The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1927: Lu Feng defeated

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"It's needless to say that at the next few layers, you don't know how crazy Long Yan is."

Aside, Dongfangzhi smiled faintly: "The second-level peak master, he basically challenged it all over. The third-level peak master, he also challenged most of them. After reaching the fourth level, he also challenged Hundreds of top powerhouses, can such a crazy challenge not be strong? "

Really crazy enough!

Wen Yan, both Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, couldn't help but open their mouths in amazement. It is estimated that the second person as crazy as Long Yan could not be found in this world.

Not far away, Chen Mu and other three masters of Taoism, but they all faced like water, coldly looking at the front, the battle between Long Yan and Lu Feng.

Now the three of them are staying here with Qin Yi and they can't tell what it's like. It's impossible to escape. Qin Yi's hands of "destroying all living beings", they've seen it before. When you leave, you will be caught back by Qin Yi. If you fight, the three of them are even less likely to be opponents of Qin Yi.

At one moment, the gaze of one of the Taoist masters shone slightly without traces, and then, his mouth flicked a few times, and the eyes of the other two Taoist masters also lightened up.

Obviously, they just conducted a sound transmission, condensing the sound into a line and passing it to each other's ears to negotiate a certain strategy.

far away.

On the battlefield.

The fierce battle between Longyan and Lu Feng is still going on. The weapons in the hands of the two are turned into silver, red and two giant awns, and they are constantly entangled. Like the ocean and the sea, it continually blew out, rushed into the ground, and shattered the ground.

At first, it was still possible to distinguish who they were, but as time went on, it was completely indistinguishable, and the sound of the collision of the weapons also completely disappeared.

The whole fighting scene seemed a little weird, but it didn't make any noise.

"Bum ..."

Qin Yi urged his left hand to elicit spiritual power and enveloped the fight between the two. Suddenly, all the movements of the two of them were in Qin Yi's line of sight, and the speed was more than doubled so that it could be seen clearly. .

After watching for a while, Qin Yi smiled faintly: "Lu Feng's strength is somewhat lacking in fighting Mei Niang, and naturally it is impossible to be the opponent of Longyan, a madman. Now, Long Yan hasn't even exhibited his extinction. Vaguely prevailed, as long as he showed his uncanny ability, Lu Feng would lose immediately. "

Longyan's Exceptional Learning: "Battle of the Eight Dragons".

If you don't play "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon" and the ten hells, the fighting power of Qin Yi and Long Yan should be equal, but it is slightly better than Yan Mei Niang.

Do n’t forget, Qin Yi and Long Yan, both immortal ancient emperors changed their lives and reincarnated. They have their own advantages, such as Long Yan, which has the dragon blood line in its body, and Qin Yi has the devil. Left hand.

What happened next, as Qin Yi expected.

At a certain moment.

"War Dragon Reappears-Hidden Dragon!"

Long Yan suddenly screamed. The silver gun in his hand seemed to break a space directly. It spurred from a thousand feet away, and in the blink of an eye, it punctured Lu Feng's eyes.

Lu Feng saw the sharp point of the gun, and saw that it was clear, but he saw that it was trembling in a "buzzing" tremor.

In his heart, a sudden, unstoppable breeding of a chill, a shocked disappointment, hurriedly shook his figure, trying to avoid it, however, it was heartbreaking that no matter how he avoided it, he could not avoid it.

He only felt that the silver awn was in front of him, and it was as dazzling as the silver sun, reflecting his eyes with a pot of flowers.

Before waiting for him to come back, he could only see the center of the huge silver awn, and the silver gun of Long Yan stabbed it out, and instantly hit the wind on the throat of the land wind.

Feeling the throat, a bit of cold came out from the sharp spearhead. The land wind was startled and stood there for a while. His face was ashamed and his heart was cold.

"Lu Feng, you are defeated, Gee, with this strength, I don't know how you mixed up to the 24th in the Guardian List."

Long Yan smacked his mouth dismissively and closed the silver gun: "For the sake of the Kyushu Holy See at the same time, this time, I won't kill you anymore, get out, if I let you meet you again next time, in my hands A spear will definitely pierce your throat. "

Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he finally retrieved a life, and the last shot Longyan only made him smell a strong breath of death.

After a cold glance at Long Yan, Lu Feng did not say anything, directly rose into the sky, and swept away. After a few blinks, he disappeared into the sky.

Will Long Yan actually let land wind blow?

Seeing this scene, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, Dongfangzhi and others who watched from afar all blinked unexpectedly, and according to Long Yan's temperament, it should be right to pierce Lu Feng's throat.

Unexpectedly, this time, he showed great compassion!

"Hey, don't look at me like this. Although My Dragon Flame is belligerent, it is not a bloodthirsty person."

Long Yan, who was far away from Qin Yi and others, grinned and showed white teeth, giving a very sunny feeling.

Then, he raised the silver gun slowly with one hand again, and pointed at the three masters of Taoism, and in the eyes, he once again burned a monstrous battle: "I just said that Lu Feng was just an appetizer. Only, what I really want to challenge is the three of you. Come on, let me teach Taoist Taoist, how powerful is it? "

Obviously, in this situation, the three Taoist masters have no second choice but to face the challenge.

The three Taoist masters glanced at each other. Without saying a word, they shook their bodies and disappeared directly in place.

At the next moment, they had come to Long Yan's side, standing in three positions in the shape of "Pin", and surrounded Long Yan in the middle.

Afterwards, the three of them took out the peach wood sword on their backs slowly and pointed them away at Longyan. The sword body of the peach wood sword soared to about three feet.

At the same time, a huge yin-yang pattern emerged from their feet and slowly rotated. The diameter of the yin-yang pattern was hundreds of feet.

In this way, Long Yan was standing at the center of the Yin-Yang map, and the three Taoist masters were standing on the edge of the Yin-Yang map.

Obviously, this yin and yang map, from a certain perspective, can also be regarded as a magic circle, a magic circle that belongs to one breath, and as three Taoist masters enter the battle state, this magic circle also automatically emerges. come out.

"Sure enough, it's the Taoist Taoism."

I saw the huge yin and yang figure that suddenly emerged, and Qin Yi in the distance was clear to my heart. In the past, on the third floor, I unsealed the body of Qingyangzi on the second floor of the tenth hell, and beheaded the public household Songzhi At that time, such a yin and yang array also appeared at the foot of the phantom of the three Qingyangzi.

"Yes, there are some ways, but the stronger you are, the more I can arouse my desire and desire to fight."

Stepping on the center of the Yin-Yang formation, Long Yan smiled, his silver hair covered with wind, automatic without wind, and his silver robe hunting, and a violent war in the chest ignited for a time.


Longyan silver gun pointed, and the silver gun once again soared for dozens of feet long, faintly expressing a tremendous pressure, the surrounding air, the surrounding air, are all oppressively floating.


The three Taoist masters, Chen Du, Chen Yan, and Chen Dao, have always been reticent. If it were not because they were dressed in Taoism, they would basically not attract any attention and have no sense of presence at all.

At the moment, they didn't even say a lot of nonsense. The three held the mahogany sword of about three feet, and at the same time spurted out towards the dragon inflammation in the center of the Yin and Yang figure.

As the three men simultaneously produced swords, a huge sword spirit also followed, and even Qin Yi and others standing thousands of feet away could feel the sharpness of the sword spirit, even The cheeks were all shaved by the invisible sword gas.

Do n’t look at their swords, which are made of peach wood, but they have been soaked in special medicinal liquids, coupled with the Taoist special exercises, they are definitely not weaker than the top grade holy tools.

As soon as the three Taoist masters produced their swords, their figure immediately became erratic, like ghosts and ghosts, unpredictable. At one time, there were countless Taoist disciples, shuttled around Longyan, Densely packed, dazzling.

嗤嗤嗤 ......

The sound of the peach wood sword piercing the air keeps coming, endlessly.

The handle of the peach wood sword is full of monstrous killing intent. Each sword is the key to Longyan, which suddenly makes Longyan fall into a dangerous environment.

"This is the Taoist Taoist fame? Really strong!"

In the distance, Dongfangzhi, wearing red armor and a blue shirt, opened the tempting rosy mouth slightly and sighed.

"It's really strong. After a while, Long Yan is afraid that he can't cope with it."

Xuan Lan beside her, the beautiful little face, also appeared a look of horror.

"Oh, these three Taoist masters, they worked together to fight off the air. Although they were arrogant, they still had some flaws. They were trained by three people. How could one person show the perfect performance of one air, three airs? I ca n’t reach the realm without flaws. In my opinion, they are better than the second disciple of our ancestors.

Next to Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin, who was wearing a white robe, snorted the pretty Qiongbi, and was a little dissatisfied.

Listening to her, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Xia Jiuyou were all crying and laughing.

Blood Witch, in the heart of Yan Zhuxin, is a god-like existence, and naturally is the second disciple Qing Yangzi who will do his best to protect the blood witch.

However, he is telling the truth. The three Taoist masters did not reach Qingyangzi ’s height. If they observe carefully, they can still find that when the three Taoist masters cooperate, they will occasionally be slightly Some flaws were revealed.

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