The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 441 Cruel Umbridge

The seed of this Chinese biting cabbage was not given to her by Vivian, but she planted the seed given to her by Vivian, matured it, and obtained it from the mature mutated Chinese biting cabbage. Seed.

After cultivating the mutant Chinese biting cabbage, she roughly determined three points that differentiated the mutant Chinese biting cabbage from the ordinary Chinese biting cabbage.

First, the growth cycle of the mutant Chinese biting cabbage is shorter, and it only takes less than a month from seed to full maturity; second, the mutant Chinese biting cabbage obtained from it has more seeds, and Irina is enough Enough to get ten new mutated Chinese biting cabbage seeds from it!

If the first two points only allow Irina to obtain Chinese biting cabbage that can be used for combat faster and in greater quantities, and through other methods, such as large-scale planting and direct use of money to purchase finished Chinese biting cabbage, If it can be achieved.

Then the third advantage of mutated Chinese biting cabbage cannot be ignored.

That is, the sharp teeth of the mutated Chinese biting cabbage are even sharper and can even penetrate an inch-thick steel plate, and it has certain properties of penetrating magic!

In other words, the sharp teeth of the mutated Chinese biting cabbage can even bite through the weaker iron armor curse!

This is something regular Chinese bite kale can't do!

After Irina told Professor Sprout about the characteristics of the mutated Chinese biting cabbage, Professor Sprout's face was full of horror.

She looked at the well-behaved Irina in front of her in disbelief and said: "Mutated Chinese biting cabbage?! Oh my god, kid, do you know how dangerous this is?!"

"Thank God, your magic plant affinity talent is effective against mutated Chinese biting cabbage, otherwise we might have to collect your corpse! How dare you cultivate such a dangerous magic plant?!"

Professor Sprout said.

Irina stuck out her tongue and said: "Professor, I didn't cultivate it myself. With my knowledge of herbal medicine, I can't cultivate a new magical plant! It was a gift given to me by my teacher's friend."

Professor Sprout's face changed. She frowned and said to herself: "Scamander? I really need to talk to him. How can I let the little wizard come into contact with such a dangerous thing..."

Unlike Umbridge's evil idea, which was purely to support the little wizard, Professor Sprout did not want Irina to come into contact with these things, just because these things were indeed too dangerous for wizards.

After all, exposing a little wizard to a mutant Chinese biting cabbage is the same as asking a three- or four-year-old child to play with a missile with its own detonation button!


Irina's body trembled, and she quickly interrupted Professor Sprout's thinking. She said: "Professor! I give it to you not only to thank you for your generosity last time, but also so that you can cultivate more Lots of mutated Chinese bites of kale!”

"I think Professor Dumbledore should have told you more or less what may happen in the wizarding world in the future. These mutant Chinese biting cabbages are not just a killing weapon, they sometimes also protect little wizards. A life-defense weapon!"

Irina said so.

After hearing this, Professor Sprout's mood finally calmed down.

Although Dumbledore did not reveal much to these professors, Professor Sprout's wisdom could naturally guess that war would definitely break out in the Magical Circle in the future.

She can't guarantee whether the flames of war will spread to Hogwarts Castle, the holy land of wizards. She can only protect it as much as possible, and the mutated Chinese biting cabbage may be a good help for her!

Thinking of this, she no longer mentioned Irina's contact with mutant Chinese cabbage, but after gently caressing Irina's head, she personally sent Irina out of the greenhouse.

After leaving the greenhouse, Irina subconsciously glanced at the time, four fifty-five.

There was less than five minutes left before Umbridge's pink toad was confined.

Although Irina did not intend to escape this confinement, she did not take it too seriously. She walked slowly towards Hogwarts Castle.

When Irina arrived at Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle, it was already five fifteen.

Irina didn't knock on the door, but pushed the door directly in.

Every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will decorate his office to look like he likes.

Just like Wallison Green's office like an alchemy laboratory, Quirrell's office full of garlic smell, Gilderoy Lockhart's office with his portraits plastered everywhere, Remus Lupin's office From time to time, there will be an office of a dark creature in a cage, as well as an office filled with various detection tools of Barty Crouch Jr.'s impersonation Moody.

But it is completely different from the above five professors. This room now does not look like an office at all, but like the bedroom of a seven or eight-year-old girl.

Everything in the office was covered with lace dropcloths and tablecloths.

There are also several vases filled with dried flowers, each placed on a separate cushion. A set of decorative plates hangs on one wall, each with a brightly colored flower. big cats, each wearing a different bow around his neck.

After seeing these plates with brightly colored big cats, Irina's expression suddenly changed, and then she became extremely disgusted.

From these plates, Irina can sense wisps of spatial fluctuations that she is very familiar with, which means that these plates are not ordinary plates, but something similar to a traceless stretching spell, or something that can store things. s things!

As for the things stored on these plates, it is also the source of Irina's disgust!

Inside these plates, Irina could feel vague emotions of pain, prayer and hatred, accompanied by special fluctuations similar to Tom Riddle's Horcrux fragments!

There is no doubt that these plates were made by Umbridge who killed the cats in a cruel way, then cruelly stripped the remaining souls of these cats from their bodies and sealed them in these plates!

There are dozens of plates hanging on this wall, which means that Umbridge tortured and killed at least dozens of cats, maybe even more than that!

"Good evening, Miss Lowell, but I thought... you might be late!"

At this time, Umbridge's hypocritical clip sounded. (End of chapter)

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