The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 464 Do you call these five or six people? !

Soon it was the morning of the first Hogsmeade weekend of this school year. After having breakfast, almost all the little wizards in third grade and above came to line up in front of Filch, waiting to leave. Hogwarts Castle.

At this time, Irina, Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing outside the team, seemingly waiting for someone.

After these days of discussion, Harry believed that his ability in Defense Against the Dark Arts was much worse than that of Irina. Even most of the spells he mastered were handled by Irina and Hermione. Taught to him.

Therefore, Harry decided to let himself serve as Irina's assistant, allowing Irina to take the dominant position, while he followed Irina's orders.

Not long after, Irina's eyes suddenly lit up, and she waved vigorously not far away.

Linn was seen walking out of the auditorium, and behind him were Irwin and Astoria.

Fortunately for Irwin, he himself has mastered the equally powerful ancient magic lightning technique. The infinite superposition of the power of thunder allows him to barely compete with the devil-level wizards, so he is eager to learn from Lin En and Irina. The Defense Against the Dark Arts skills on his body are not that urgent.

But Astoria is different. Even though she possesses extremely high talent for magic spells, if the talent is not realized through study and practice, it is equivalent to nothing.

Therefore, she was very excited when she learned that Lynn and Irina planned to teach everyone about Defense Against the Dark Arts and various magic techniques.


After seeing the academy badges on Irvine and Astoria's chests, Harry looked troubled.

Although the existence of Linn made Harry no longer reject Slytherin House as much as he did at the beginning, people's prejudices are a big mountain, and if you want to climb it, you will always have to encounter various difficulties.

What's more, a large part of the students in Slytherin House are not good people. This is an indisputable fact.

Even though Harry knew he couldn't generalize, he would still subconsciously feel conflicted after seeing the emblem of Slytherin House, as did Ron next to him.

Seeing that something was wrong with Harry and Ron's expressions, Linn naturally understood what the two children were thinking. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, Irvine and Astoria are both my friends and can be trusted." .”

After hearing Linn's words, Harry and Ron's expressions finally softened.

With a smile on his lips, Irwin walked to Linn's side.

Astoria, on the other hand, was a little flattered. She came to Irvin's side cautiously, but the corners of her mouth were also slightly raised, showing a sweet smile.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Irina said softly as she took the lead in getting to the back of the long queue.

When everyone saw this, they quickly came behind Irina in order.

Not long after, the group successfully left the castle and set foot on the path to Hogsmeade.

"Where on earth are we going?" Harry asked on the way. "The Three Broomsticks?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Oh, no, it's always crowded and noisy. I asked the others to meet us at the Hog's Head, which is another pub, off the main road, as you know."

Ron said suspiciously: "The Pig's Head Bar? That there something..."

Hermione said helplessly: "I also think this is a bit... you know... not very safe... but students generally don't go there, so I think we won't be overheard by others when we talk there. .”

At this time, Linn smiled and said: "Don't worry, my closed-ear plug listening spell can achieve full coverage in the Pig's Head Bar. No one except us can overhear our conversation."

Hearing Linn's words, Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then a smile broke out on her face.

How could she forget that she has a demon king-level wizard sitting on her side?

Not to mention this is a small gathering among students, even if they are about to raise a banner to rebel against the Ministry of Magic, they will not be afraid at all.

Soon, the group arrived at the Pig Head Bar.

Everyone looked towards the Pig Head Bar and saw a tattered wooden sign hanging on the rusty bracket on the door, with a severed wild boar head drawn on it, and blood stains soaked into the white cloth wrapping it.

As everyone approached, they heard the signboard creaking in the wind.

Everyone did not hesitate, but opened the door and walked in.

The inside of the Pig's Head Bar is completely different from the Three Broomsticks Bar. The big bar of the Three Broomsticks Bar always makes people feel bright, clean and warm, but the Pig's Head Bar is just a small, dark, very dirty room, exuding the odor A strong smell of mutton.

The bay windows were covered with thick dirt, barely letting in any light, and some candle stubs were burning on the rough wooden tables.

The stone-paved floor in the Pig's Head Bar seemed to have accumulated centuries of dirt. It was obviously a stone-paved floor, but it felt like compacted earth when stepped on.

It seems to be fashionable for wizards in the Hog's Head pub to hide their faces.

There was a wizard at the bar, his whole head wrapped in dirty gray bandages, but he was still able to pour cup after cup of something smoking and flaming through a slit in his mouth. .

Sitting at a table by the window were two hooded figures who looked like dementors.

Looking around, Harry shivered. He felt that this was not a place where a good person should stay.

At this time, the owner of the Pig Head Bar stepped out of a back door and came towards the crowd.

After seeing Lin En and Irina, his eyes flickered slightly and he nodded to them silently.

Lin En and Irina also nodded lightly in response.

"What do you want?"

He looked at Harry and the others and asked in a mumble.

Hermione said, "Well, seven bottles of butterbeer, please."

He reached down and pulled out seven dusty, dirty bottles from under the counter, placed them heavily on the bar, and said, "Fourteen Sickles."

Harry stepped forward, handed over a small bag of Silverscoot, and then took the butterbeer to the table farthest from the bar and sat down.

"So, Hermione, who will come to meet us later?"

Harry unscrewed the rusty bottle cap of the butterbeer in his hand, took a big sip, and asked.

Hermione looked at her watch and looked toward the door anxiously. She replied: "There are only five or six people. I asked them to arrive at about this time. I think they all know where they are... Well, look, This is probably them..."

As Hermione finished speaking, the door of the Pig's Head Bar was pushed open again.

A thick, dusty ray of sunlight split the room in two, but was blocked by a large group of people who came in in an instant.

The dark crowd that poured in from the door must have been at least fifty or sixty people. They all seemed to be young wizards in fifth grade and above. Of course, there were also some third and fourth graders who had just been allowed to come to Hogg. The little wizard from Maude Village.

"Hermione, you call this...five or six people?!"

Except for Hermione, everyone's mouth corners were twitching crazily. (End of chapter)

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