The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 461 Umbridge’s Target

Looking at the two completely opposite news articles in the same Daily Prophet, all the little wizards who subscribed to the Daily Prophet started talking about it.

After seeing the scene in the auditorium, Umbridge deliberately tried to stop the young wizards from talking, but she could not ban them from reading the Daily Prophet across the board.

After all, the Daily Prophet contained not only news against the Ministry of Magic, but also news about the Ministry of Magic itself.

This is the brilliance of the Daily Prophet. Even if Fudge attacks the Daily Prophet for the following news, he cannot completely ban the Daily Prophet.

Unless Fudge doesn't even want people to see the news he provides.

"Okay, students! I think you all have subscribed to today's Daily Prophet, right? I hope you all trust the Ministry of Magic's announcement and believe that the Ministry of Magic will bring you a bright future! Don't listen to the slander of some villains, and more Don’t discuss illegal topics!”

Umbridge stood on the teacher's bench. She clapped her hands vigorously to attract the little wizard's attention.

However, after listening to Umbridge's words, these little wizards, instead of taking her words to heart, looked at Umbridge with strange eyes.

In the second news article of the Daily Prophet, it is clearly written that Umbridge is a politician through and through, not a qualified professor!

Will having a politician interfere with teaching at Hogwarts Castle really improve their grades? !

Thinking of this, most young wizards looked at Umbridge with doubts in their eyes.

People always follow the crowd, especially young wizards whose views have not yet been finalized, and are very susceptible to influence from the outside world.

Otherwise, Seamus in the original book would not listen to the words of the Daily Prophet and his mother, and would regard Harry, his roommate who lives with him day and night, as a crazy liar who tells lies.

But in the same way, today’s Daily Prophet is filled with the comments of both Fudge and Barty Sr. The Daily Prophet is no longer Fudge’s voice, but has the voice of Barty Sr.

Among the two voices, the analysis given by Old Batty was more reasonable and well-founded, and people could not believe it.

This made the little wizards in the auditorium easily believe what Old Barty said in this news, and became hostile to Fudge and Umbridge. This happened to achieve the goal of Lynn and Irina!

After the "Education Order No. 23" was promulgated, the little wizard's life was not greatly affected.

After all, this educational order is mainly aimed at the professors in Hogwarts Castle.

Professor McGonagall and other senior professors did not take them too seriously. They had great confidence in the courses they taught and in their own abilities. Even if Umbridge didn't like them, she still had great confidence in them. There is no way to take this opportunity to drive them away.

The promulgation of "Education Order No. 23" has been opposed by many students' parents. If Umbridge drives away these students, or even the professors of the students' parents, it is conceivable that Fudge and Umbridge will be asked to What a peak the sound of stepping down will reach.

Umbridge would not be stupid enough to dig her own grave.

However, some professors who lacked their own abilities and were barely qualified in the courses they taught, or even just trying to make ends meet, felt nervous about this.

The most obvious one is Professor Trelawney in the Divination class, who seemed particularly nervous when facing Umbridge's questioning.

In Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class, Umbridge also appeared.

After Linn and Irina helped Hagrid solve the giant problem in advance, Hagrid came back to resume his position as professor of the Care of Magical Creatures class, and Hagrid was going to talk about some cats in this class. .

Cats are the magical animals that O.W.Ls will take the exam, which makes Harry, Ron and Hermione who come to class heaving a sigh of relief.

At least they didn't need to worry about Umbridge using today's teaching content to embarrass Hagrid.

But they still seemed to underestimate Umbridge's ill will towards Hagrid.

Umbridge was very concerned about Hagrid's giant-mixed blood, which made her eyes almost overflow with malice when she came to Hagrid's class.


Umbridge coughed deliberately to try to get Hagrid's attention.

She was wearing a green hat and a green cloak, all green, resembling a dark green toad, and she was holding a writing pad in her hand.

Hagrid, who was about to give a lesson to everyone, noticed the strange sound. He had only returned to Hogwarts Castle not long ago, and he still didn't know Umbridge's reputation in Hogwarts Castle.

Hagrid also read the accusations and descriptions of Umbridge in the Daily Prophet, but he firmly believed that hearing is believing and seeing is believing, so he did not treat Umbridge with a subjective and malicious attitude.

He just smiled and said, "Oh, hello!"

Umbridge had a fake smile on her face, and she spoke in a slow and loud voice, as if Hagrid was a mentally retarded foreigner: "Professor Hagrid, I wonder if you have received my message this morning. A note sent to your cabin? Said I was coming to attend your class."

"Oh, received," Hagrid said in a cheerful voice, "I'm glad you found the place! What I want to tell the students today is about the catnives..."

Cat nives? !

Umbridge thought quickly about the magical animal Neoncat, and after discovering that it fully met the teaching standards, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She could no longer criticize Hagrid based on this.

However, she soon found a new way to target Hagrid.

She pretended not to hear Hagrid's words clearly, put her hands to her ears to make the shape of a cup, frowned and said loudly: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Seeing that Umbridge didn't understand, Hagrid looked a little confused.

"Uh... Mao Zizi, I think you should be able to understand."

Hagrid said, and in order to make Umbridge understand, he also made a cat-nives gesture with his hands.

However, Hagrid's action made Umbridge smile coldly, with a smile of success on her face.

Umbridge raised her eyebrows slightly, and then wrote on the writing board while reading: "Well...there is a problem with depends on...clumsy gestures..."

Hearing Umbridge's sharp comments, Hagrid seemed a little flustered. He no longer paid attention to Umbridge, but turned to the young wizards and asked subconsciously: "Uh, where did I say it before? ?”

Before Hermione could answer Hagrid's question, Umbridge continued writing and reading: "It seems... my memory... is very poor..." (End of Chapter)

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