The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 447 Negotiations with Giants

Hearing Linn's words, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim's expressions were not very good.

Even though Mrs. Maxim is ashamed of her half-giant blood, half of her blood comes from giants after all, which makes her not want to see the giants being exterminated.

Seeing Hagrid's expression of embarrassment, Irina said softly: "Hagrid, it's not that we didn't give the giants a chance. The survival of the giants depends on their own choices. Otherwise, you don't want the giants to invade Hogwarts Castle. Let’s kill our good friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, right?”

Hagrid understood that Irina was right, he nodded and stopped talking.

So, Irina took out a more delicate-looking tea cup from her pocket.

Irina said: "This is a cross-border arbitrary door key that can reach as far as New York, USA. Inject your magic power into this cross-border arbitrary door key, and then imagine the location of the giant."

Mrs. Maxim walked over with a complicated expression. She took the cross-border arbitrary door key from Irina's hand. While injecting magic into the cross-border arbitrary door key, she closed her eyes and imagined what Dumbledore had given her. A scene from a magic photo.

Linn, Irina and Hagrid all put their fingers on this cross-border arbitrary door key.

After a long time, the white light finally lit up, and the four figures disappeared from the spot at the same time.

In a valley with almost no trace of magic, four figures appeared on a hillside at the same time.

This place belongs to the magical world, but it is not covered by the Muggle expulsion spell, which means that Muggles will accidentally enter this area and eventually become the giant's rations.

When the group of people climbed over a ridge not far away and looked into the valley, the scene inside shocked everyone.

I saw seventy or eighty giants living inside the valley. The huge shadows were like moving mountains, which was shocking.

Each giant is more than twenty feet tall.

"Are these all the giants in the wizarding world?"

Looking at the spectacular scene in the valley, Irina murmured.

Hagrid nodded heavily, and said slightly sadly: "Well, there are only so many left. There used to be many giants, and there were at least a hundred tribes in the entire magic world, but they are all gradually dying out."

"Of course, the wizards killed some, but most of them killed each other. Now they die faster, and they are not suitable for living together like that. I think, even if Linn doesn't do anything, they will die soon. It will disappear completely.”

Hagrid's tone was a bit sad.

Unlike Mrs. Maxim, who is ashamed of her giant blood, Hagrid does not reject the part of her blood that belongs to giants. After all, his mother is a pure-blooded giant.

Lin En's eyes narrowed slightly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes when he looked at the giants.

It is true that the giants living in this valley cannot affect the wizard now, but what about the future? !

As Hagrid said, these giants are not suitable for living together. If the living conditions of the giants do not improve, then there are only two possible situations.

One is that these giants continue to kill each other until they are exterminated.

The second is that in order to gain more territory, these giants entered wizard gathering places or Muggle cities, and were eventually suppressed by force, and their race was exterminated!

The outcome of the two possibilities for the giants is annihilation, but the second possibility will cause widespread casualties of wizards and Muggles. This is an extremely serious situation for the British wizarding world, which is already facing a storm. Big potential threat.

"Go," Irina said softly, "before it gets dark."

Hearing this, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Hagrid set his sights on a giant lying on the edge of a mountain lake in a depression between four mountains.

That giant seemed to be the strongest among the seventy or eighty giants. Its skin was as thick and rough as a rhinoceros. It was roaring and yelling something, as if ordering the other giants to feed him and his wife.

Hagrid was seen walking towards the direction of the leading giant, taking out a burning Gubulai fairy fire and holding it high above his head.

When the giants saw Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim approaching, they immediately looked wary. Some giants even stood up, gearing up to kill Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim.

But Hagrid didn't pay attention to the giants around him. Instead, he stared closely at the leading giant, Gu Ge, and walked towards Gu Ge step by step.

Seeing Hagrid's appearance of offering a gift, these giants gradually calmed down and watched the movements of Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim.

Hagrid walked up to Gu Ge, bowed to him, and then placed the Gubulai Fairy Fire as a gift in front of Gu Ge.

Hagrid shouted: "A gift from Albus Dumbledore to Googol the Giant as a mark of respect!"

The Gugo looked very happy when he saw the Gublai Fairy Fire at his feet. He raised his hand and said something in a language that no one could understand, and summoned two giants who knew English. Hagrid and Madame Maxime acted as translators.

The two giants who acted as translators conveyed Hagrid's words to Gugo intact.

"Our Gugo's name is Kakus. He asked me to ask you, what is this?"

asked one of the interpreting giants.

Hagrid truthfully introduced Gubral's Fairy Fire to the giant.

After learning what the Gublai Immortal Fire was, these giants seemed extremely happy, and there was a commotion in the entire camp.

Seeing this, Hagrid remembered Dumbledore's instructions, and he quickly said: "Albus Dumbledore sent a message, asking Gugo to talk to him when the envoy comes again tomorrow with gifts."

After the giant who was responsible for the translation conveyed Hagrid's words, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim left the camp and returned to where Linn and Irina were.

"It seems to be going well. I hope the last giant in the British wizarding world can live well."

Hagrid shrugged and said.

Linn chuckled and said meaningfully: "I hope so."

At the same time, on another peak about ten kilometers away from the peak where Linn and his party were, a wizard wearing a black cloak came here.

This wizard in a black cloak wears a silver mask on his face. The pattern on the mask looks ferocious. On the right arm under the wizard's cloak, a pattern of a skull spitting out a snake is slowly squirming. (End of chapter)

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