The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 474 Teaching of the Illusion Body Curse

"In the face of an enemy you cannot resist, in the name of not fearing death, staying and fighting to the end is not a heroic sacrifice, but a stupid death! Therefore, the first lesson I want to teach you is how to In a battle, save your life!”

Linn said in a deep voice.

Hearing Linn's words, Hermione frowned and questioned: "What about your comrades? If you retreat, then they will die on the battlefield without your help." superior?"

Linn said softly: "There are always sacrifices in war, Hermione. I said, the premise for your retreat is that the enemy is something you cannot deal with no matter what. The lives of your comrades are important, but you can't change it if you stay. In any ending, your comrades will also die, but the only difference is that you will die together!"

"In a war, the living are always more important than the dead. I admit that this is very cold-blooded, but you should also understand that if you stay, your only role is to leave behind heroic sacrifices in future generations. Honor; but if you leave alive, you can do more things - treat the wounded, protect the people, provide logistical support, and even return to the battlefield to avenge your sacrificed comrades!"

"Think about it, isn't this more meaningful than dying for love with your comrades on the battlefield? As I said just now, this is not desertion, but a tactical retreat. What is a tactical retreat? It is to fight again. Come back and temporarily retreat with the purpose of achieving victory. Therefore, tactical retreat is not the same as desertion, it is an effective combat method that can reduce casualties and expand the results!"

Lynn said so.

Listening to Lin En's words, everyone was thoughtful, and they were all thinking about Lin En's words.

"So, how do you teach us how to survive on the battlefield?"

Hermione asked softly.

Lin En said calmly: "There are too many ways to save your life in battle, and what I plan to teach you today is a simple, convenient, and versatile spell, which is the Illusion Curse! Everyone present Friends, does anyone know how to cast the Disguise Charm?"

Lin En looked at the people in front of him and asked.

As Linn finished speaking, eight little wizards stood up from their seats. They were all in sixth or seventh grade.

"So, do any of you know how to cast the Disguise Curse silently?"

Lynn continued to ask.

Hearing this, the eight people looked at each other, and then they all shook their heads honestly.

"Okay," Lin En nodded slightly and said, "When the training starts later, you will stand separately from them, and I will teach you the silent casting skills of the Illusion Curse alone."

After saying that, Linn turned his attention to others.

"In the next two meetings, our teaching purpose is to let you fully master the application of the silent casting of the Illusion Body Curse. Only the silent casting of the Illusion Body Curse can allow you to escape silently from the battlefield. , without causing the enemy to be alert in advance.”

"First of all, we need to understand the uses of the Disguise Curse in war. Infiltration? Investigation? Theft? Assassination? Escape? These are the purposes of using the Disguise Curse. After everyone has mastered the relevant skills, I will also Arrange the scenes in sequence and let everyone challenge the use of the Disguise Curse for these five purposes."

Lin En said loudly to everyone.

Later, Linn divided the young wizards into three teams: those who had never been exposed to the Disillusionment Curse, those who had been exposed to it but had not learned it, and those who had learned the Disillusionment Curse but could not cast it silently, into three teams.

Among Linn and Irina's assistants, only Irwin mastered the skills of using the Disguise Curse, while Harry could only become one of the young wizards learning the Disguise Curse.

Therefore, under Linn's arrangement, Irvine was responsible for teaching those young wizards in the third and fourth grades who had never been exposed to the magic spell of the Disguise Curse, and taught them the theoretical knowledge of the Disguise Curse.

Lin En explained the spells and casting techniques of the Disguise Curse to those young wizards who had been exposed to the Disillusionment Curse but had not yet learned it, and helped them to cast the Disguise Curse skillfully.

As for Irina, she was responsible for teaching the eight young wizards who mastered the Illusion Body Curse, allowing them to master the silent casting techniques of the Illusion Body Curse one by one.

After Linn arranged the tasks for everyone, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Astoria came to Linn obediently and waited for Linn's teaching.

With the division of labor clearly defined, the teaching began in full swing.

There is not a lot of theoretical knowledge about the Disguise Curse. The twenty or so little wizards that Irwin was responsible for mastered all the theoretical knowledge about the Disguise Curse within half an hour, and they all joined Lin En's team one after another. .

And Irwin also came to Lin En's side to help Lin En and improve Lin En's teaching efficiency.

In fact, the Disillusionment Charm is not as simple as the everyday magic such as the Luminous Charm, the Cleansing Charm and the Levitation Charm that young wizards learn.

Even some Aurors in the Auror Office have not yet mastered the use of the Disillusionment Curse, which illustrates the difficulty of the Disillusionment Curse.

Of course, this may also be because those Aurors have no intention of actively learning the Disguise Curse.

When the time came to curfew and the gathering came to an end, among the more than fifty young wizards taught by Lin En, only nine of them understood how to use the Illusion Curse on the spot, in front of everyone. A successful illusion spell was released.

Of the eight young wizards taught by Irina, only one has mastered the technique of silent spellcasting.

But even so, these little wizards who have made progress can be said to be extremely talented.

After all, these magic spells that would take ordinary people months or even years to master, they mastered in just a few hours of gathering.

"This is the first gathering, and so many people have understood the Illusion Body Curse. Coupled with their own private practice, I believe that after another gathering, they should all be able to skillfully cast the Illusion Body Curse."

Lin En sighed as he watched the young wizards leave.

Irina nodded slightly, and she confirmed Linn's statement: "Well, let's not talk about silent casting, but it is not too difficult for them to release the Illusion Curse."

Linn smiled, and he turned back to look at the remaining five people: Harry, Irwin, Astoria, Fred, and George.

Linn said easily: "Then, let's start the teaching of Occlumency."

After hearing Lin En's words, all five people showed excited eyes.

It was only after they arrived at the Room of Requirement that Irwin, Astoria, Fred and George learned from Lynn that they would also learn Occlumency from Lynn, which made the four of them feel very sad. surprise.

Especially Fred and George, it was already an unexpected joy for them to learn how to apply the alchemy circle in actual combat, but they did not expect that this time it would be an even greater joy! (End of chapter)

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