The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 247: Mysterious Grey Robe Old Man

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Although the old gray robe defeated, he was not irritated. Instead, he was quite relaxed. Of course, in the war with Qin Yi, he would suppress cultivation to the same level as Qin Yi. If he did not suppress cultivation, Qin Yi ’s The second form of "Seven Demon Forms", I'm afraid it will only hurt him.

Finally, the "Tongren Guan" top ten "Tongren" was completely exploded, but Qin Yi's heart, but did not have much waves, honor and disgrace.

"Young man, although you defeated me, but after you go out, it is best not to tell the truth about our battle."

The old gray robe has returned to normal.


What do you mean?

Qin Yi frowned.

"If you tell the truth of our battle, I am afraid that you will enter the magic trail and you will soon die from death."

The old man in gray robe continued.

Qin Yi's thoughts turned to electricity, and he soon realized what was going on. In the old days, the master of the magical miracles had been defeated in the hands of the old man in the gray robe. Shocked, it is very possible to kill himself in order to consolidate his status as the master of the magic trail.

If the Sect Master of the Magic Trail wants to kill himself, it will not be more difficult than pinching an ant.

On Qin Yi's spine, a chill came up.

"Thank you for reminding seniors that the juniors will keep this in mind."

In Qin Yi's heart, a slight respect for this 10th "Bronze Man" rose slowly.

"Okay, you go out." The old man in gray robe said lightly. In his eyes, there was a touch of appreciation for Qin Yi.

Immediately, he flicked his sleeve.

"Wait a minute. Senior, who are you?"

Qin Yi shouted.

But late, Qin Yi only felt a gust of wind, and then the space was violently twisted.


Qin Yi fell from the pavilion and fell to the ground.

"Huh, this young man was beaten down by the 10th largest bronze man and lost!"

Under the pavilion, everyone exclaimed.

Tian Xinghou's body swayed suddenly, and appeared beside Qin Yi. He picked up Qin Yi and realized that he was not a big deal, and then he was relieved.

After the Master of the Spirit Fox Hall was slightly lost, he smiled and said: "In the past, the tenth largest bronze man hit the Sect Master hard. The challenge of this young man failed, it is normal.

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, and did not speak. The admonition of the old gray robe rang in his ear.

Qin Yi is quite curious about the identity of the old gray robe, and even the master of the magic trails came to challenge him, and the challenge failed.

"Aren't ... the people of the Kyushu Holy See?"

At one moment, this thought flashed in Qin Yi's heart.

"No. 33 Qin Yi, defeated 9 bronzers and scored 9 points!"

Lord Linghu announced the result.

The whole field was extremely quiet, and there was only a heavy breathing sound. This result is undoubtedly the height that a person must look up to. Within a hundred years, no one can match.

"No matter how strong the fighting power is, if the potential is not good, I will soon be thrown away by 108,000 miles."

Feng Yu glanced at Qin Yi slightly, and did not mind Qin Yi's proud record in this pass.

Apart from him, some talented teenagers with amazing potentials did not take Qin Yitai seriously.

Qin Yi disagreed with this and did not care about it.

He secretly calculated that he scored 5 points in the first level and 9 points in the second level, for a total of 14 points.

Yang Shiqi and Long Yan also scored 14 points each.

Although the performance of the three of them in the first hurdle was unsatisfactory, the current total score ranks first among all talented teenagers. Even Feng Yu and Princess Taiping have only 12 points.

The assessment of "Tongrenguan" is still in progress. The challenges of the talented young people are basically between 2 and 3 bronzers. They can beat 4 of them, very few can beat 5 of them. Yes, until the end of this level of assessment, they did not reappear.

"The third pass assessment, 'Bronze Beast Pass'."

Lord Linghu said.

Copper Beast Pass?

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing the content of this assessment, what is it?

The assessments of the three levels are all related to "Bronze", "Bronze Bell Level", "Tongren Level" and "Bronze Level".

"The" Bronze Beast Pass "is no easier than the second pass" Tongren Pass ". The three of you must be mentally prepared."

Tian Xinghou reminded Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan of them.

Qin Yi and the three of them, a little bit in their hearts, Tianxing Hou will remind them that it is enough to explain the difficulty of "Tongrenguan", which is only bigger than "Tongrenguan". confidence.

Lord Linghu Tang led the crowd to leave the place and plundered somewhere.

After the hour of a cup of tea, everyone came to a building, the building was very simple and full of mysterious atmosphere.

"Is there a copper beast in this room, this third level of assessment, is to beat the copper beast?"

Many teenagers whispered in the face of the ancient house.

"I remind you three again that this third level" Bronze Beast Gate "is not easy to break through. I usually see the three of you. I have extraordinary insight into martial arts and I must go all out."

Tian Xinghou whispered again.

Qin Yi and the three of them nodded.

Qin Yi has a mysterious left hand and can enter an ethereal state. His understanding and insights of things are far beyond ordinary people. Yang Shiqi and Long Yan are neither ordinary people.

The assessment of the third level "Bronze Beast Passage" began. Every genius boy, when he entered the house, was very motivated, but when he came out, he was decadent and was obviously hit by a lot.

"This third hurdle is really not easy to break ..."

Qin Yi's heart burst out slightly.

Qin Yi finally got their three.

It was Long Yan who first entered the house. After a while, Long Yan came out and returned to Tian Xinghou.

"Long Yan, how is it?"

Tian Xinghou asked hurriedly.

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi also showed concern.

"Get 4 points."

Long Yan said, there was a touch of fluke on his face.

Tian Xinghou's face was relaxed, and he exhaled lightly: "This result is already very good. I think among the talented teenagers, they are already very advanced."

It's already very good to get 4 points. The difficulty of this third level "Bronze Beast Level" can be imagined.

Next, it was Yang Shiqi who broke through the stage. She scored 5 points in this level, 1 point more than Longyan. This result surprised Tianxing Hou: "Very good!"

"No. 33, Qin Yi!"

It was Qin Yi's turn to play, and Qin Yi calmed down and stepped into the mysterious house.

Qin Yi found a huge screen in the center of the house. The screen depicts copper beasts one by one, but what surprised Qin Yi was that the depicted copper beasts were moving and looked quite miraculous. .

On both sides of the screen, there is an old man, an old man in red robe, and an old man in gray robe.

The main commander of Linghu is standing on his side, nothing to do with him.


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