The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2199: The death of the ice king

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"Ice King, there are some ways, no wonder he doesn't want to run away!"

Qin Yi sighed, pointed a long cloud of smoke in his hand, and followed the Ice King toward the front, stabbing away.

It's just that his scene is the same as that of Yan Mei-niang. His smoke cloud spear just stabbed out, and the air around him suddenly formed ice, freezing him together with the smoke cloud spear.


The ice king stood proudly, looking at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, who were frozen by the ice cube, and snorted coldly, the words spitting out of his mouth, braved the extreme coldness: It ’s a joke to stir up the storm in front of the old man. Today, you two ca n’t leave this Xingzong city alive! "

It's just that his voice just fell.

"Click!" "Click!"

Two loud noises!

The ice that had frozen Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang broke apart instantly, and turned into a sky of ice particles.

At the current height of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, if they will still be easily frozen by ice cubes, it is a joke!

"Ice King, it seems that there is only one ending for you today, that is death!"

In Yan Mei-niang's beautiful eyes, a chill emerged, and in the cold drink, she and Qin Yi both slayed the ice king forward again.

However, what is surprising is that the two of them just moved, and the ice particles that had exploded before were instantaneously condensed into a handle of ice swords, densely suspended around them, tens of thousands, see Everyone has a feeling of suffocation.

"Destroy me!"

The Ice King screamed, and his sleeves flicked.

嗤嗤嗤 ......

Thousands of ice swords were from all directions, Qi Qi and Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, violently stabbed away.

In the face of so many ice swords, if you change to ordinary cultivators, let alone fight, I am afraid that just seeing such a scene will directly scare your legs and lose your will to fight.

Fortunately, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang are not ordinary practitioners!

"Give me!"

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang both screamed at the same time, dancing their weapons wildly, forming a tight airtight wall around each of them.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

Thousands of ice swords, stabbed on the airtight wall they danced, kept breaking apart, and the ice particles were constantly splashing, just like the blossoming ice flowers, the scene is actually Quite spectacular.

However, at the moment when the dense ice sword collapsed, it suddenly re-condensed into an ice sword, and continued to pierce Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, and so on.

This ice king's cultivation practice may not be very strong, but his way of fighting has to be said that it is quite a headache. Even if he will not be stabbed by these ice swords into a horse honeycomb, he will be exhausted alive.

"Boom ..."

The earth kept shaking.

Thousands of knights straddling snow-white beasts, led by a middle-aged man, quickly surrounded them from all directions. The middle-aged man named No. 1 had a tall nose, deep eyes, and a very tall body, and Come with a dignity.

This person, Huo Ran is the owner of this city, Austin!


Austin slammed the long knife in his hand and shouted.

Thousands of beast knights all around stopped all at once, moving uniformly, without any mess.

Austin urged the strange beast, and soon came to the Ice King. He glanced at Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang who were still smashing the ice thorn, and said slowly: "The Ice King, these two people are gods. Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang who want to hunt down with all their strength? At such a young age, it is beyond my expectations! "

"To be honest, it also exceeded my expectations!"

As the Ice King continued to urge the decision, condensed the Ice Sword to attack Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, he nodded his head, paused, and said: "However, we must not be careless, since the Church of God is trying to kill These two people must have the teachings of theology. I heard that the son of Jiulong was in the hands of these two people and suffered a great loss. "

"Ice King, don't worry, if Austin is a reckless person, it is impossible for him to sit on the seat of Xingzong City!"

Austin stared at the encircling circle, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, and said slowly: "This time, the two of us are quite well cooperated. If it were not for you to hold the two swords with mysterious sword, my The Alien Legion, I am afraid that they may not be able to catch up in time. "

In the encircling circle, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, who are constantly shattering the ice sword, heard Austin ’s words, and it was immediately clear that the two of them had already negotiated, and the ice king suddenly appeared and dragged on. Two of them, Austin is leading his own beast legion, quickly killed.

"Ice King, then what should I do next, my beast army?"

Austin sits on a tall snow-white beast and looks down at the ice king on the ground.

"You don't need to move, wait and see. If my Xuan Bing million sword can kill two people, it would be best if they could not kill them. If they couldn't kill them, they would be too tired in the end. You will lead your beast army again, and suddenly rush to the past, you will be able to kill these two easily! "

Ice King said slowly.

It is said that Austin on the snow-white beast couldn't help but stunned slightly, and immediately smiled a little helplessly: "Ice King, you want to take the power alone!"

"In the past, the different beasts attacked Xingzong City in a big way. I haven't repelled the beasts by myself. What role did you play as the owner of Xingzong City? Instead, let your city lord's palace die in vain. Many soldiers. "

Ice King said coldly.

It is said that Austin was sitting on the back of the beast, and he couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled slightly embarrassedly: "Speaking of the large group of beasts that violated Xingzong City in the past many years ago, you are indeed lucky to help your ice king , Otherwise, this Xingzong city no longer exists, and, in that battle, you helped me capture a large number of aliens, so that I built this alien army, and I have to thank Austin you!"

"Everything works for the gods, thank you!"

The ice king said: "So, even if I have the heart to take the lead, Austin, you don't seem to dare to have any objections."

"The ice king is absolutely right! Yes, you will kill these two stinky boys. These two boys have caused the Jiulong son to repeatedly suffer a big loss. You kill them. The Jiulong son will definitely return Thank you very much. "

Austin smiled at the Ice King and said aloud, "Did you all hear that? We are all guarding here, but no one is allowed to take credit for the Ice King."

In the encircling circle, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, who are struggling to smash the ice swords that are surging all around, heard Austin and the ice king's conversation. Both of them were crying and laughing. This ice king, by his own strength, also wanted to Killing yourself, this face is too confident.

The hardness and hardness of these ice thorns are not very terrifying. Under their full blow, they can be smashed to the utmost. In this case, it is almost impossible for the ice king to kill two of them. thing.

Some of them do not understand, the Ice King himself is also aware that the son of Jiulong once suffered a lot of losses in his own hands. Is he confident that his strength is better than that of the son of Jiulong?

Jiulong Jiong is a super genius of Sun and Moon God Religion. He usually cultivates Jiuhuang vigorously. The fighting power of this ice king is obviously impossible to be stronger than Jiulong Jiong. It ’s just that his Xuanbing million swords can deal with it It's just a headache.

"Meiniang, you continue to stay here, be careful not to be hurt by these ice swords, I will kill the ice king."

Qin Yi continued to smash the ice thorns from the spurs around him, and turned to Yan Mei Niang with a smile.

"Thousands of ice swords, can you pass?"

Yan Meiang frowned and asked.

"Meiniang, don't worry, you don't understand my strength, just look at me!"

Qin Yi's whole body was full of confidence, and he no longer said much. He suddenly slammed the "Liuyun Jue" body law and martial law.

In an instant, his whole body turned into a smoky smoke, fluttering, without a trace of weight, that figure was really strange to the extreme.

The next moment, he rushed out of the gaps of those thousands of ice swords.

"Buzz ..."

The tens of feet of smoke cloud gun in his hand kept shaking, revealing a monstrous murderous intention, straight to the ice king in front.

"How can it be?"

The Ice King was shocked, and just felt that a sudden smile of Jun Yi's face flashed in front of him, and a moment of coldness suddenly appeared on his chest.

He looked down, and a blue spear was already on his chest. The young man in the white robe was smiling at him at the end of the spear: "Ice King, I don't know Have you ever been caught in the door, knowing that the son of Jiulong has been in our hands and suffered a lot of losses, and still have the confidence to kill us alone, do you think you are stronger than the son of Jiulong? "

One shot, the ice king will be hit hard!

Such a scene, not to mention the Ice King, Austin, and the thousands of knights of the beast, completely stunned. Even Yan Meiniang blinked incredulously. She did not expect that Qin Yi ’s "Liuyun Jue" has been cultivated to such a pure and pure level that it can pass through tens of thousands of ice thorns without any damage.

With a shot of Qin Yi, the Ice King was penetrated directly, and the dense ice sword disappeared all at once, freeing Yan Mei Niang.

"Ice King ..."

Not far away, Austin, sitting on the back of the beast, exclaimed.

The ice king stood staring blankly, looking at the handsome young man holding a pistol of smoke cloud, and the corner of his mouth lightly smoked.

Then he smoked again.


A huge blue swordmand, but from behind Qin Yi, suddenly came swiftly, and the bluemands flourished, killing intently, as if to divide this world into two.


The huge blue swordmand suddenly disappeared into the body of the ice king.

The entire Ice King suddenly stiffened, and a slender red blood line divided his entire face into two.

The gorgeous Yan Mei Niang, carrying a blue war sword, slowly moving the two slender and sensual beautiful legs under the white robe, the models come, the curling Nana, as if falling into the nine days of the world Fairy.

Yan Meiniang came to Qin Yi's side. On her blue war sword, a drop of red blood was slowly sliding along the sharp blade silently.


It wasn't until this time that the Ice King's body slowly separated from it, and then fell to each side.

A generation of ice kings has just fallen!

And the process of falling is unreal as dreaming, just beheaded by Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang with one shot and one sword!

Throughout the field, it was so quiet that it was almost audible.

Austin and his thousands of strange beast knights were all stunned there, as if struck by lightning, looking at the ground, the two petal bodies of the ice king had been unable to recover for a long time.

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