The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 296: Cheated so hard

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Apart from the excitement, Qin Yi also had a trace of doubt. Zonghe started all his past encounters. His intuition told him that Longyan may not be the descendant of the emperor of the great dragon, Xiangu trip, he did not hear There is a junior in that Ge Tianlong.

Moreover, after the great destruction of mankind, even if there are juniors, they will be wiped out.

"Regarding the fact that Longyan is the ancestor of the Great Dragon Emperor, we must be absolutely confidential, and we ca n’t disclose any wind, otherwise, I do n’t know what kind of storm will be set in the sect. At that time, I am afraid that my old bones, You ca n’t protect Long Yan, do you know? "

Elder Jiang quickly calmed down and said to everyone that he did not want to have other elders who came to fight for their own disciples regardless of everything.


Qin Yi and others answered in unison.

The matter was settled in this way. Yang Shiqi and Long Yan became elder disciples of Elder Jiang, and everything with Xi Xuan'er followed Xi Elder Jiang's martial arts.

"God, all this is like dreaming."

Xi Xuan'er shouted.

Before the scene, she was very disdainful about the potential of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan. Who knows, in the blink of an eye, two of the three have become her brothers and sisters, and they are really potential, they are quite abnormal , Especially Long Yan, was actually the "poster" of the emperor.

"Huh, these three guys, I was so hard to cheat, I was so angry!"

Xi Xuan'er Qiong sniffed, and his heart was indignant.

Yang Shiqi and Long Yan were settled, and Qin Yichang breathed out his breath, as if his heart were implemented in stone. Elder Jiang is the third elder of Zongmen. His status is much higher than that of the immortal worshipers. If he wants to suppress them again, he must weigh one or two.

Yang Shiqi and Long Yan stayed in the pavilion of Elder Jiang, and Qin Yi left alone.

Returning to his old pavilion, Qin Yi was still immersed in the phenomenon of the vision of Longyan's eyes. This incident brought him greater shock than anyone, because he was familiar with the distant fairy In the ancient epoch, the world-famous dragon.

"In the eyes of Long Yan, the scene of the fall of the Supreme Dragon Emperor appears. What does this imply? Is the Emperor Great Dragon going to return?"

Qin Yi frowned.

In the end, he couldn't think of a reason, just to make sure that the reincarnation had really started, and the second devastation was coming soon.

"The heavens and the world, every endless years, there will be a reincarnation? The gods are in reincarnation, life and death, life and death, is this true?"

Qin Yi muttered to himself.

At one moment, a word echoed in his ear:

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, cosmic flood, everlasting, but I sing alone. Taiko Hengyu, condensing Xuanhuang, proud of Honghuang ..."

Every time when he got the moves of "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon", Qin Yi's ears would sound the majestic words, his voice was ancient and then huge.

"Is there a hint in this sentence?"

These questions are too esoteric and too vast. Now Qin Yi cannot get an accurate answer. Everything can only be inferred.

"Unexpectedly, that world dragon, in the end, fell like this ..."

Qin Yi's heart inevitably breeds a sense of grief in the images of the fall of the supreme dragon Emperor in Long Yan's eyes. Regardless of how you cultivate to become a heaven, in the end, you have to fall and become a pile of loess, desolate.

"In any case, I will collect the five major element seeds, re-condensate the Kyushu magic sword, and let the gods of Xiangu return."

Clenched his fists, and Qin Yi's eyes shot rock-solid and determined.

Shaking his head, he shook his head full of chaotic thoughts, and Qin Yi began to practice hard.

He put the "Fight of King Fighter", "Vajra Heart Sutra", "Kuafu Father Step", "Fate of Return to Life", "Three Types of Bullying", "Da Luo Tian Shou", "Lingfeng Palm" and "Seven Forms of Devil" One, two or two, these martial arts are all transferred out and practiced in turn, and some are obtained.

Early the next morning, Qin Yi got up, and according to the original agreement, today is the day to go to the Sky Rail Hall and learn the formation with the Shi Manager.

After exiting the pavilion, Qin Yi walked towards the Sky Rail Hall.

When he first entered Zongmen, Qin Yi was familiar with all the institutions in Zongmen and knew their specific locations.

Yi Yixiang's time, Qin Yi appeared in the main hall of Tian track hall, and once again saw the long-lost Chief Executive.

"Younger Qin Yi, have seen the director Shi."

Qin Yi didn't dare to neglect, and stepped forward to salute with respect.

Regardless of the General Manager Ye or the General Manager in front of him, among the Sects, they all have a lofty status and are second only to the eight elders.

Yes, talents are different, but they are not arrogant and polite.

The chief executive officer nodded in satisfaction.

Qin Yi madly challenged Feng Wen, Beimen Guang, and Xin Tang on the same day. He also went to watch it. The powerful fighting force Qin Yi showed shocked him.

"Qin Yi, here are a few books," Talking about Formation Techniques "," Common Knowledge of Formation Techniques "," How to Layout Formation Techniques "," In-depth Analysis of Formation Techniques "and so on. Write them down now."

General Manager Shi smiled lightly and handed four books on formation to Qin Yi.

"Write down these books now?"

Qin Yi stunned slightly.

However, for him, the incident could not have been easier.


Immediately, Qin Yi secretly urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state, and then began to quickly flip through.

"Wow wow ..."

Qin Yi flipped through the sounds of the books and copied the contents of each page directly into his mind.

The head of the administration, amazed, is reading this?

Less than half an hour later, Qin Yi breathed out a breath and returned those books to Shi Shiguan: "I have already all the contents of them, and Xie Shi, let me know a wonderful formation. world."

It is said that Qin Yi is not only powerful, but also has a unique ability, that is, incredible reading speed and memory.

"Sure enough, there is incredible memory."

Manager Ye sighed with unpredictable appearance.


How can Governor Ye know that he has this ability?

Qin Yi wondered.

Mr. Ye smiled: "With regard to your super memory, the old man discovered it in the third level of the entrance examination," Bronze Beast Pass. "The changes in the picture of the bronze beast are so complicated. If you do n’t have great memory, how can you remember it in such a short time? "

Qin Yi was clear and admired Shi Shi in secret.

"It's no surprise that you are not alone and have the ability to remember."

Chief Executive Shi smiled indifferently.


Qin Yi was stunned and looked at Shi Shiguan unexpectedly: "Do you also have super memory, Senior?"


Shi Shiguan nodded, and said slightly bitterly, "Old man, I do have talents in this respect. In general, I can read all of them in one or two readings, but compared with what you think, old man It's still too different. "


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