The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 465 Who else can we count on?

Among the fifty or sixty people, they were all from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff houses, but there was no young wizard from Slytherin house.

It's not surprising that Hermione didn't go looking for the little wizard from Slytherin House. She really didn't dare to bet. If she found someone she shouldn't have found, it wouldn't be a big deal if the other party didn't come, but if the other party went directly to Um If Rich reported it, it would be a big deal.

Therefore, among so many people, the only young wizards from Slytherin House were Linn, Irwin and Astoria.

Among this crowd of black crows, there were quite a few little wizards that Lin En and Irina were familiar with.

For example, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hannah Abbott, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George and their friends Lee Jordan, the Creevey brothers, and Harry in the original book Li's first love Zhang Qiu and so on.

In addition, there are more than twenty little wizards with names in the original work, and the rest are little wizards who did not join them in the original work, but who are now attracted by their fame.

"You call this...five or six people?"

Harry and Ron were a little confused.

Hermione said happily: "Yes, good, it seems that this idea is very popular! Ron, could you please bring some more chairs over."

At this time, the owner of the Pig's Head Bar, Aberforth Dumbledore, the only second Dumbledore in the world, seemed stunned when he saw this scene. He had probably never seen such a person in his bar. Multiple people.

"Hey," Fred walked to the bar first. He nodded to the people in the bar and said happily, "Excuse me, can you bring us... fifty-eight bottles of butterbeer?"

Aberforth glared at Fred for a moment, then took out bottles of dusty Butterbeer from under the bar with a stinking look on his face, as if he was at a disadvantage in doing business with him.

"Thank you, everyone please contribute some money, I don't have money to buy so much beer..."

Fred said as he passed the butterbeer to everyone.

Harry and Ron were still bewildered as they watched the large group of chirping people take the butterbeer from Fred's hand, and then fumble for coins inside the wizard's robes.

Fortunately, while Harry was still in a state of confusion, Linn came out.

"Everyone, I think before you came here, you should have roughly heard about what we plan to do."

Linn stepped forward, waved the wand in his hand, and covered the entire Hog's Head Bar with a silent ear-blocking spell, so that no one except the little wizard and Aberforth could hear them. conversation.

Seeing Lin En speak, these little wizards immediately stopped making noise and turned their attention to Lin En.

"I think, as long as you have attended Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you should know that no one would call those things that are in name only Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Perhaps you still don't know the inside story of Umbridge coming to Hogwarts Castle to teach, but you should all understand that a politician, an out-and-out politician who only wants to do your best, cannot truly teach you. OK!"

"What does Umbridge want to do? Or rather, what does Fudge want to do? They are just doing it for their own selfish desires. They are suspicious of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They are suspicious that Dumbledore will use you as his reserve team. They are suspicious that you will be in the school. Pick up your wand and fight against the Ministry of Magic in the future!”

"They want to teach you to be useless, and teach you to be useless, so that if a Death Eater comes to your house, he can kill your whole family with a wand! They want your lives to be threatened, and your lives will be threatened. The family is threatened, and the peace and security of the British wizarding community... is threatened!”

"So, what should we do? Adhering to the mentality that the king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die, and sacrifice the lives of ourselves and our families to those stupid politicians? No, we must have our own strength, and nothing else. At least we must be able to protect ourselves and our families!”

"Since the Ministry of Magic cannot count on it, who can we count on? Who else can we count on? It is better to count on ourselves, my friends! We should have enough power to improve our magic level through learning and practicing again and again! What we strive for is better peace in the magical world!"

Lin En spoke loudly, and every word he spoke went straight to the heart of every little wizard present.

The Ministry of Magic wants to make them useless and send them to death. Do they want to accept it? !

Not accepted! Not accepted! Not accepted!

In the Pig Head Bar, the little wizards were silent for a long time, and then they burst into shouts that seemed to lift the entire ceiling.

"For better peace in the wizarding world!"

"For better peace in the wizarding world!"

"For better peace in the wizarding world!"


Everyone shouted in unison, their fiery gazes locked on Lin En. They longed for more powerful power, the power to protect themselves and their families!

At this time, Irina smiled at Lin En and came to his side.

"Everyone, if you are willing, we plan to teach you some formal defense against black magic, so that you can get formal training and improve your magic level. If nothing else, I am confident that each of you can master it. The ability to save one's life from a Death Eater!"

Irina said softly.

It is not realistic for everyone present to have the same level of magic as a Death Eater, but there is no big problem if you want to save your life under the hands of a Death Eater.

As long as they can master and release the Iron Armor Curse relatively smoothly, and learn some offensive magic such as the Disarming Curse and the Stunning Curse, they may not be able to defeat the Death Eaters, but it will be more than enough to save their lives.

At this time, a girl with a long braid on the back of her head looked at Irina and asked hopefully: "Miss Lowell, I heard that Harry Potter has been able to conjure magic under your guidance. A physical patron saint, is that real?!”

Lynn and Irina once used physical patron saints in the carriage of the Hogwarts Express, and drove away the dementors that intercepted the Hogwarts Express in front of countless young wizards.

Therefore, they did not doubt that Linn and Irina could release the Patronus.

But if Harry, who has received their teachings, can also release the physical Patronus, then the significance here is much more important than Linn and Irina knowing the Patronus Charm themselves!

After all, mastering the Patronus Charm themselves does not mean that they will teach others the Patronus Charm.

And if Harry also learns the Patronus Charm, it means that Lynn and Irina really have the ability to help others master the physical Patronus!

How could this not excite them? ! (End of chapter)

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