The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1887: Get through

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The cultivation of Gongxigeyu, Dugumen, Yucheng and the three people naturally have quite gratifying breakthroughs.

The men rushed out of the stone pool and came to the top.

Two years have passed, and here is still a cloud of misery, and the air is filled with a faint **** smell.

The ghastly melee battle two years ago was so tragic that hundreds of practitioners were killed, and thousands of mutant wild beasts were killed.

As everyone refined the emperor liquid in the Tianyou Cave, the large gathering of spirits in front of them was completely destroyed and no longer existed.

"According to the original plan, next, we will go to the central ladder and enter the fifth floor, then, let's not pass it."

Qin Yi looked at Du Gu Men, Gong Xi Ge Yu, Yu Cheng and the three people's faces, slowly swept, and smiled lightly.


Gong Xige Yu nodded and paused: "The cultivator on the fifth floor is obviously one level higher than the cultivators on the fourth floor. I hope you will proceed carefully after entering the fifth floor Carefully lose Jingzhou. "

I can see the color of concern in Gong Xigeyu's face, and Qin Yi's hearts flowed slightly warmly.

"Big Brother Gongxi, rest assured, we will naturally save."

Qin Yi nodded with a smile.

After entering the fifth floor, the enemy they will face is Tian Yu, a powerful beast soul division, ranked 9th on the guardianship list. Are they not careful?

To make matters worse, every time the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See enters a higher level, the upper level of the Kyushu Holy See will be transmitted to other gods and guards of the Kyushu Holy See in this demon cemetery.

In other words, as soon as they enter the fifth floor, Yutian will know immediately.

However, it is impossible for Qin Yi and several people to back down because of this. No matter how powerful Tian Yu is, they must all catch up and cannot escape.

"Then say goodbye!"

Gong Xi Ge Yu, Du Gu Men, Yu Cheng and the three people were neither the mother-in-law nor the mother. After no more delay, Qi Qi arched his hand to Qin Yi and they rose into the sky. A few blinks disappeared. Skyrim.

On the field, there were only four others left: Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou.

"Okay, let's go to the central ladder."

Yan Mei-niang's beautiful eyes circulated, and she smiled at Qin Yi three people.

"The fifth floor is already the last floor of this divine cemetery. As long as you pass the last floor, you can get out of this dungeon cage and try to get out."

Yan Zhuxin breathed out a long breath, and the charming little face was full of longing.

They have been trapped in this divine cemetery for too long. The Yan tribe, as well as her loved ones, want to see her loved ones too much.

The most important thing is that the totem of the Yan tribe is still on her body. The totem of a tribe is the treasure of the tribe's town. Once you leave the tribe for too long, it will definitely bring some changes to the tribe. If the rain is not adjusted well, it will even bring disaster to the tribe.

At the beginning, Yan Zhuxin followed Yan Shao, Blood Ghost, and others into this divine tomb, and brought more than one hundred dead.

Today, only Yan Zhuxin is left.

With a sigh of relief, Qin Yichong rubbed Yan Zhuxin's hair: "Bamboo Xin, it's really hard for you."

His sentence contained too much, and heard Yan Zhuxin ’s eyes were all hot, and shook his head gently: "Yan Shao and Uncle Yongde, they want to make waves in this **** and demon cemetery. I do n’t know if the sky is thick and thick, because of their arrogance, they will eventually die here. Fortunately, I followed you, otherwise I would have died long ago. "

"Okay, let's go."

Yan Meiniang waved her hand.

Several people no longer delayed, each of them suddenly threw the profound energy in their bodies, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the central area of ​​the fourth floor of this devil and cemetery.

Their current location is the southern end of the fourth floor, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the central ladder in the central zone. Even if it is deployed at a very fast speed, it will take more than ten days before it can be reached.

This day.

"Kyushu Holy See, Dongfangzhi, Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, and Xuan Lan have entered the fourth floor."

A deep and huge voice suddenly sounded in the minds of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

Sister Yang, they came up!

Hearing this voice, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were violently struggling, and Qin Yi's face showed a pleasant faint smile.

It has been too long for him to see Yang Shiqi. It feels like it has been separated by centuries.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, both stopped suddenly, Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou, both looked at them confusedly.

"Someone's old feelings, people come to this fourth floor, chant, don't you know someone's expression?"

Yan Mei Niang's eyes circulated, glancing at Qin Yi beside him.

Qin Yi's old love and people?

Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou couldn't help but stunned. They had been together for so long, but they never heard them talk about Yang Shiqi.

"When Qin Yi was in the local Xiaozongmen in the past, there was a sister with a green plum and bamboo horse named Yang Shiqi. Later, they entered the Kyushu Holy Church together.

Yan Mei Niang explained.

"Oh, I see……"

Yan Zhuxin said lightly that there was already a vinegar smell in the air.

Xia Jiuyou's performance is more direct, red eyelashes, blinking, Qin Yihun all over the body, looked around: "Lying trough, you kid, don't you look handsome? What kind of peerless beauties are all around you, is this too unscientific? "

Hearing Xia Jiuyou ’s words, Qin Yi could only touch his nose, grinning embarrassingly, and sighed in his heart. This kind of situation was indeed quite unscientific. He used to be too handsome and did n’t know to mess with it How much trouble.


Seeing him like this, Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin covered their mouths with their hands, and couldn't help but laugh out loud, and there was a strange joy in their hearts. It was really rare to see this guy eating deflated. Ha ha ha ...

Stop laughing, Yan Mei Niang straightened her face: "Now, Shi Qi and the four of them have already reached this fourth floor. So, do we continue to go to the Central Ladder, or change our plan, find them here first, and then go together Break into the central ladder? "

She has seven Lingwu, and it is not difficult to find the whereabouts of Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, Dongfangzhi, and Xuanlan on the fourth floor.

After a little deep contemplation, Qin Yi said: "The plan remains the same, let's go to the central ladder first. After entering the fifth floor, we will wait for them on the fifth floor. They just crossed the central ladder, and they don't know if they were injured. , So that they will immediately break into the central ladder on the fifth floor with us, something is wrong. "

"What you said makes sense, in case they don't have the strength to break into the fifth floor of the central ladder, it is a bit troublesome."

Yan Meiniang nodded: "Anyway, the fifth floor is also the last floor of this **** and demon cemetery. After entering the fifth floor, we will wait for them to come and act after the meeting. We have stayed here for so many years. Don't care about waiting for them for a while. "

Things are settled, they will first enter the fifth floor, and then wait for Yang Shiqi on the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is their meeting point.

Qin Yi will plan this way, and there is another meaning, that is, the cultivators of the fifth and fifth levels are definitely the pinnacle of today ’s Hongmeng era. As long as Yang Shiqi enters the fifth level, Qin Yi is worried They will encounter something unexpected, so they decided to wait until the fifth floor, and then you will act together.

More than ten days later, the magnificent, quaint and mysterious central ladder appeared in their sight.

To their surprise, however, the large square in front of the central ladder was empty.

However, this is normal. There are fewer cultivators in the fourth floor than in the next few layers. Moreover, after ascending to the top of the central ladder, you must take the twelve palms shot by the white tiger with all your strength. Eligible to enter the fifth floor.

Those who do not have enough confidence in themselves will naturally not try it easily.

The figures of Qin Yi flew across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the sky above the huge square in front of the Central Ladder, and then each of them suddenly swept away the profound energy in their bodies and slowly descended from the sky.

"Only the four of us ran into the central ladder, but saved the fight for the top three places."

With the soles of the feet on the solid ground, Yan Meiniang's beautiful eyes circulated, glancing at the open square: "It's just that we don't know. When was the last time we ran into the central ladder, how long do we have to wait here?"

However, her voice just fell, and a huge voice came down from the top of the central ladder, with a lazy expression: "Someone finally came to the central ladder, and I have been napping here for three years."

For three full years, no cultivator broke into this central ladder!

Wen Yan, the four people of Qin Yi, couldn't help but be stunned, blinking in disbelief there.

Obviously, it is necessary to take the white tiger's 12 palms. This rule has made many practitioners here dare not act rashly.

At this time, above the central ladder, the white tiger's head appeared, with a pair of huge tiger eyes sleepy, and glanced lazily downward.

When his eyes touched Qin Yi's people, Bai Hu couldn't help but stunned: "Haha, kill God, I can't think of it, you are these people, not bad!"

The killing **** in its mouth is naturally Qin Yi.

In this regard, Qin Yi could only touch his nose, but couldn't help but smile.

Prior to this, Qin Yi had begged Bai Hu several times to tell himself about his past life, but Bai Hu was helpless.

Bai Hu remarked: "This fifth floor originally stipulated that the central ladder can only be run once every six months, but now there have been three people in the past, and no cultivators have come to break in. The cultivators who come here can run at any time. Are you guys ready? If you are ready, start to run! "

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