The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 257: Meet Makita again

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Just holding the sword, it is to wake up the soul of the sword smelted in the body of the sword. This is definitely an anecdote. Even the legendary Emperor Daoist might not be able to do this.

But in any case, this is quite a gratifying thing. Yang Shiqi has a sword in his hand, and the combat power will instantly rise to a grade, which is faster than any cultivation.

After purchasing the Dulong Remnant Soul Sword, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi did not delay any longer, turned away, and walked towards another medicine workshop.

Looking at the figure of the two leaving, the shopkeeper behind him and his face still have a terrible color that cannot be restrained.


He seemed to think of something, and turned into a dark room.

On one of the walls of that room, there was a painting hanging on it. Obviously, the painting had been there for many years, and the picture was very vague, with a sense of vicissitudes of time.

But in spite of this, it is still faintly visible. The painting is a woman of extraordinary style.

"Jiansheng's face can't be seen clearly, but this figure is quite similar to Fang Cai's girl ..."

Looking at the woman in the painting, the body of the shopkeeper shivered slightly.

His family has forged weapons for generations, and the woman in this painting is a legendary swordsman, mastering the true meaning of swordsmanship, and a random sword is the interpretation of the true meaning of the sword.

The painting in front of me, the shopkeeper family, has been passed down for many generations. Basically, every time a sword is forged, the sword master will come to this painting with a sword and pay tribute to the woman on the painting.

"The sword saint on the painting obviously doesn't know how many years ago, but Fang Cai bought the sword, but it was a girl ..."

Suddenly, the shopkeeper was also confused: "Isn't that ... that girl who is just a talent, is a descendant of this sword saint?"

How could Yang Shiqi's figure be like a sword sage before an endless time? She is the sword saint before the endless years? Or really, as the shopkeeper conjectures, she is the junior of Juggernaut? Or is it just a coincidence?

Today, no one can figure this out.

But the shopkeeper did not think that this was just a coincidence. Yang Shiqi held the Dulong Remnant Soul Sword in his hand, and was able to wake up the Green Dragon Remnant Soul smelted in the sword body. Between the former Juggernauts, there is some unknown connection.

After Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi left the weapon shop, they entered a medicinal herbs workshop, preparing to buy some medicinal herbs to assist in cultivation.

Nowadays, Qi Ping has such a strong enemy, and Qin Yi cannot be taken carelessly.

With his current combat strength, Qin Yi speculated that he was afraid that he would be equally divided.

But behind Qi Ping, there is a group of more powerful foreign disciples.

Like all pharmacies, this herbal medicine workshop also displays a variety of medicinal materials, Ganoderma lucidum, blood ginseng, blue field jade, Zhiyuancao ...

In terms of vintage, it is one grade higher than the pharmacy in Star County. Here, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi actually saw 10,000 vintage herbs.

"I really don't know where they got the 10,000-year-old medicinal herbs."

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi both secretly smacked their lips.

However, the price is also unbearably expensive, 10,000 years of Ganoderma, one Kyushu Lingyuan stone!

This price made Qin Yi feel a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

At present, there are already three Kyushu Lingyuan stones in Qin Yi's arms. Even if they are all taken out for purchase, they will be able to buy three Ganoderma lucidum of 10,000 years old.

After a little contemplation, Qin Yi decided to buy two bags of a cultivation powder called "Wuzhi Baihuafen". This powder is golden in color, and the effect is to consolidate a person's physical defense.

Yang Shiqi has been lacking in the system defense, and it just happens to be useful.

Qin Yi's physique defense is quite good, but he is not satisfied. There are many masters in the magic trail. Before the combat power can reach the general masters, physique defense becomes very important.

Because of good physical defense, fight!

The price of "Wuzhi Baihuafen" is not expensive, and only needs 330,000 silver bags.

"The shopkeeper, buy four Ganoderma lucidum 10,000 years old."

Just as Qin Yi was about to trade, a lazy voice suddenly came from one side.

Four Ganoderma lucidum of 10,000 years old!

Really rich!

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi both breathed slightly.

The four 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, four full Kyushu Lingyuan stones, and the disciples of the magic traces are lavish.

Looking at this voice, the eyes of Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi slowly looked away, and the two of them suddenly froze.

The other party turned out to be ... He Gong!

Huo Ran stood there beside Mu Gong.

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi were only a little surprised, but they no longer paid attention to them, and they would meet here in the magic trail, and it would be normal.

"The shopkeeper, take two bags of" Five Cheeses and Pollens "."

Qin Yi withdrew 60,000 or two silver tickets and traded with the shopkeeper.

After handing over the two bags of "Wuzhi Hundred Pollen" from the shopkeeper, Qin Yi and the two were about to leave.


A lazy voice came suddenly from behind.

Qin Yi and two of them stood still and turned slowly. Qin Yi looked at He Gong and Makita indifferently.

Seeing Qin Yi, the corner of Makita's mouth, a clear light stroke, it is clear that in the former Star House, Qin Yi's shame on him, he has always hated him.

Qin Yi secretly urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state, peeping into the cultivation behavior of Makita.

"Sure enough, it has entered the realm of Zongdao, the early stage of Zongdao."

Everything is the same as what Qin Yi had expected. After entering the magic trail, under the guidance of the "worshiping fairy" real person, Makita's cultivation practice is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Worshiping immortals, as the new elders of the magic trails, naturally has considerable financial resources. In addition to personally instructing Makita to practice, he will also satisfy the latter as far as possible in terms of medicinal herbs.

At this moment, they can see this by purchasing four 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in one breath.

"Huh, it turns out that you two guys."

He Gong smiled lazily, and his handsome face had a disdainful look: "For so long, the two of you actually broke from the early Xuan Dao 8 realm to the middle Xuan Dao 8 realm. Ring the potential and break through 'fast enough'. "

He Gong's words were extremely harsh.

The Makita around him is still the color of a wooden face, but in that eye, there is a faint disdain.

"Our breakthrough is not fast enough, this is not important, the important thing is that as long as I can suppress someone, it is enough."

Qin Yi said lightly that he had a powerful counterattack. The "someone" in his mouth naturally referred to Makita.

Makita was stunned, and the disdain in his original eyes instantly turned into a trace of anger, but he was still unsmiling.


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