The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 460 Public opinion, a war without smoke!

After the two came back from rescuing Stoji, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

Both Lin En and Irina have classes at nine in the morning. If they want to squint for a while, they have to go back to the dormitory to rest.

After rescuing Stourge from Azkaban prison, they finally lived a peaceful life again.

The most explosive thing during this period was that the news about Stourge's arrest that was supposed to be published in the Daily Prophet was replaced by news about another prison robbery in Azkaban Prison.

"Azkaban prison under attack!"

"It is reported that the Azkaban prison was attacked by two unknown Death Eaters the day before yesterday. The third floor of the Azkaban fortress completely collapsed. All the dark wizards imprisoned on the third floor were kidnapped. We hope that the general public Travel with caution in recent days! Fortunately, although the Aurors responsible for guarding Azkaban Prison were all injured and knocked unconscious, none of them died. This is not in line with the Death Eater-style attack methods, and it makes people wonder whether there is someone behind the incident. Other secrets."

After reading the news content, Linn and Irina both smiled bitterly. Indeed, they used a powerful stun spell to knock out the Aurors, which was indeed very different from Barty Crouch Jr.'s original method of committing crimes.

After all, when someone raises his hand, there is a green light of the Death Curse. Even after the attack is over, the Death Curse is used to finish the damage, not the powerful Stunning Curse.

But they can't really kill those Aurors just to make the disguise perfect, right? !

Anyway, even if they leave some doubts, it doesn't matter. Those Aurors can't follow the clues and touch the two students who are still studying in Hogwarts Castle, right? !

The robbery of Azkaban prison made Fudge furious.

Because of the unsafe conditions in Azkaban Prison, the public was once again disappointed with the leadership of Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and the calls for accelerating the impeachment of Fudge were getting louder and louder. How could Fudge not feel panicked? ? !

In order to prevent Dumbledore from presiding over the impeachment, and to prevent the people from getting what they wanted, Fudge acted like a monster again.

In the Daily Prophet a week later, a piece of news shocked all the little wizards in the auditorium who had subscribed to the Daily Prophet.

"The Ministry of Magic seeks education reform and Dolores Umbridge is appointed as the first High Inquisitor!"

"In an impromptu move last night, the Ministry of Magic passed new decrees giving it an unprecedented degree of control over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In recent weeks, Minister Cornelius Fudge has not been A new decree was adopted to improve the magic school. Just recently, on August 30th, the "Education Decree No. 22" was passed, ensuring that if the current principal cannot provide a candidate for a certain teaching position, he will be The Ministry recommends a suitable candidate."

"This recent temporary operation has officially come into effect due to the passage of the Ministry of Magic's "Education Order No. 23", and at the same time the new position of Hogwarts Senior Inquisitor has been created. In the minister's attempt to control the so-called magic at Hogwarts "This is an exciting new step in plans to address the decline in educational standards in schools. The Ombudsman will have the power to scrutinize her teaching colleagues to ensure they are all meeting standards."

"Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her teaching duties and we are delighted to say that she has accepted it. These new measures at the Ministry of Magic have been enthusiastically supported by parents of Hogwarts students."

Irina read out the contents of the Daily Prophet in a focused manner, while Harry, Ron and Hermione gathered around her to read the contents of the newspaper.

Looking at this news, the four of them still looked heavy, but after seeing the second news below this news, the four of them couldn't help laughing.

"Expose the ugly lies of the Ministry of Magic! Parents of students are strongly opposed!"

"After learning that the Ministry of Magic had never made any public announcement or adopted public opinions before issuing Education Order No. 23, parents of Hogwarts students fiercely expressed their opposition to the Ministry of Magic's involvement in Hogwarts affairs. !

‘The Ministry of Magic has never consulted the opinions of parents like us students,’ student parent Yassen Roos said, ‘I don’t think a professor who only follows the textbook and has low teaching quality has any qualifications to review her colleagues! ’

Parents of Hogwarts students are opposed to the Ministry of Magic's involvement in Hogwarts Castle. They believe that the school should not be political.

'Get Umbridge out of Hogwarts! ’ Yarel Singer, a parent of a student, said, ‘She is not a professor, but a politician through and through! ’

The author believes that Fudge's statement about "Education Order No. 23" is full of subjective conjectures and has not truly considered the opinions of the students' parents. This is a lie by the Ministry of Magic, ugly and ignorant! "

An entire news article was devoted to rebuking Fudge for issuing Educational Order No. 23 and for reaching into Hogwarts Castle.

The most ironic thing is that the former news article also said "These new measures of the Ministry of Magic have been enthusiastically supported by the parents of Hogwarts students", while the latter news article said in the largest font "Students Parents are strongly opposed."

This is also the reason why the four of Irina laughed.

Judging from the signature of the reporter on this second piece of news, this reporter should be someone working for Michelle Anderson. In other words, the release of this news should have been obtained by the part that currently controls the Daily Prophet instead of Lynn. Old Batty's instruction.

Thinking of this, Irina's lips curved into a smile.

It seemed that Old Barty understood what she and Linn meant.

Under the suppression of Lynn and Irina, they would not let Umbridge cause too much trouble in Hogwarts Castle and cause too much damage to the little wizard's physical and mental health.

This also means that even if the little wizards hate and hate Umbridge, it will not be as extreme as in the original work. If you want the little wizards to unite to deal with Umbridge, their emotions must be let go. Reach the extreme.

Neither Lin, Irina, nor Dumbledore would allow the little wizard to get hurt because of Umbridge.

Then the vacant part of emotion can only be driven by public opinion.

Yes, these two pieces of news published in the same Daily Prophet are a clear war of public opinion!

Fudge hoped to sway public opinion toward the Ministry of Magic, regain public support, and minimize Dumbledore's chances of impeaching him.

Lynn and Irina hope to use public opinion to completely defeat Fudge, and use public opinion to arouse the anger of young wizards, students' parents, and even the wizards in the entire British wizarding world against Fudge and Umbridge, so that they can use endless anger to attack their enemies. Completely engulfed!

This is destined to be a war, a war without smoke! (End of chapter)

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