The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 438: Raising all the little wizards into trash

Hearing the effect of this anti-curse ring, Hermione's face showed a bit of surprise.

Although the Iron Armor Curse is almost out of control in the hands of Irina and Hermione, it is a spell that many adult wizards have not yet learned!

If this anti-curse ring has the ability to release the Iron Armor Curse independently, then there will definitely be no shortage of demand for this anti-curse ring in the British magical community!

Although Hermione, as a prefect, should abide by school rules and prevent the Weasley twins from posting their personal advertisements on the bulletin board.

But neither Irina, who had cooperated with Dumbledore, nor Ron, who was also a Gryffindor prefect, had no idea of ​​removing this small advertisement, and Hermione had no choice but to let it go.

She understood how useful the anti-curse rings made by the Weasley twins were. Since these things were not useless prank products like quick-acting truant candy that seriously affected learning, then there was no harm in letting them continue like this.

The fifth-year Gryffindors had a lot of classes on this day, including two History of Magic classes, two Potions classes, two Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, plus the Divination class that Harry and Ron took. They spent the whole day They are all very busy.

In the History of Magic course, Professor Binns still used his breathy and drawling voice to teach. The History of Magic is an excellent course for most young wizards to catch up on their sleep.

But in this day's History of Magic class, Irina and Hermione listened quite seriously.

The latter is because she is a top student herself. For her, not paying attention to the lectures is definitely a heinous crime.

And Irina is because the history of magic taught by Professor Binns today is part of the Giant War.

She and Lynn were going to get in touch with those giants over the weekend. Although the part about the giant war recorded in the history of magic textbooks contained extremely serious wizard bias, it was always good to learn more about this part.

After the two History of Magic lessons, there were two Potions lessons from Professor Snape.

Irina's talent in potions is not high, but compared with other little wizards, it is not low.

Just like Linn's herbal medicine, even if he is not very talented, he can still get an "O" grade that represents excellence.

What's more, with Hermione as her partner, she became fluent in handling potion materials.

Although these two potions lessons were not easy, they ended happily.

After other classes were over, Irina and Harry walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together.

When they entered the classroom, Umbridge was already sitting behind the podium.

Umbridge was still wearing her fluffy pink cardigan, and the black velvet bow on her head made her look like a big fly had foolishly landed on a bigger toad.

After everyone sat in their seats, Umbridge forced a smile and said, "Good afternoon, students!"

A few little wizards muttered "Good afternoon" in reply, while more people looked at her silently, waiting for her to start her teaching.

However, Umbridge shook her head dissatisfied and said: "Tsk tsk... This is not okay. I hope you will answer like this: 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' Please do it again. Students, afternoon good!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." The little wizard under the podium said helplessly.

Irina pulled Hermione to sit in the last row. This time she still didn't answer. If it weren't for the big plan, they wouldn't have let this pink toad enter the classroom.

What's the difference between this toad's appearance and some unscrupulous teachers in her previous life who didn't have much ability and loved to make trouble?

"That's right," Umbridge said in a cooing voice, "It's not too difficult, is it? Please put away your wand and take out your quill."

Many young wizards exchanged depressed looks. What followed the command "put away your wand" was never a lesson they found interesting.

Just like Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he almost turned it into a drama class.

Everyone stuffed their wands into their bags and took out quills, ink and parchment.

Umbridge opened her handbag, pulled out a surprisingly short wand, and tapped it hard on the blackboard. Two lines of words immediately appeared on the blackboard:

Defense Against the Dark Arts,

Back to basics!

Umbridge turned to face the little wizard under the podium. She crossed her fingers with her hands and placed them squarely on her chest, and then said: "Students, your teaching of this course has always been intermittent and unsystematic. , right? Professors are constantly changing, and many of them do not seem to follow the curriculum standards approved by the Ministry of Magic. This unfortunately means that you are now far from the level you should reach for the O.W.Ls examination.

"You will be pleased to know, however, that these issues are about to be rectified. This year we will be taking a carefully designed, theory-focused Defense of Magic course approved by the Ministry of Magic."

Umbridge said with a smirk.

Her course was worse than Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts course two years ago. Although Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts course was useless, it was better than being able to play casually and being interesting. But Umbridge Defense Against the Dark Arts class was useless and boring.

It's like maggots in a trash can, stinky and disgusting!

Umbridge asked everyone to take out Wilbert Slinka's "The Theory of Magical Defense" and let everyone read it themselves.

After hearing Umbridge's order, all the little wizards were very bored. They opened the books absentmindedly and got distracted.

Irina even quietly cast a confusion spell and a soundproofing spell in front of her, making people think that she was studying seriously, but in fact she had begun to take out items one by one from the pocket that had been cast with the Seamless Stretching Charm. Ceramic tea cup can be used to make any door key.

The more door keys, which are equivalent to the teleportation scrolls in the game, the better.

At some point, Umbridge seemed to be arguing with Hermione.

Hermione questioned: "Shouldn't the overall goal of Defense Against the Dark Arts be to practice defensive spells?"

Umbridge looked at her coldly and said in a sweet voice: "Are you an education expert specially trained by the Ministry of Magic? Miss Granger?"

"No, but..." Hermione said, but was immediately interrupted by Umbridge.

Umbridge said arrogantly: "Well, I think you are not qualified to judge what the 'overall goal' of any course is. Our latest study plan is taught by wizards who are much older and smarter than you. Designed and formulated by them. You will learn defensive spells in a safe and risk-free way..."

But at this moment, Harry on the side sneered and interjected: "Haha, safe? No risk? This is just a way to fool the people! Why, train all the little wizards in Hogwarts Castle? Can the wisdom of the Ministry of Magic be highlighted by becoming a waste?! What a good idea!" (End of this chapter)

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