The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 297: Learning method

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The speed of "reading" shown by Fang Qinyi, Mr. Shi, believed that the city could not match him.

In fact, in this world, there are a lot of strangers who have the ability to remember, such as Makita, which is one of them. However, whether it is Makita or the general manager, it is presumed that Qin Yi is like a leapfrog, and the gap between them huge.

Next, Mr. Shi patiently explained to Qin Yi some basic theories of formation and some of the most common formation methods.

Qin Yi suddenly felt cheerful and benefited greatly. The field of formation was more complex and profound than alchemy and vast.

The array method is divided into two categories, one is the spiritual array, and the other is the magic array.

The spirit array is the basis of the formation, and the formation is sublimated on the basis of the formation, and the current general manager is actually only a spirit formation division, far from the field of formation.

A spirit array master, in the magical traces, has an extremely lofty status, which shows how transcendent there is in the realm of the array.

In fact, whether it is a spiritual array or a magic array, Qin Yi has been involved before again. The former young genius summit in Phoenix, the chief disciple of Xian Shizong, drifted away. The sword array that was exhibited at the time was the spiritual array. That is to say, the sword technique was integrated into the spirit array.

At that time, Qin Yi's combat power showed by Jian Piao Ling was vivid in his eyes, and he only slightly outperformed him.

Regarding the magic circle, Qin Yi used to be in the Star House, chasing the mysterious cloak man to the moon **** kingdom. The snow mountains, cherry blossoms, and Huangquan Road encountered should be the magic circle. Several great gods, the small world left behind, but the principle should be similar to the magic circle.

The third level of the copper beast picture of the entry assessment is the most basic principle of the magic circle.

Before Qin Yi said goodbye, Chief Shi said obviously with a tempting smile: "Qin Yi, if you are within ten days, you can comprehend the books I just gave you Ten days of cultivation in the Array. Ten days of cultivation in the Spirit Array, the time is the same as thirty days of cultivation in the outside world ... "

Obviously, the general manager Shi is still fighting with the general manager Ye, trying to fight Qin Yi over.

Cultivating in the Lingling Formation is three times faster than practicing outside.

Qin Yi's heart beat, quite moved.

Regarding the "Juling Array", at the Foreign Affairs Hall that day, the Chief Executive Shi also mentioned it as a way to seduce Qin Yi.

Gathering Array, located in a blessing and wonderland of Zongmen, is fascinating, and some rare birds and beasts appear there. later. The Zongmen array method is a master of several figures, and together they laid out a strange magic array, which can gather heaven and earth aura. And how is the spirit of heaven and earth the root of the practitioner.

This strange array has continued for thousands of years in the Zongmen, and has always been under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Track Hall.

"Okay, then I would like to thank Mr. Shi. We are all set."

Qin Yi secretly hid.

For such a strange array that can promote cultivation, he can't ask for it.

Say goodbye to the general manager and return to the pavilion.

In Qin Yi's mind, the contents of the four books "Talking about the Formation Method", "Common Knowledge of the Formation Method", "How to Layout the Formation Method", and "In-depth Analysis of the Formation Method" appeared, and then quickly analyzed.

The two books "Introduction to Array Method" and "Common Sense in Array Method" basically don't need much time to analyze and comprehend, just by memorizing it, you can get a general understanding of it.

Qin Yi used only two hours to digest these two books.

Next, there is the third book "How to Layout the Array". The difficulty of this book is actually extremely great. This has already involved the method of arranging the array.

Qin Yi learned that some simple formation methods rely mainly on space, that is, on the surrounding geographical environment, scenery, etc., to create a psychedelic environment.

Some advanced methods of array formation must rely on some space-time patterns to be arranged.

The snow mountains, cherry blossom fields, and Huangquan Road encountered on that day should be related to the time-space pattern.

In the old days, the sword array with scattered swords should also be composed of some simple patterns of time and space.

"If you are an ordinary person and you don't have ten years, you are afraid that it is difficult to truly master these four books. Even some geniuses of formation methods, if you want to master these four books, you will not be able to master these four books. "

Qin Yi felt the difficulty of these four books.

That is to say, Shi Shiguan gave these four books to Qin Yi, in fact, it was a kind of trouble.

However, Qin Yi did not care about this, and continued to study the fourth book "In-depth Analysis of the Formation Method".

The content of this book is extremely profound, and it is a detailed explanation about the time and space lines. Even though Qin Yi's analysis and comprehension abilities are far superior to ordinary people, he still sees them in the clouds and fog. For two days, he only had a general understanding of this book.

"If I can master this book completely, perhaps, I can arrange a simple spiritual array, or even a magic array."

Qin Yi was slightly happy. He even had a terrible spirit array or magic array. A simple spirit array can let his combat power soar.

"If I can arrange the Spirit Array now, then with my current combat power, I should be able to defeat the cultivator who is at the peak of Zongdao."

Thinking of this, Qin Yi's face was full of fanaticism: "This time, I really should thank Mr. Shi for giving me such a shortcut to the strong."

Without hesitation, Qin Yi immediately began to learn to lay out the lines according to the description in "Analysis of the Formation Method".

The texture is actually a prototype of the law of time and space. At the current height of Qin Yi, it is difficult to imagine these things.

After half a day, Qin Yi was sweating and tried hundreds of times, but none succeeded.

"The texture is an extremely esoteric thing. To arrange the spiritual array with the texture, it must be done slowly."

Finally, Qin Yi had to give up temporarily.

Anyway, the contents of the two books "How to Layout the Formation" and "In-depth Analysis of the Formation" have been copied into his mind and can be studied slowly in the future.

Once he can arrange the spiritual array, he believes that he will be able to scorn the disciples of the entire sect.

Today, only three days have passed, and there are still two full days before the five-day deadline for the Chief Executive, but Qin Yi has already mastered the contents of the four books that have been explained by the Chief Executive, and even has some profound insights. There is also a certain understanding of the problem.

"Gather together, I'll fix it!"

Qin Yi smiled lightly and was quite satisfied with the speed of his knowledge.

Recalling that the speed of practicing in the Lingling Formation is three times that of the outside world, Qin Yi is looking forward to it.

"Tuk Tuk ..."

The next day, Qin Yi just got up, and outside the pavilion, there was a knock on the door.


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