The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2198: Know everything

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Tens of thousands of kilometers away.

The son of Jiulong, the Lord of the Seven Kills, the Lord of the Thunder and dozens of masters of the Sun and Moon Church still stood on the top of the mountain without leaving.


Suddenly there was a long whistle at the horizon. The son of Jiulong, the Lord of the Seven Kills, the Lord of Wind and Thunder, etc., all looked at the sky, and they saw a blue awn, from the sky towards them, speeding Looted.

"Lan Ji is back!"

Seeing the blue mang, the son of Jiulong was very happy, and immediately raised his hand to high-five, the blue feather eagle quickly swept from the sky to the top of their heads, and after two circles above, they swooped down and fell on Jiulong son on the shoulder.

The son of Jiulong grabbed the legs of the blue feather eagle, took it off his shoulder, and touched the feather of the blue feather eagle. Just like Yan Meiniang, she drew a trace of spirituality and penetrated into the eye of the blue feather eagle. Browse the pictures they have taken.

The Lord of the Seven Kills and Lord of the Wind and Thunder were silently standing aside. The two looked at the son of Jiulong with a look of anticipation.

After a while, the son of Jiulong's spirit withdrew from the eyes of the blue feather eagle, and put it back on his shoulders again, a pale smile without a trace of blood on his pale face.

"Kowloon, how is it going?"

Lord Fenglei asked with a grin.

The seven-killed Saint Lord on the side, Qing Qing Mei Yu slightly frowned, also looked at the curious eyes to the son of Jiulong.

The character of the Seven Killing Lords is a bit cold. Under normal circumstances, they are unsmiling. Only when they fight against the Lord Fenglei, will they speak sharply.

"The situation of Xingzong City, just as we expected, now, the Xingzong City's Lord of the Palace Pavilion, has led the city's palace of the beast army to attack, hoping that they can resist Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, for a while.

The son of Kowloon laughed happily.

"So what are you still doing? Mr. Jiulong, let's kill it!"

Wen Yan, a tall figure with a fleshy face, thundered the Lord, suddenly rubbed his hands excitedly.

"A stupid pig is a stupid pig. I really don't understand. Under this world, how can there be such a stupid person, how to look at it, is a pig with a humanoid shape!"

As soon as the words of Lord Fenglei were dropped, the Seven Killing Lords looked helplessly towards the distance and said leisurely.

The smile on Lord Fenglei ’s face instantly froze and became terrifying, trembling with rage, and roaring in his mouth: "Seven killing Lord Lord, you are a dead mother-in-law, it seems that today I will not let you eat my side Painted halberd, you really treat me as a soft persimmon! "

During the talk, he turned the palm of his hand and took out his Fangtian Huaji. Without a word, he walked toward the Seven-killed Saint Lord, headless and faceless.

The son of Jiulong raised his hand and grabbed Fang Tian's halberd of the Lord Fenglei. His pale face was full of anger: "I said you two, will you die if you don't make trouble?"

The seven killing lords stood there quietly, saying nothing, but dismissed the delicate scented shoulders, and shrugged, while the wind and thunder lord shrugged off Fang Tian's halberd, but still quite The dissatisfaction: "Son Jiulong, you have heard it too. I just said that we should go to Xingzong City as soon as possible, but the seven-killing holy lady, the mother-in-law, suddenly called me a stupid pig. of?"

"The Seven Killing Lords scolded you for being a stupid pig. In fact, they did not scold at all."

The son of Jiulong glanced at Lord Fenglei and said coldly.

"Kowloon, you ..."

The tall body of Lord Feng Lei shuddered suddenly, a look of annoyance appeared on his face again, but because of the identity of the son of Jiulong, it did not happen.

"Lord Fenglei, what do you say we rushed to Xingzong City in such a hurry? Did Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang discover our whereabouts? Don't forget, this time, we were lurking on the edge of the Northern Territory Lord Yinxue and Lord Shura, when they formed a double-sided attack on Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, so we can kill them both in one fell swoop! "

The son of Jiulong said coldly that he no longer ignored Lord Fenglei and turned his palms over again to take out the world of Thousand Images.

Qianxiang World soon expanded by one meter wide and about two meters long. The head of Jiuhuang slowly emerged on it: "Dragon, what progress?"

"My father, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, have entered the city of Xingzong. Austin, the city's lord, has led the beast legion of the city's lord's palace and is besieging them."

The son of Jiulong respected Jiuhuang with respect.

"Got it, their speed of progress has not exceeded my expectations."

Jiuhuang nodded abruptly, paused, and said: "Remember, you can't get too close to that Qin Yi, so as not to beat the grass and startle the snake, they will see through our intentions."

"Baby understand!"

Jiulong son clenched his fists.

On the side, Lord Feng Lei heard his words, and suddenly his face was ashamed.

Not far away, the Seven Killing Lords stood there expressionlessly, beautiful eyes circulated, and glanced at Lord Fenglei lightly, but in their eyes, there was a faint scorn.

Prince Jiulong continued to Jiuhuang in the world of Thousand Images, "Father, don't know what is the status of Lord Yinxue and Lord Shura?"

"On this point, you can rest assured Long'er."

Jiuhuang said: "I have informed the plan to Lord Yinxue and Lord Shura, let them lie there quietly, waiting for the arrival of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang."

"So good!"

Hearing the words, the son of Jiulong smiled lightly, completely relieved.

When he reached the edge of the Northern Territory, he and the four holy lords of Sun and Moon Church would gather there. In addition, there were a large number of Sun and Moon Church masters, and they were still on the double side. He didn't believe it. In this case, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang had a chance to survive.

He is very clear about the strength of Lord Yinxue, and he is definitely stronger than himself. Lord Shura is also very tribal. It is impossible for him to defeat him.

At that time, the pinnacle masters of Sun and Moon Religion gathered together. If Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang could still survive, it would be a miracle.

"Father, I have seen two capitalized words of" death "on the faces of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang!"

The son of Kowloon said happily.

It is said that Jiuhuang in a thousand-like world could not help but stunned slightly, and immediately said with some helplessness: "Dragon, self-confidence is good, but self-confidence is too full. Conceit, I believe that before you were in front of Qin Yi, you would have suffered many times, and it was not unrelated to your conceitful character! "

"What my father taught is."

Mr. Jiulong said quickly: "This time, the baby must be cautious."

"Go, remember, don't act too fast, don't let them discover."

Jiu Huang waved his hand, and his head suddenly disappeared in the world of thousands of images.

Qianxiang World fell from the air on the son of Jiulong. Jiulong turned his palm back and returned the world of Qianxiang to Najie, and immediately he opened his arms slowly, as if he wanted to embrace the earth. Tone.

This time, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang are absolutely dead, and no accident will happen!

Before, every time he confronted Qin Yi, he was humiliated by him fiercely, and finally he could get back from him a hundred times quickly. By then, he had to break his body and pump his soul. Get out, smelt into your own weapons, and let him be part of his own weapons forever!

"set off!"

Mr. Jiulong waved his arm!

Immediately, the crowd turned into dozens of Liumangs, looting away in the direction of Xingzong City, and those Liumangs impacted the pathetic sound of breaking the sky.


Xingzong City.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang stood there quietly. Both of them had their respective weapons tightly grasped in their hands, and they were pointed at the ice king away from Baizhang.

Qin Yi's dissuasion did not play any role. The ice king did not leave because of his words, but slowly stretched out his palm. The air around the palm quickly condensed into an ice sword.

The priests of the Sun and Moon Religions all have incredible loyalty to the Sun and Moon Religions. With just one word, Qin Yi can make him betray the Sun and Moon Religions and leave there. That is a miracle.

The ice sword in the ice king's hand is rapidly growing and elongating, and straightly pierces Qin Yi's chest. An extremely sharp killing intention is from the crystal clear ice sword. Suddenly a hint of pain came from Qin Yi's chest.

The Ice King was standing still and only using the speed of the ice sword to assassinate Qin Yi. Such a scene is really rare!

"Since you want to find death, then we can only fulfill you!"

Qin Yi's eyes were slightly condensed, looking at the ice sword that was spurting at a quick speed, and he smiled a little helplessly, but in the eyes, the murderous intention suddenly appeared.

next moment.

With a long gun in his hand, he slammed toward the ice sword that was stabbed at a rapid speed.


The ice sword, which stretched extremely fast and stabbed fiercely, couldn't resist Qin Yi's full blow at all, and suddenly it broke apart.

At the same time, Yan Meiniang also attacked. The blue war sword in her hand suddenly rose to tens of feet. A blue mansions flourished, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal. The space on this side was distorted by oppression. Got up.


Yan Meiniang held a straight line with the blue war sword, spurting towards the ice king in front.

Since the Ice King is not willing to give up the assassination of the two of them, they are naturally impossible to show mercy to their men. As soon as they shoot, it is a killing move, with Yan Mei Niang ’s current combat power, as long as the other party is stabbed, even if it is even stronger The opponent will also be directly penetrated by a sword.


next moment--


The air in front of Yan Meiniang suddenly dropped in temperature, condensing into ice cubes. Yan Meiniang and the sword in her hands were frozen in the ice cube at once, unable to move.


This would be the case!

Behind Qin Yi, seeing such a scene, he could not help frowning slightly. He did not expect that the Ice King would suddenly freeze the space around Yan Mei Niang, preventing her from attacking him.

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