When Chu Shanshan whispered, her voice became even sweeter, as if she was gently scraping a feather over Chen Yao's ear.

Chen Yao looked sideways at Chu Shanshan, saw her staring at herself without blinking, and raised her eyebrows: "Yes, what's wrong?" Chu

Shanshan saw that Chen Yao gave the answer so bluntly, originally wanted to amuse Chen Yao, but after looking at Chen Yao for a while, she was embarrassed first.

She twisted for a while, and whispered: "It's normal, I'll just ask..." After

that, she leaned over with some resentment and muttered: "Then will you not remember to take me out to play after returning to the magic capital?" I'm really going to die of boredom!

Chen Yao smiled, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, smiling without speaking.

Chu Shanshan saw that he didn't answer, sighed softly, poked the back of his hand with his finger, and coquettishly said: "I'm not so annoying, maybe you come to play with me once, maybe you will think I'm good, and then like me?" Even if you don't like it at all, if you meet me on the road, you have to say hello to me, you can't pretend you don't know!

Chen Yao was amused by her childlike appearance, and nodded: "Okay, I met you when I came back to say hello."

Now Chu Shanshan was finally satisfied, and honestly stayed on the side to play with her mobile phone.

After coming out of the restaurant, Ge Yueyun held Chen Yao's hand and said, "Chen Yao, it just so happens that my aunt has nothing to do in the afternoon, do you want to invite Aunt Liu out for a tea together?" Let my aunt also persuade Aunt Liu? My aunt, who used to be in charge of mediation, solved many problems, and is a well-known mediator in the whole city, maybe she can persuade Aunt Liu to go to Daxian with us?

Chen Yao thought about it carefully, his mother's character he knew, he said that no matter how many benefits it was, only this kind of peer persuasion was somewhat useful, and just now he also saw Jiang Hui's power in speaking, if Jiang Hui came forward, maybe he could really persuade his mother.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, then make an appointment to go back to that tea house, I'll drive to pick up my mother, and you take them first." "

Twenty minutes later.

Liu Huimin got down from the car and couldn't help but confirm: "Yueyun, her uncle and aunt are really within the system?" That's really a family reader, no wonder Yueyun is so smart and sensible!

Chen Yao said with a smile: "Yes, but they also have a daughter themselves, and that daughter is more naughty."

Liu Huimin didn't mind, shook her head and said, "If they only have one daughter, it's normal to spoil a little, and I heard you say that she is not just a freshman?" That's just an adult, naughty is cute! The

two went upstairs, and when they entered the box, Jiang Hui directly greeted her, took Liu Huimin's hand and brought her to the upper seat, and said with a smile: "Sister Huimin, you said that it is not a coincidence, I also have a Hui in my name, just call me Xiaohui!"

She was so gentle and amiable, and pointed out that the two people had the same word in their names, Liu Huimin relaxed a lot, smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I will call you Xiaohui when I am older!"

"Hello aunt, my name is Chu Shanshan, and I am the cousin of Sister Yueyun."

Chu Shanshan sat on the side and obediently saluted.

Liu Huimin heard the voice, glanced at Chu Shanshan, saw that she was generous, and looked very delicate when pouring tea, and couldn't help but glance at Chen Yao, as if to say, "This is what you said is naughty?"

Chen Yao also noticed the greatly changed Chu Shanshan, and looked at Ge Yueyun helplessly: "It seems that what you said is true."

Ge Yueyun covered her mouth and smiled: "It's also quite interesting to see the two faces of this girl."

Chen Yao nodded and agreed, "It's really interesting. "

Speaking of which, Ge Yueyun is also a cold female doctor in front of people, but she is very active and enthusiastic about him behind people, and she can be regarded as having two faces, isn't it really a family that does not enter a house?

It's just that Chu Shanshan may have one more face, solemn and virtuous in front of unfamiliar elders, introverted in front of unfamiliar peers, and naughty and lively in front of familiar people.

I don't know if I can see her other faces when I am more familiar in the back.

When the three young people were chatting, Jiang Hui also pulled Liu Huimin to persuade.

She did not directly persuade Liu Huimin to go to Daxian County, but said: "Sister Huimin, I envy you now, Chen Yao is so capable and smart, he is completely able to be alone, you just wait to hold your grandson and enjoy the blessing!" Although my family is in her freshman year, she is still childish, and I don't know when she will grow up!

When Liu Huimin heard this, he felt very empathy, but he couldn't help sighing: "It is said that he is holding his grandson to enjoy happiness, but this child is now dedicated to his career, and he doesn't know when he can hold his grandson..." Jiang

Hui's eyes turned, leaned to Liu Huimin's side, and said in a low voice: "Young people now, it is popular to 'get on the bus first and then make up the ticket', as long as there are feelings, it doesn't matter if you take that piece of paper!" If I want to say ah, our family Yueyun has identified your family Chen Yao, you want to hold your grandson, that is not a matter of minutes?

Liu Huimin was a little surprised, she didn't expect Jiang Hui's mind to be so open, but after careful consideration, it was indeed like this.

Jiang Hui struck while the iron was hot, and immediately asked, "Sister, how do you look at our family Yueyun?" Is it qualified to give birth to Chen Yao?

She asked about giving birth, not getting married, Liu Huimin didn't have any worries, and nodded directly: "Of course that's enough, Yueyun is a good girl, virtuous and sensible, Chen Yao's side I don't know, but I like it anyway!"

Jiang Hui slapped his thigh and said decisively: "That'll do!" Sister, you give Yueyun a chance, and now live with her in Daxian County, so that when Chen Yao wants to come back to see you, he has to live in Yueyun's place, and won't your wish to hold your grandson come true after more times? Our family Yueyun's body is small, and then adjust for a month, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Liu Huimin didn't expect this angle, but she knew that Chen Yao had always been filial, and she would definitely come back to see her every third and fifth, if she continued to stay in Xuan County, Chen Yao would rarely come back, and she might not have time to turn to Daxian to see Ge Yueyun again, but if she went to Daxian, Chen Yao would be able to see Ge Yueyun by the way when he came back to see her.

Thinking about it this way, in order to hold her grandson, she also had to move to live in Daxian County.

Jiang Hui smiled, poured Liu Huimin a cup of tea, and added strength: "I heard that Chen Yao wants to do business in Daxian, but doesn't he have to go back to the magic capital to go to school?" This business, you still have to have a family to help watch, see if anyone is cheating and slippery, good food and lazy to do it to rest assured, sister, you are so young, just work harder, help Chen Yao! When

Liu Huimin heard Jiang Hui say this, she suddenly became cheerful.

Before she thought about continuing to earn this money here, she could subsidize Chen Yao, so as not to delay Chen Yao in the past, but listening to Jiang Hui's words, she didn't interfere in the past and helped see if those people below did a good job, so that Chen Yao could also study in the magic capital with peace of mind.

Liu Huimin immediately figured it out, nodded and smiled: "Or Xiaohui, you are right, then when I am busy with things here, I will follow over and give these two young people some more residual heat!"

Ge Yueyun saw that her aunt really moved Liu Huimin, and she was very happy in her heart, and was about to say something, when she suddenly heard the mobile phone ringing, and subconsciously walked to the side and picked up: "Hello?

An excited female voice sounded over there: "Yueyun! I heard that you returned to Xuan County? Where is it now? We have a class reunion in the evening, you must come! If you don't come, we'll go to the station and block you go! "

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