The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 256: The Mystery of Yang Shiqi

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Qin Yi now they are quite far away from the real artifact.

Various swords are placed on the shelf for customers to choose.

Bi Ling Sword: A top-grade sword with a weak sword spirit. Price: one hundred thousand two silver.

Seven-Star Sword: A medium-grade sword. The sword contains seven solar awns. Price: 70,000 two silver.

Dulong Remnant Soul Sword: The top grade ordinary sword, which contains Dulong Remnant Soul. Price: 200,000 two silver.

Purple Electric Ningshuang Sword: A medium-grade sword. The sword contains seven purple electric stones and one Ningshuang stone. The price is 80,000 silver.

Qingyun Sword: The top grade ordinary sword, which contains Qingyun tactics, price: 110,000 two silver.

Baihong Sword: A high-grade sword with a Baihong tactic in it. Price: 120,000 silver.

It can be fully seen that weapons that reach above the middle-class weapons have gems, remnants or sword tactics in their weapons, and the price is more than ten times more expensive than the lower-grade weapons.

"Swords inlaid with gemstones can usually cut iron like mud, but they have insufficient spirituality. Swords with sword spirits or residual souls have unlimited potential. It is generally the same as the inferior artefact. A sword with a sword skill can improve your own sword skills ... "

Looking at the various swords in the front, Qin Yi frowned, carefully selecting the long sword suitable for her for Yang Shiqi.

"Sister Yang, you have the resources of heavenly longitudinals, you have extraordinary insight, and wake up the remnant soul or sword spirit smelted in the sword. You should have no problem, just buy a remnant blood sword of the dragon, what do you think?"

Qin Yi's eyes fell on the sword with the remaining blood of Dulong.


Yang Shiqi nodded cleverly and always had absolute trust in Qin Yi's words.

"Sword of Dulong Remnant Soul, with a handle of two hundred thousand two silver."

The shopkeeper smiled and said, took down the Dulong residual soul sword and gave it to Yang Shiqi.

This is the site of Magic Trails. Anyone who comes in to buy weapons must be a disciple of Magic Trails, so the shopkeeper is relatively polite, unlike the shopkeepers in Phoenix and Star County, who are cold to customers .

Last time at the Star Pharmacy in Xingjun City, Qin Yi won a total of 7 Kyushu Lingyuan stones and 100,000 two silver tickets. One Kyushu Lingyuan stone was worth 200,000 two silver tickets.

Seven Kyushu Lingyuan stones, Qin Yi bought medicinal materials, have spent three.

Qin Yi gave one of the remaining four to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper smiled and took the Kyushu Lingyuan stone. His face was not surprised that Qin Yi was dealing with the Kyushu Lingyuan stone.

The magic trail is the core of the alliance of nations. Even the Kyushu Holy See, the highest power in mainland Kyushu, is not very far away.

Here, Kyushu Lingyuan Stone is already a common transaction currency, and silver tickets are relatively rare to see.

After all, silver tickets only belong to the Chinese Empire, and are not universal in other empires.

"Bum ..."

As soon as Yang Shiqi took over the Dulong residual blood sword, he could see the sword body, and he shivered for a while. The next moment, a shadow of a blue residual dragon appeared above the long sword.


The shadow of the cyan remnant dragon uttered a dragon roar, where it was churning.

"Shadow of Remnant Dragon ..."

Seeing this, the shopkeeper suddenly stunned his mouth, trembling all over, and the next moment, he was kneeling directly on the ground, paying homage to the shadow of the blue residual dragon.

this is……

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi, confused by the behavior of the shopkeeper, were stupefied there.

The shadow of the remnant dragon above the long sword is only half of the dragon body, and the other half has nowhere to go, but despite this, it is still more than ten feet long.

With the emergence of the shadow of the remnant dragon, the entire large weapon shop was instantly filled with the breath of an ancient dragon. Fortunately, there were no customers in the weapon shop at this moment, otherwise I really don't know how much sensation it will cause.

The shadow of the cyan remnant dragon rummaged for a while in the air, and then suddenly swooped into the Dulong remnant soul sword in Yang Shiqi's hand.


The shopkeeper breathed out a sigh of relief, lifted up from the ground, but his face was still full of shocking colors that could not be restrained.

"The shopkeeper, what's going on?"

Qin Yi puzzled.

Yang Shiqi beside him looked at the shopkeeper in doubt.

"The remnant soul of Dulong smelted in the sword awakened."

The shopkeeper looked at Yang Shiqi like a monster and said, "The old man has sold weapons for decades. Usually, there will be many disciples of magical traces. They come here to buy weapons that melt smelt souls. Their efforts are basically impossible to wake up the remnant soul smelted in the sword, but this girl did not do anything as soon as she took the Dulong remnant soul sword in her hand, then the green dragon smelted in the sword The remnant soul is awakened. "

"is it?"

Qin Yi was stunned when he heard these words from the shopkeeper.

Yang Shiqi carrying the Dulong remnant soul sword in his hand, and a pair of charming glazed eyes, blinked innocently.

The moment she held the Dulong residual soul sword, she actually had a slightly different feeling. It seemed to hold something extremely familiar.

Even for a moment, her spirit was a little trance, and a strange feeling rose in her heart. She seemed to hold her ... previous life!

In her mind, there is a picture like this, a woman with a graceful style, dancing sword there.

With the sword of the peerless woman, the endless mountains and rivers all collapsed.

Of course, whether it is the picture or the "holding the feeling of the previous life", it is a flash, and the speed is extremely fast.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of the blue residual dragon burst out of the sword body of the long sword.

"Sister Yang didn't do anything, just wake up the remnant soul of the blue dragon melting in the sword body?"

For a moment, Qin Yi was also quite surprised. He looked at Yang Shiqi inconceivably: "Even if the Master said that you are very suitable for using a sword, it is impossible to have such a terrible effect?"

"I do not know either……"

Yang Shiqi's face was blank, her eyes lightened, and she felt a little bit, carefully felt, and said: "I just feel, I am very familiar with this sword, I even feel that this sword is in my hand, my combat power It's an improvement. "


As soon as you grasp the sword in your hand, the combat power is instantly improved by one grade!

Qin Yi and the shopkeeper are shocked to add.

It's incredible, is the girl in front of him born for the sword?

"I think you are not very familiar with this sword. You are very familiar with any sword between heaven and earth. Master is indeed a torch, and he can see that the sword has such a great effect on you."

Qin Yi couldn't understand the reason, so he had to sigh gently, and he could be so psychic with the sword. I was afraid of the sword emperor in the ancient ages, but wasn't it?

This book is derived from reading


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