The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 475 He would rather fight Voldemort with a wand

"The learning of Occlumency is very simple. It is only divided into two parts, that is, theoretical learning and practical trial. Theoretical learning means that you have to understand what Occlumency is; and the practical trial means that you use Occlumency Technique, resist my attack with Legilimency."

"Of course, I will carry out these steps step by step, but not too slowly. I will tell you the theoretical knowledge of Occlumency today, and in the next week, you will have seven days to practice your brain. Occlumency, after the next meeting, I will use Legilimency on you one by one."

"Occlumency not only requires multiple practices, but also values ​​your own talent and understanding. Some people learn Occlumency and can completely empty their brains in one night, preventing others from detecting any memories; but more There are many people who have been practicing for several years, but they can’t even clear their minds.”

"Talent and understanding cannot be forced, so I ask you to do your best in this part of human work!"

Lin En said in a deep voice, his eyes scanning several people sharply.

In the process of teaching Occlumency, Linn did not show any stinginess to the five people.

He not only taught all the theoretical knowledge about Occlumency to the five people, but also taught them all the Occlumency skills he had mastered and his experience in practicing Occlumency for more than a year.

After everyone seemed to accept Lin En's instillation of knowledge into them, the time had already reached midnight.

Fortunately, the young wizards who were able to stay here were all talented young wizards. Before this gathering, Irwin was able to skillfully cast the Disillusionment Curse.

Harry and Astoria also successfully cast the Disillusionment Curse on the spot at this gathering.

Therefore, when the door to the Room of Requirement was reopened and the confusion spell placed in the corridor was removed, the three of them skillfully waved their wands, cast a layer of Disillusionment Charm on themselves, and then left quietly.

After rearranging the confusion spell and closing the door to the Room of Requirement, Linn turned his attention to the Weasley twins who stayed behind. He smiled and said: "Okay, next is what I promised you, alchemy in practice. application in it.”

Hearing Linn's words, Fred and George both felt as if they had been given blood. Their eyes widened, waiting for Linn's next words.

Lin En smiled and said: "If you want to refine the alchemy circle in battle, you need to do two steps. First, you need to liberate your carving knives and switch from using the carving knife to carve the alchemy circle to using Use your wand to refine the alchemy formation; secondly, you need to liberate your alchemy materials and try to refine the formation out of thin air!"

Lin En carefully introduced to the two of them the techniques of using a wand instead of a carving knife to refine the alchemy formation, as well as the techniques of refining the formation out of thin air.

Fred and George listened attentively, taking out a small notebook from their pockets from time to time and recording something on it with a quill.

After explaining the method of making the formation out of thin air, Lin En's fingers slid slightly in the air, and thousands of golden threads condensed in an instant, transforming into a shimmering alchemy formation.

"Here, this is one of the alchemy formations I use to fight."

Lin En gave an example to the two of them using the alchemy circle hovering in his palm.

Following Lin En's thought, hundreds of golden light beams quickly emitted from the alchemy circle and shot towards the wall not far away.

Under Lynn's control, the power of this alchemy circle was not even able to scrape off the walls of the room, but it did indeed play a teaching role for Fred and George.

After Linn's explanation, Fred and George began to try this new technique of refining the alchemy circle again and again.

Fred and George's talents in the field of alchemy are not low, at least not worse than Lynn's. At two o'clock in the morning, they mastered the method of using wands instead of carving knives to refine alchemical circles on parchment. Method.

As for practicing the formation out of thin air, even when Nico Flamel was young, there was no guarantee that he could learn it in one night, let alone Fred and George.

However, just learning to refine the alchemy circle with a wand was enough to make Fred and George happy. After all, this was the result of their one night's practice!

After Fred and George successfully drew an alchemical circle on the parchment with their wands, they jumped up with joy and high-fived each other.

They thanked Linn and left contentedly.

After these two people also left, only Lin En and Irina, who had been with him until now, were left in the Room of Requirement.

"Good work, Lynn."

Irina silently came over with a glass of hot milk and handed it to Linn.

Linn took the hot milk and drank it in one gulp. He seemed to be full of energy this evening.

But when everyone leaves and only Irina remains in front of him, allowing him to show his true self, he will still show an obvious look of exhaustion.

As a student, it is not easy to take over the work of a professor and be qualified and good enough.

Lin En only felt that even if he was allowed to hold the wand and fight Voldemort, it would be easier than teaching these young wizards.

Irina sat next to Linn. She gently waved the wand in her hand. As her thoughts changed, the scene in the Room of Requirement also changed rapidly.

The cushions under Linn and Irina turned into a large soft bed. The surrounding bookshelves and various alchemical creations disappeared, replaced by wooden cabinets and soft lights.

The Room of Requirement suddenly turned into a bedroom.

It was already three o'clock in the morning. Instead of running from the eighth floor back to the Slytherin dormitory under the castle to sleep, it was better to rest all night on this big bed that was several times more comfortable than the dormitory.

Irina took care of Linn and fell asleep on the bed. Then she moved her body, lying next to him, and waved her wand to extinguish the lights in the room.

The next few meetings went extremely smoothly.

The second and third gatherings allowed all the little wizards to master the magic of the Illusionary Body Curse, and most of them mastered the Illusionary Body Curse in nearly three weeks. of silent casting.

In the third meeting, Lin En combined alchemy, dream weaving spells and dream spells to create illusory arrays with different scenes, allowing these little wizards who have mastered the illusion spell to In the special illusion array, try to solve the mystery in the illusion. (End of chapter)

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