The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 440 Mutated Chinese Biting Cabbage

"Confront the professor and attack the professor with magic spells!"

"Look at the wonderful students you teach, Dumbledore!"

In the headmaster's office, Umbridge was mumbling loudly and pacing back and forth in front of Dumbledore.

Her ugly face was distorted almost beyond recognition, and she snarled at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore just watched her performance quietly, and after Umbridge finally stopped pacing out of breath, he said softly: "Irina did something wrong indeed. I will criticize and educate her." .”

"Critical education?" Umbridge's voice suddenly became shrill and harsh, and she screamed, "Students like this who are lawless and defiant should have their wands broken and expelled from Hogwarts. Magic school!"

Dumbledore didn't say much, but made a "please" gesture and said calmly: "Then please do, but first you have to know that I will not let any Ministry of Magic staff interfere with Hogwarts." affairs, and you are just a professor here."

Umbridge's face was livid, she understood what Dumbledore meant.

Neither Dumbledore nor the other professors at Hogwarts would take action, and Dumbledore would not allow her to recruit reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic.

She can only rely on herself to do anything she wants, and if she can't defeat Irina even with a sneak attack, how can she let Irina break her wand without any resistance? !

"Okay, then confinement! As a student of Hogwarts, it is her obligation to accept confinement. If she does not comply, I think you, the principal, should also step in."

Umbridge said coldly.

Dumbledore didn't speak, but he didn't refuse either.

The next day, the weather in Hogwarts was still gray and rainy, giving people a depressing feeling.

The fifth-year Gryffindor also had a lot of classes on this day. The two Charms classes and the two Transfiguration classes in the morning consumed most of the little wizards' energy.

Although the afternoon class on Care of Magical Creatures was an outdoor class, no one would be happy in this cold and windy environment with sporadic raindrops hitting them.

"Is everyone here?"

Professor Grapeland asked, looking at the fifth-year wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin.

After confirming that everyone was here, Professor Graplan led everyone to a forest not far away.

She pointed to a bunch of little twig-looking things on these branches and asked, "Let's get started. Can anyone tell me what these little things are called?"

Irina looked at the Bowtruckles that were staring at her with their two round little brown eyes, and replied: " Bowtruckles, they have a complementary relationship with trees, and they usually live on the branches and can be used for making. On the wand’s trees.”

Of all the magical animals, the Bowtruckle is arguably the one Irina knows best.

After all, Irina's first magical animal was the mutant Bowtruckle Green Girl who had a weak ability to control ice and brought back from the ice crystal wood in the Scandinavian mountains.

Professor Grapeland smiled and nodded to Irina, and then said: "Five points to Gryffindor! Yes, these magical animals are Bowtruckles. So, does anyone know what they like to eat most?"

Irina did not continue to answer, but gave the opportunity to Hermione who was about to move next to her.

Hermione immediately replied: "Rubbers, and fairy eggs, if they can get them."

Professor Graplan had a smile on her face. She obviously didn't expect that there could be so many top students in a class in a college other than Ravenclaw.

You know, there are quite a few young wizards taking the Care of Magical Creatures class in the four major colleges, but the vast majority of them just think the Care of Magical Creatures class is fun and the exam content is relatively simple.

The questions asked in these classes are not difficult, but if one of the little wizards except Ravenclaw can answer them, it will be enough to make Professor Grapeland happy.

"Very good, five more points from Gryffindor! So, if you need to collect leaves or wood from the tree where the Bowtruckle lives, it's best to prepare some rogues as gifts to attract their attention and appease their emotions. "

"They don't look dangerous, but if they are provoked, they will use their fingers to gouge people's eyes. As you can see, their fingers are very sharp, and touching people's eyeballs is not fun. Well, if you If you are willing to get closer to them, you can come and get some rhinoceros and a bowtruckle..."

"There are enough Bowtruckles here for three people, so you can study them more closely. I want everyone to complete a sketch before get out of class ends, marking each part of the Bowtruckle's body. Okay, everyone moving. Get up, everyone!"

Professor Graplan said.

Most of the little wizards swarmed forward and picked the Bowtruckle.

Harry and the others quietly walked around from behind to ask Professor Graplan about Hagrid. They were still worried about Hagrid's disappearance.

Irina did not follow them, but took out the Bowtruckle Green Girl who had been hiding in her little pocket.

She put Qingnv on her shoulder, and took a few turtles that were used to feed the Bowtruckle, and handed them to Qingnv's hands.

Seeing Qingnu happily eating the squid, a smile quietly appeared on Irina's face.

Irina spent the whole class playing with Qingnv. As for the sketch requested by Professor Graplan, Irina didn't even need to do it herself. The extremely intelligent Qingnv held a quill and drew parts of her body on it. Draw it out.

After the Care of Magical Creatures class, there is the Herbology class.

Herbal medicine class is also one of the subjects that Irina is best at. Her affinity talent for magical plants allows her to take good care of these magical plants.

After this pleasant herbal medicine class ended, Irina did not leave with the other little wizards, but stayed and came to Professor Sprout.

"What's the matter, Irina?"

Professor Sprout turned his head and asked.

Irina carefully took out a transparent box from her pocket, which contained a seed. She handed the box to Professor Sprout and said, "Professor, this is for you!"

Professor Sprout took the box, and she judged from the weak magic power fluctuations contained in the seed that it was the seed of a magical plant.

She asked, "What kind of seed is this?"

Irina smiled and said: "This is the seed of the mutated Chinese biting cabbage. Thank you, Professor, for letting me come into contact with the Chinese biting cabbage in the greenhouse last time!" (End of Chapter)

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