The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1888: White Tiger

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From the fourth floor to the fifth floor of the central ladder, as long as the successful pass, you can carry no more than one cultivator to enter the fifth floor.

In other words, as long as two of them take the 12 palms of the White Tiger, they can all enter the fifth floor.

"After waiting for the top, I and Jiuyou will challenge White Tiger."

There are only four of them here. The first three claims no longer exist. Qin Yi looked at Xia Jiuyou: "Jiuyou, do you have any questions?"

He still has confidence in Xia Jiuyou's advantage in speed.

There is also himself. "Vajra Heart Sutra" has long been practiced in the state of Dzogchen. The body is like a copper wall and iron wall. If you randomly push the profound energy, the whole person is faintly glowing with a golden light, giving a feeling of copper wall and iron wall .

Moreover, with the continuous breakthrough of Xiu Wei, his "Fate of Return to Life" has also been practiced to the edge of the Great Consummation, and the blood in his body has long been like the ocean.

Such a powerful blood, coupled with a strong physical defense, made him already on the verge of immortality.

"Naturally, there is no problem."

Xia Jiuyou took the two huge seats in front of her chest, subconsciously lightened up, and with a little face lifted up, there was a proud look, like a proud cock.

"Okay, that's the deal."

Qin Yi nodded.

Next, the four people no longer waste their time, and began to climb the central ladder, because the large central ladder, only four of them, no other practitioners compete with them for their places, and their pace is naturally very leisurely.

The central ladder at the foot is the same as the central ladder that exists in the lower layers, and it contains space gravity and space resistance.

And these two forces are maneuverable. The higher your cultivation base is, the greater they will be. They will never let you fly from the sky, you can only walk up.

After an hour.

Four people, Qin Yi, have stepped on 3,600 stone steps to the top of the central ladder.

The long-lost White Tiger, the mountain-like body, lies there lazily: "The four of you, only two of them, take my 12 palms, it's ok, decide who will challenge me ?"

"I will come first."

Xia Jiuyou stood up and walked towards the white tiger with his head struggling.

The scene is still the same as the previous challenge to the white tiger. When Xia Jiuyou came within thirty feet of the white tiger, she and the white tiger disappeared together in the sight of Qin Yi and others.

Obviously, Xia Jiuyou and White Tiger have entered the invisible battlefield.

Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin, and Yan Meiniang stood there waiting.

After more than ten minutes.

Xia Jiuyou and Bai Hu reappeared in the sight of everyone, and Xia Jiuyou still saw no scars on his body and returned to Qin Yi's side. The delicate little face that lifted up slightly, puffed With a little arrogance.

Obviously, after her breakthrough to the peak of Emperor Dao's Five Realms, the speed has improved a lot.

"The speed of the Crane tribe is really well-deserved."

Bai Hu was lying there, and looked at Xia Jiuyou with a strange look. After several breaks, Bai Hu failed to shoot her in the palm, making her face more or less uneasy.

"That naturally is."

Xia Jiuyou was not humble at all, but also slightly raised her exquisite face.

Seeing her like this, Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin, and Yan Meiniang were all crying and laughing.

"Then who will challenge me next?"

The tiger eyes like the white tiger basket, slowly sweeping Qin Yi's three people, when they glanced at Qin Yi, they obviously stayed for a while.

Capturing Bai Hu's slightly meaningful gaze, Qin Yi touched his nose and smiled lightly: "Since you want me to challenge you, then let me do as you wish."

Qin Yi walked slowly towards the white tiger.

White Tiger's eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his mouth were raised sharply, revealing a "tiger" smile: "Very well, today, I want to see how killing you are, how high has it grown up now? ? You in the past life, but my idol! "


Hearing Baihu's words, Qin Yi and the three Yan Meiniang behind him couldn't help but stunned.

"Grass, I heard that right, the four ancient beasts, the white tiger, actually said this."

Xia Jiuyou blinked incredulously, and his gaze looking at Qin Yi's back became a little weird: "This guy, it really looks like a great future!"

The Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin around them all have obvious faces of pride: our love and people must naturally have a great future, hum!

Qin Yi and Bai Hu have disappeared into the sight of Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou, and entered the invisible battlefield.

"Baihu, did you just say that once, my past life was, your idol, so to speak, my past life is still coming?"

In the invisible battlefield, Qin Yi stood in front of the mountain-like white tiger and asked with a smile.

"That's natural."

Bai Hu nodded his huge head, and then said with a smile: "Don't think of putting your past life in my mouth, I will not reveal it to you. Actually you don't know your past life, just explain Your current height is not yet qualified to know this, and you will naturally know it when you reach a certain height. "

Wen Yan, Qin Yi can only secretly sigh.

The question of who his own previous life was has always troubled him, but he was helpless. People who knew his previous life were reluctant to tell him.

"OK, then, let's get started!"

In his speech, Qin Yi had urged the four elements of gold, water, fire, and earth at the Dantian to spur him up, allowing him to reach his peak in strength, speed, and physical defense.

At the same time, he also urged his left hand to enter an ethereal state.

This time, a lot of emperor liquid was refined, and the cultivation was from the early stage of Emperor Dao's four realms, and directly broke through to the later period of Emperor Dao's five realms. To what extent?

He could feel it. Now, the seal of the heavenly demon body in his left hand has been completely resurrected, and his heart is beating rhythmically, revealing a strong breath of life.

Think about it. The frightening ancient demon who once slaughtered millions of miles is now sealed in his left hand. I don't know when it will rush out. Qin Yi has a strange feeling.

Not only that, Qin Yi is very clear that he is now becoming a demon step by step, and in recent years, the rate of transformation has not been slow.

If you keep going like this, it won't take long for you to transform yourself into an eternal devil.

When he was on the Magnolia continent in the past, Liu Xiancheng once said that there are two types of demons. The first type is the kind of demons in the heart. This type of bloodthirsty nature is quite dark, and it is an extremely evil existence.

The other category is that the essence belongs to the devil, and this kind of people has no likes and dislikes.

Qin Yi belongs to the latter category.

Therefore, Qin Yi didn't care about his own transformation into a demon, and he even had some expectations in his heart. He wanted to know what had changed after he transformed into a demon?

"Okay, then pay attention, I'm going to attack!"

White Tiger nodded his huge head.


At the next instant, its huge body that had been lying on the ground suddenly turned into a huge afterimage and flew towards Qin Yi in the front. At the same time, the huge forefoot was raised high and shot down.

With the shooting of its foot, the entire invisible battlefield is a piece of flying sand, and the space is violently twisted, as if it may break apart at any time.

Liuyun Jue!

Qin Yi shook his figure and directly displayed Liuyun Jue. The whole person was like a ghost and was constantly twisted. In an extremely strange state, it floated out from under the giant palm of the white tiger and was easily captured. After this palm.


The giant palm of the white tiger snapped on the ground, cracking the ground like a spider web.

From the fourth floor to the fifth floor, you must take the white tiger's 12 palms before you can qualify for the fifth floor. Moreover, the power of these 12 palms is greater than one palm, so you can avoid it. One palm is nothing, the key is the next few palms.

Seeing that Qin Yi escaped the first palm easily, the White Tiger did not show the slightest accident. If even the first palm could not avoid or take over, then Qin Yilian ’s qualification to enter the second floor of this devil cemetery, Is not.

After Bai Hu took a shot, he didn't stop. His huge body was extremely flexible, and he turned around quickly. The second palm was shot out from the top. He shot down to Qin Yi with no head and face.

Although the speed of its palm is fast, it is not amazing in the eyes of Qin Yi, who has entered the ethereal state. He still exerts the Liuyun formula to the extreme, and the white palm ’s second palm is also easily avoided. .

Next, Bai Hu quickly shot two palms. Although the speed of one palm was faster than that of one palm, the strength was also increasing. However, it still did not pose much threat to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi's cultivation practice, after the breakthrough to the late Emperor Dao's Five Realms, all the martial arts he learned were also greatly improved.

"Qin Yi, you are avoiding like this. It's boring. As an immortal in the age of immortality, I really want to see your strongest martial arts."

Baihu's fifth palm, just halfway through, but suddenly remembered something, suddenly closed his foot, and smiled at Qin Yi.

"Seeing my strongest martial arts?"

Qin Yimei Yu immediately touched his nose and smiled lightly, "No problem."

His strongest martial art is naturally the Seventh Form of Heavenly Demon. After breaking through to the end of Emperor's Five Realms, he also wanted to know, to what extent is this barbaric martial arts martial arts powerful?

"That's right."

Seeing that Qin Yi agreed to his request, the white tiger raised the corner of his mouth again and raised it violently. The tiger's eyes, which seemed to be like a basket, were obviously filled with a fever.

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