The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 437 The survival of giants can only depend on their own choices

"Actively causing killings? Haha, we just want to nip potential threats in the cradle."

"Professor Dumbledore, we have never been good men and women, you are not, and neither am I. Maybe you have lost a lot of edge over the years, but you have never been a soft-footed shrimp, but a lion who has restrained his majesty. .”

"Think about it, Professor Dumbledore, would you rather kill these giants in advance, who are magical animals with some humanity? Or would you rather let these giants invade Hogwart with the Death Eaters first? You have killed the little wizards and professors in Ci Castle, and you are going to kill them on the pretext of a sanctimonious and legitimate counterattack?"

Linn said with a chuckle, his words were very sharp.

Originally, Dumbledore was opposed to Linn's idea. After all, even if giants were hostile to wizards and had low intelligence, they could still be considered "human".

And killing those giants who can barely be called "human" is not in line with Dumbledore's philosophy.

But after Linn said "little wizard", Dumbledore's expression became struggling.

Yes, he was shaken.

After serving as the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for so many years, these young wizards have a very high importance in Dumbledore's heart, second only to the peace and stability of the entire wizarding world.

Perhaps for the sake of better peace in the wizarding world and the better unity of these little wizards, Dumbledore will allow the Ministry of Magic to put Umbridge, the pink toad, into Hogwarts Castle to achieve his goal.

But Dumbledore would never use the little wizard's life as a bargaining chip because of the giants in the mountains.

It is true that Dumbledore today is no longer as sharp as he was when he was young, but is more of a qualified elder and a kind old man.

However, never forget that whether it was "for a greater good" back then or "for a better peace in the wizarding world" today, it was Dumbledore who originally proposed it!

Dumbledore slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes.

And when he opened his eyes again, the kind gaze disappeared, replaced by a sharp look.

He nodded slightly and said: "I agree with your idea, Lynn. I don't want to hurt others, whether they are wizards or giants, but I don't want the children I protect who can bring laughter to be harmed. Others hurt…”

"The survival of giants can only depend on their own choices..."

Dumbledore said calmly. He turned his back and stopped looking at Linn and Irina.

Seeing this, Irina took a step forward and asked: "Professor Dumbledore, can you tell us where the giants live and where Hagrid and Madam Maxim are now?"

Now that he had made his choice, Dumbledore would naturally not hesitate any longer. He waved his hand and said, "If I remember correctly, they should arrive near Dijon, France this weekend, where they will get rid of the British Ministry of Magic. Tails, as for where the giants live, Hagrid will tell you..."

After learning this information, Lin En and Irina did not stay here for long, but left the principal's office.

Since Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim will arrive near Dijon, France, on the weekend, they can wait until the weekend before setting off. In this way, they can achieve their goal without missing the courses at the beginning of the school year.

Even though the courses at Hogwarts are no longer of much help to Linn and Irina today, if possible, they are still willing to fully experience the learning career of the little wizard.

The next day, when Irina and Hermione walked out of the girls' dormitory together and came to the Gryffindor common room.

She was surprised to find a new big revelation posted on the bulletin board in the common room.

The title of the revelation is "Plenty of Galleons," and its content consists of just four lines and a brief note.

Is your pocket money not enough to cover your expenses?

Want to earn a little more gold?

Please contact Fred and George Weasley in the Gryffindor Common Room,

Find a simple after-school job that is almost painless.

NOTE: Sorry, all jobs are filled at the candidate's own risk.

"They've gone too far," Hermione said with a straight face, about to reach out and remove the revelation from the bulletin board.

But Irina raised her hand to stop her, and she said softly: "How about asking them what they want to do first?"

Hermione said in a sullen voice: "What else can they do? Probably find a tester for their instant skipping candy."

Irina smiled and said nothing. She had no objection to Hermione's words. After all, the Weasley twins probably had this intention.

However, when the Weasley twins are looking for testers, are they really just testing those prank products? !

You know, after learning about what might happen in the wizarding world in the future, the focus of the products produced by the Weasley twins gradually shifted from prank products such as quick-acting skipping candies to defensive alchemy products.

Although they have never forgotten their original intention when learning alchemy, and the energy they put into prank products has not decreased at all, the proportion of prank products is constantly declining.

While Irina and Hermione were chatting, Fred and George walked over arm in arm.

When the two saw Irina and Hermione reading the revelation on the bulletin board, they asked with a smile: "What's the matter, ladies, are you planning to find a temporary job?"

Fred and George were just joking.

After all, Irina has the traceless stretching spell and the skills to make illegal door keys, so there is no way she will be short of money.

As a prefect, Hermione, who had a strong sense of justice, could not take the lead in supporting their actions.

Hermione glared sternly at Fred and George and said, "You can't put an advertisement on the Gryffindor notice board for experimenters!"

"Oh, Hermione," Fred said with a smile, "we're not just testing our quick-acting candy, maybe you should try this."

While Fred was talking, George took out a ring from his pocket and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione took the ring suspiciously. The ring seemed to be made of sterling silver, with many beautiful lines engraved on it.

She asked, "What is this?"

George proudly explained: "This is the anti-spell ring we refined. When you are attacked, it will actively open a spherical iron armor spell with a radius of one meter. It lasts for three seconds and can be used three times in total!"

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