The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1926: See again

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"This man in black robe is also the guardian of our Kyushu Holy See. His name is Lu Feng. He was ranked 23rd in the guardian rankings before, but after fighting me, he lost to my hands and is now in the gods. The ranking on the Guardian List has been replaced by me. "

Yan Meiniang's beautiful eyes circulated and looked at the three Taoist masters slowly. "These three people, from their clothes, can be judged that they are from Taoism. The three are very similar, if not Twin brothers should have practiced a peculiar Taoist practice, allowing them to change their bones and look very similar. "

Makes sense!

Everyone present nodded their heads.

Three Taoist masters, whose names are respectively Du Mu, Du Yan, and Dao Dao, each carrying a wooden sword on their backs, looks elegant, but at the moment, they fell into the hands of Qin Yi and others. Personal faces are full of unwillingness and anger.

Those who can enter this fifth level are placed in the present era of Hongmeng and Meng. That is the existence of the peak. Now, they have become prisoners of the ranks of Qin Yi and others. How can they be reconciled?

The four of them could not have stirred up any storms in front of Qin Yi. The fighting power of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang had already been seen before.

A few people from Dongfangzhi, Longyan, Yanzhuxin, Xia Jiuyou and Xuanlan came from behind, and everyone had a strong breath.

Moreover, listening to their remarks, it seems that they are all guardians of the Kyushu Holy See.

"Is it Taoism's all three things?"

Qin Yi's gaze swept back and forth in the dust, smoke, and dust roads. The second layer of his ten-square hell, the sealed body of Qing Yangzi, contained the Taoist practice of three cleansing.

When he was still on the third floor, Qin Yi used Qingyangzi to kill the public households.

The Taoism's three qualities are actually well-known. In the practice world, there are many people who know this martial art of Taoism, and they are not inferior to the number of Dugu nine swords of the Dugu family.

The Taoism's three qualities, which were originally three qualities, to put it bluntly, there are three identities and identities, but there is a perfect tacit understanding between the three identities and identities. Coupled with the Taoist formation, it can play an extremely horrible Fighting power.

Qin Yi estimated that the three Taoist masters in front of him directly replaced the three qualities with one person. Only after years and months of practice at the same time, practicing the same kind of exercises, regulating the same kind of mentality and profound energy, can one get the human skeleton, A little bit became similar.

Of course, this is just Qin Yi's conjecture. He is not a Taoist, and he naturally knows nothing about Taoism.

"How do you know that our Taoists are all at one go?"

Hearing this, one of the three Taoist masters asked in surprise.

The other two were all in horror, and looked at Qin Yi in disbelief.

Obviously, Qin Yi was right, these three people, who practiced the Taoist sect.

As for the reason why they would replace three people with three people, it is because the Taoism gradually fell after the tremendous battle during the Taikoo period. Up to now, no one has been able to achieve one gasification.

However, Taoists did not want to let this inheritance method fall, so when they began to practice one breath and three cleansing times, they could only look for three Taoist disciples with excellent qualifications to replace the one-off-three.

Later, Taoism gradually discovered that it was necessary to find three Taoist disciples with excellent qualifications to practice one breath and three cleansings. Although the difficulty was increased a lot, but its power was actually greater than that of the real one breathing three cleansings. .

Why is it more powerful than the real one? The reason is very simple. With three Taoist disciples cultivating one qi, three clarifications, and understanding, although it is not as good as the real one qi three clarifications after all, the real one qi three clarifications will ultimately be the strength of one person, but with three Taoist disciples to practice one qi three Qing is the power of three people.

Therefore, with such a conversion, the power of using three Taoist disciples to cultivate one qi and three qings is slightly stronger than the real one qi and three qings.

After discovering this point, in the future Daoist practitioners practiced one breath and three clarifications, and they directly selected three Taoist disciples with excellent qualifications to practice.

"The Taoists are famous all over the world, and they are famous all over the world. Who wouldn't know?"

Qin Yi touched his nose and sighed in his heart: In my ten-square hell, there is an ancestor with three breaths, can you not know that three breaths are clear?

"Whether it is a Taoist disciple, the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, it's all mine. No one can compete with me? Hey!"

A cheerful laughter suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Everyone stunned, and then looked straight at them, looking towards the voice of the speech.

So, they saw Long Yan, who was wearing a silver cannon, with silver hair and a silver gun, and came slowly, and his handsome face already had a strong fighting intention, and he looked towards Lu Feng and the three Taoists. The master's gaze is like looking at four prey.

This madman!

Seeing him like this, Qin Yi and others present were all crying and laughing.

"Alright, this is a good opportunity to let these four people make a sharpening stone for Longyan."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi smiled faintly.

Tian Yu's big fish escaped, and Qin Yi's heart was finally annoyed. Now, he can just take his four hands down to relieve his anger.

"Let the four of us come to be the boy's whetstone? That is, let the four of us fight the boy together? Qin Yi, are you insulting us?"

Lu Feng was immediately irritated, and his chest rose and fell violently.

Anyway, I am also the pinnacle guardian of the Kyushu Holy See. Now, Qin Yi wants him to join forces with three Taoist masters to fight Longyan. For him, it is simply a contempt of eating fruit.

The three Taoist masters also breathed heavily, apparently very annoyed.

"You are wrong and challenged all four of you at once. Although Longyan was arrogant, he has not been arrogant to such a shameful level."

Long Yan Hey, but it is very frank, and hearty people are usually very frank.

Then, he raised the silver gun in his hand, slowly raised it, and pointed at the land wind in black robe: "The guardian who was originally ranked 23rd on the guardian list, the strength is not bad, I will make you an appetizer, beat you After that, I will challenge the three Taoist masters again. "

Obviously, the real purpose of Long Yan is to challenge the three Taoist masters.

Taoism is well-known for its brilliance, and now it is another three Taoist disciples with excellent qualifications who practice this famous Taoist martial arts. He is naturally very curious about this.

After finishing his speech, he held a silver gun and walked toward the land wind step by step. His silver hair was windless and automatic, indescribably chic and elegant, but his eyes were already burning crazy fighting intentions.

"Slap!" "Slap!" ...

His steps were unusually heavy. Every time he took a step, the ground shook, and the fighting intention in his eyes was also a strong one.

Seeing that Long Yan had entered the fighting state, Qin Yi smiled lightly and immediately waved his hand: "Let's step back and let them fight happily."

Uh, uh, uh!

Including the three Taoist masters, everyone on the scene quickly withdrew thousands of feet away and watched from afar.

On the field, only Long Yan and Lu Feng were left in an instant.

"Long Yan, if I remember correctly, you were also promoted by the latest court guard. Now, you have the strength to kill this fifth tier. That's good. It's a pity that you are actually in the company of Qin Yi. Doomed You will not live long! "

Lu Feng snorted, raised his weapon slowly, and pointed at Longyan.

His weapon was a **** sword with a strange shape, as if it had been sacred from the blood of all living beings.

As he infused mysterious energy, the **** sword suddenly rose to tens of feet long, faintly revealing a monstrous killing intention, so that a chill was born in the hearts of people.

"If you want to fight, there is so much nonsense."

Long Yan grinned and pointed at Lu Feng with a gun in his hand: "No matter how much nonsense you say, you can't change your fate as a magic knife stone!"

"you wanna die!"

Lu Feng ’s self-esteem was clearly hit, and his mouth lightly twitched.


The next moment, his foot stomped fiercely on the ground, directly stomping the ground like a spider web, and he used this stomping force to rise up into the sky and the **** sword, Holding a straight line, stabbing toward Longyan in front, the speed was as fast as he could, and a blood awn was drawn across the air. In the blink of an eye, it was stabbed in front of Longyan.

Feeling the domineering of that **** sword, Long Yan did not dare to be too careless. The body's profound energy surging suddenly, the whole person was like a dragon out of the sea, turned into a silver awn, and quickly rose into the sky.

"Oh!" A sound of breaking through the sky, Lu Feng's **** sword, stuck against Long Yan's feet, and stabbed past.

Moved to the thorn sky, Lu Feng had not had time to retract the sword, and overhead the sky, Long Yan was a silver gun with his hands clasped tens of feet long, just like the same silver lightning that was severely hacked from the sky, stab hard The head of the land wind below.

The silver gun hadn't stabbed yet, and the majestic pressure was already crushed down like a huge mountain.

Feeling the absolute pressure, Lu Feng did not dare to be negligent, his figure swayed, and he swooped to the side very quickly.


Longyan's silver spear pierced the ground, and the majestic air waves blew open. The huge waves rushed to the surroundings, and all the flowers and trees were shattered by the air waves. .

"Click!" "Click!" ...

The ground was also cracked with huge cracks.

Even Qin Yi, who was thousands of feet away, felt the presence of this wave, and his chest was slightly shocked.

"Compared with the first floor, Longyan is indeed much stronger."

Qin Yi couldn't help but nodded toward Longyan far away, still on the first floor of this **** and demon cemetery, he met Longyan floor, but when he crossed the barrier, Longyan did not follow them, but stayed The first floor, waiting for Yang Shiqi them.

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