a junior high school reunion in the evening, and many people will go, they invited me to go, do you want to go together?"

Chen Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "I haven't been in contact with them for a long time, and there's nothing to talk about when I go."

Ge Yueyun turned his head and glanced at the door, saw that the box door was closed tightly, stood on tiptoe, and hooked his hands around Chen Yao's neck, releasing all the enthusiasm accumulated during this time.

At home, because he lives with Liu Huimin, it is inconvenient to stick together at any time, and there are various things to be busy outside, but Ge Yueyun is suffocated.

She originally thought that this trip with Chen Yao was equivalent to a small trip, maybe it could further develop the relationship, but unfortunately there was no chance, so it was good to be able to kiss now.

Chen Yao hugged Ge Yueyun's waist, because he wanted to see the elders today, Ge Yueyun was dressed very conservatively, and his long skirt covered his figure tightly, but as soon as Chen Yao touched it, he knew that there was something wrong inside.

The two separated briefly, each adjusting their breathing.

Chen Yao smiled softly and said, "Put on the little lace I bought for you?"

Ge Yueyun's face flew with two clouds of redness, unable to tell whether she was shy or breathless and tired, she leaned into Chen Yao's arms and nodded gently: "Chen Yao, you accompany me to a class reunion, I just haven't met with Tan Hongyan for a long time, I want to talk to them, we were still diehards in junior high school, and then because of an accident at home, I never contacted them again..."

After that, she began to show the results of her finger dance practice.

Ge Yueyun's hand is worthy of being accustomed to holding a scalpel, and every movement is very stable, unhurried, and very in place.

Her expression was also very serious, as if she was controlling an operation worth tens of millions.

In this way, she is completely different from the gentle and virtuous she usually is, full of intellectual beauty.

Chen Yao glanced down and said with a smile: "It may be more tiring than you have an operation, you have to be prepared."

Ge Yueyun directly stood on tiptoe, blocked Chen Yao's words with his lips, and tried his best to show his sincerity.

I don't know how long it took, just when Ge Yueyun felt that his hands were about to go numb, there was a little movement outside the box, and it seemed that the waiter came over and muttered outside: "Are the guests inside finished?" I remember that there seemed to be two people inside, but there was no movement, and I didn't know if I should go in and clean up..." Ge

Yueyun instantly became nervous, her neck was red, and she wanted to retreat, but Chen Yao directly pressed her hand to prevent her from leaving, and then casually took a chopstick and threw it towards the gate.

With a bang, the waiter outside suddenly stopped after hearing it, and whispered: "It turns out that there are still people, then forget it..." After

I don't know how long it took, Chen Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Yes, then I will accompany you to the class reunion, just remembered that I also had a dead party who played well in junior high school, and by the way to see how he is doing now."

Ge Yueyun was so tired that her hands trembled, and she leaned weakly into Chen Yao's arms, unable to speak.

She said curiously, "Chen Yao, if you change the way, wouldn't you be so tired?"

Chen Yao smiled and shook his head: "Tired, but cool."

Ge Yueyun was caught off guard by the wheel, thinking of such a scene, embarrassedly buried his head in Chen Yao's arms, and did not dare to come out.

The two warmed up for a while, and it was almost time to go to the class reunion.

At night, in one of the most famous local restaurants in Xuanxian County, the 18 boxes were almost full, and only two seats were empty.

Sitting in the upper seat was a beer-bellied man in a suit with oily heads, and he was talking loudly with another man sitting next to him with two flower arms tattooed.

"Sun Shaotao! I didn't expect your kid to do business so well now and open such a big KTV store! Didn't make less money, right? Say, at least a million profits a year, right?

"Oh, it's all hard money, or Brother Chai, there are connections at home, directly as a supplier, can travel around the country, cool crooked!"

"What a trip, I'm on a business trip! It's just a matter of observing the customs and people of various places between business trips, especially the care and love for girls who have lost their feet, haha!

"Haha! But I heard that Brother Chai is endlessly charming, and several women fought on the street for you, and they were almost on TV! The

two laughed to themselves, not paying attention to the others at all.

But the others were not angry at all, just had a few words in private meetings.

"Chai Yingjun used to be the squad leader, there is a relationship at home, he himself will come to things, now it is normal to mix well, I didn't expect that Sun Shaotao, who had been hanging the tail of the car in the class before, also mixed so well, and opened such a big KTV in Daxian next door!"

"Indeed, that KTV I also went to Daxian before, the flow of people is really a lot, and it is also opened in a very good area in the new district, just the rent, maybe tens of thousands a month!"

"Wasn't there a saying before? Those who say that their grades are poor will mix well in the future, because their brains are flexible and they know how to be flexible!

"Haha, this sentence makes a little sense, like that Xiang Xupeng, he and Chen Yao before are the most powerful in our class, right?" I don't know what Chen Yao is doing now, but that Xiang Xupeng, he didn't pass the graduate school exam, and he didn't want to transfer, saying that he was still preparing for World War II! A lot of age, what about World War II, just work and forget it, I really don't know how to be flexible at all! "

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