The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 448 Death Eater Shafiq

There was no doubt that this was a Death Eater. He stood on the top of the mountain and looked coldly at the sleeping giants in the camp in the valley.

"If it weren't for my master's grand plan, how could I, Adolf Shafiq, come into contact with these dirty, disgusting, and lowly races..."

Shafiq whispered, looking at the giant as if he were looking at maggots in a trash can.

As the actual leader of the Shafiq family among the 28 pure-blooded families, Adolf Shafiq naturally upholds the idea of ​​​​pure blood supremacy. This is also the biggest reason why he joined the Death Eater camp.

Many Death Eaters immediately disapparated and fled after witnessing Voldemort being repelled by Lynn, and were no longer willing to accept Voldemort's orders, such as the classic wallflower Lucius Malfoy.

But more Death Eaters are still willing to follow Voldemort's footsteps.

This is not because they stubbornly believe that Voldemort is invincible, but because apart from Voldemort, they can't find another leader who can carry the concept of pure blood supremacy.

Although the Malfoy family advocates pure blood, they value the lives of their family members more, and have not yet reached the point where they put the concept of pure blood above their own lives.

This is why after the finale in the original book, almost all Death Eaters were liquidated, but the Malfoy family, whose own manor had become a Death Eater stronghold, was still safe and sound.

It was one thing that the Malfoy family could spend enough money to bribe the Ministry of Magic, but what was more important was that their position changed so quickly that even the Aurors who wanted to arrest the Malfoy family were shocked.

Shafiq looked coldly at the giants lying in the camp. His eyes did not turn to Kakus as Gugo, but stayed on the equally strong giant not far away.

The corners of Shafiq's mouth raised slightly, and he whispered like a devil: "More than seventy giants seem to be difficult to control... Then let's start a civil strife and let these dirty bloodlines be cleaned up first... "

"Anyway, as long as we can make the giants obey us, no matter how many giants are left, I have completed my master's mission, right?"

Shafiq whispered as he waved his wand, canceling the noise he had made.

He walked slowly into the giant camp. He did not disturb the ordinary giants, but came to the equally strong giant he had been watching before.

Shafiq awakened the giant and waved his magic wand, lighting it on the giant.

He cast magic inherited from the Shafiq family, which allows any species to have the ability to communicate normally with itself in a short period of time.

"Wizard...what are you doing here again?"

The giant stood up slowly. He subconsciously thought that Shafiq was with Hagrid and the others. It asked.

"Again?" Shafik was stunned for a moment, but he soon realized something. He chuckled and said, "You misunderstood. Maybe you have met other wizards, but those wizards and I are not in the same camp."

"I just want to ask you, do you want to become Gugo? Become the new Gugo of the giants, own all the female giants in the camp, enjoy the power, and no longer have to work like a stupid mule every day... "

Shafiq asked in a seductive tone.

Hearing Shafiq's words, the giant's eyes moved slightly, and his heart moved.

Yes, this giant obviously has a strong body that is not weaker than Kakus, but he can only succumb to Kakus's rule and work every day, but the fruits of his labor are controlled by Kakus.

It has been dissatisfied with Karkus for a long time!

The giant slowly lowered his body and brought his head closer to Shafik. He asked: "My name is Gao Gaoma. Let me ask you, do you have a way to make me Gugo?"

Seeing that Gao Gaoma was tempted, Shafiq laughed without hiding the malice in his heart.

Shafik said calmly: "I know that you giants hate wizards who use magic on you, but this time, I am here to help you. I can put a curse on your Gugo tomorrow night, so that it cannot resist. You, and you can easily chop off its head and become the new Gogo!”

Hearing this, Gao Gaoma hesitated for a moment, but the intelligence of a human child prevented him from thinking too much. He nodded, agreeing to cooperate with Shafiq.

After reaching an agreement with Gao Gaoma, the smile on Shafiq's face became even bigger.

Who said that when talking about cooperation with giants, you have to give gifts, gifts, and gifts again? !

Supporting a giant and letting it kill the original Gu Ge, then the "power of following the dragon" alone is enough for Shafiq to communicate well with the giant and gain the support of the other party.

Shafiq waved his wand again, undoing the magic on Gao Gao Ma, and he walked backwards out of the camp.

The magic resistance of giants is extremely high. If Shafiq wants to put a curse on Kakus, the most powerful among these giants, he must have enough time and supplement it with black magic props before he can successfully curse Kakus.

This is why Shafiq set the time for tomorrow night.

In fact, one day is already very reluctant for Shafiq. His magic level is not very high, but this curse is a very clever, vicious, and very magic-consuming curse.

If Shafiq hadn't judged from Gao Gaoma's words that other wizards had arrived here before him, otherwise he would have been more willing to spend several months slowly planning this rebellion.

The night passed quickly, and when the sunshine of the next day hit everyone's faces, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim set off again.

This time, Hagrid raised a very beautiful-looking helmet made by goblins above his head and gave it to Karkus.

After getting the helmet made by the goblin, Karkus seemed even happier. He summoned the two giants who knew English yesterday, and talked eagerly with Hagrid through these two giants.

Hagrid told Cacus about Dumbledore's idea, saying that Dumbledore was opposed to killing the last giants in Britain.

Cacus seemed to be very interested in Dumbledore in Hagrid's words, and some giants who knew a little English also gathered around to listen curiously.

During the conversation between Hagrid and Karkus, Hagrid was surprised to learn that his half-brother Grawp still lived in this camp.

It's just that Hagrid's half-brother Grawp doesn't seem to be living a very good life in the giant camp. For female giants, giving birth to tall and decent children is their most important thing.

As a giant, Grawp is obviously a bit short. He is only sixteen feet tall.

Grawp's size caused him to suffer discrimination in the giant camp. He was like a mule at the mercy of others in the camp, eating the least amount of food every day but doing the heaviest work. (End of chapter)

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