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Inside the hall.

"Boy, you're not bad. How many years have passed? I haven't seen anyone who can beat the nine bronze men in front of me. I want this old bone to play."

The old gray robe showed a touch of appreciation to Qin Yi, and then said: "I still remember that I played the last time and was the master of the fairy tales of war demon."

Qin Yi stood blankly in front of the old gray robe. His heart was very shocking. He couldn't even dream of it. The tenth largest bronze man turned out to be a large living person, and he also fought against the master of the magic trail.

"Then senior, what is the result of your battle with the Sect Master of the Immortal Trail?"

Qin Yi is very curious about this question.

He didn't know how strong the Sect Master of the Magic Traces was, but he could feel that the gray robe in front of him was unimaginably powerful.

"The Sect Master of Magic Trails is strong, but slightly worse than me."

The old gray robe said lightly.


In the past, even the Sect Master of the Magical Traces was defeated by the old man in gray robe.

At this moment, no adjective can describe Qin Yi's shock.

At the same time, he was bitter in heart, and even the master of the magical traces lost, how could he win?

"You don't need to be bluffed by the battle between me and the Sect Master of the Magic Trails in the past. You know, in the battle with you, I will suppress the cultivation base to the same level as you. In my opinion, you are better than the Magic Trails. Sovereign, slightly stronger. "

The old man in gray robe said lightly.

I am even stronger than the Sect Master of the Magic Trail!

Qin Yi stunned.

But he soon wanted to understand what the old gray robe meant. The old man in gray robe was referring to the fact that the master of the magical trail was slightly stronger than his own.

If it is based on the current level of the magic trail, even ten of them are definitely not his opponents!

Qin Yi is very clear that he is slightly stronger than the demon master of the same order, which is a matter of reason. You must know that you not only have the two elemental seeds of earth fire, but also have the immortal ancient school like "Seven Demons of Heavenly Demon". .

"Okay, let's get started."

The old gray robe was very simple. After a few conversations, he waved at Qin Yi. At this moment, his cultivation behavior had been suppressed to the same level as Qin Yi.

"Three types of bullying-the first type!"

In the face of the old gray robe, Qin Yi did not dare to have the slightest care. As soon as he shot, it was a strong martial art such as "Three Types of Hegemony". The "Kuafu Step" at the foot was brought to the extreme. It rushed in front of the old gray robe, punched it, and punched the old gray robe directly.


It was the shadow of the old gray robe!

Qin Yi's heart was cold.

Such a scenario was only encountered during the war between the underworld and the king of Senro.

You should know that the practice of the old gray robe has been suppressed to the same level as Qin Yi. A practitioner in the middle of Xuan Dao 8 realm, so amazing is the speed.

"its fine."

Behind him came the voice of the old gray robe.

Qin Yi turned back suddenly and saw that the old man in gray robe was standing there, his expression indifferent.

In the eyes of the old man in gray robe, the martial arts such as the "Three Kinds of Massacre" are just "fair"!

Qin Yi felt a sense of powerlessness, and the seeds of the two elements of earth and fire at Dantian suddenly ignited. In an instant, Qin Yi's strength and physical defense doubled.

"Three types of bullying-the second type!"

"Three types of bullying-the third type!"

Next, Qin Yi played two consecutive types of bullying, but it was a pity, but still only hit the shadow of the gray robe old man.

Normally it was almost frightening, "Three Types of Massacre", but at the moment, even the shirt of the old gray robe was not touched.

The old man in gray robe is at ease: "These three types of you are pretty good, and can be compared with the old Sect Master. The next step is my turn."

In an instant, the body of the old gray robe rushed out of the Xuan Dao like a violent wave, making the whole hall slightly twisted.


Qin Yi felt endless coercion, which made him breathless.


The old man in gray robe chopped with his big hands, it seemed to directly break a space, and abruptly chopped on Qin Yi's chest.

In an instant, Qin Yi felt a breath of death, only to feel that his whole body was almost split by this palm, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground.

There was a tumult of blood in the chest, and Qin Yi couldn't help but spurted out the blood.

The palm of the old gray robe, regardless of speed or strength, has reached a terrifying level.

You know, the earth element seeds are also burning at Dantian, and their physical defense has doubled, and they have been spitting blood.

"Eh, young man, your physical defense is relatively stronger than that of the former Master of the Immortal Trail. You must know that the Lord of the Immortal Trail was hit hard by my palm."

Old man in gray robe, a look of horror on his face.

Qin Yi was also shocked. In the old showdown between the old gray robe and the master of the magic fairy trail, this gray robe actually had only one palm, and it will hit the master of the magic fairy trail!


"Take me another hand!"

The old man in gray robe drank coldly, his big hand slashed, his palm strength was greater than the previous palm, and the space of the whole hall was violently twisted.

Qin Yi did not dare to be indifferent, and hurriedly entered the ethereal state. In an instant, he could clearly see the palm trajectory of the old gray robe, and it came like a giant python.

"It's a perfect way to grasp, it is impossible to judge where he is going to split!"

Qin Yi was horrified, and he played the limits of Kuafu's step, and the whole person disappeared directly in place. The palm of the old man in gray robe finally broke in the air this time.


The old man in gray robe was surprised.

"Slave me!"

An indifferent voice came from somewhere: "The Seventh Form of the Devil-The First Form!"

Zhang Kuan's left demon seems to be from Xiangu, broken and endless in time and space. He patted the old man who loved the gray robe firmly. With one palm, he shot the old man in gray robe.

No matter how strong the old man in the gray robe is, he will eventually be unable to withstand the great gods in the ancient times of the immortals.

At this moment, Qin Yi's chest was full of fighting spirit. His movements did not stop. He stepped on his father's footsteps, chased the flying old gray robe, and shot out.

"The Seventh Form of the Devil-the Second Form!"

The second form of the seventh form of Tianmo was suddenly played by Qin Yi, without any reservation.


The old man in gray robe, like a broken kite, fell to the ground, his whole body was already cracked, and it looked a bit tragic.

Grey robe old man defeated!

The mysterious and powerful old man in gray robe once hit the masters of the magical fairy tales, but at this moment, he was defeated by Qin Yi!

"The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon" is a super-attack martial art left over from the Xiangu era. Qin Yi's full blow, even if he is as strong as a gray robe, can't resist it.

The old gray robe climbed up from the ground, looking at the young man in front of him, his face was full of horror and disbelief,



The old man in gray robe laughed: "For many years, I haven't been defeated, young man, I really didn't look away, you are indeed stronger than the lord of the magic trail."


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