The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 432 Proving the Way, the way to advance to the level of Demon King Wizard!

As mentioned before, there are three ways for a wizard to advance to the level of a demon king wizard, namely, relying on attainments in a certain field to advance to the next level, relying on tyrannical magic power to forcibly advance, and relying on strong emotional outbursts to advance.

Among them, the Demon King-level wizard who relies on emotional outbursts to advance is the weakest. Everyone has emotional outbursts, but strong emotions are temporary after all, and cannot be permanent, otherwise people will be driven by unstoppable emotions. And go crazy and go crazy.

If Voldemort had not relied on the knowledge of the Death Curse to advance to the level of a demon king wizard, he would have just returned to his original state in Little Hangleton Village.

Otherwise, he would become the weakest Demon King-level wizard in history, having advanced through his emotional outbursts.

The second step is to use tyrannical magic to forcibly advance. This is Dumbledore's way to advance to the Demon King level.

Originally, his level of magic should be lower than that of Grindelwald and Voldemort, who relied on the attainments of the Fire Curse and the Death Curse to advance. However, he suddenly woke up after being promoted to the Demon King level wizard and made up for his shortcomings. .

That is, Dumbledore's attainment in the Water Prison Curse has reached a level that is enough to be promoted to the Demon King level wizard. He gets on the bus first and then pays the ticket, regaining the potential of the Demon King level wizard who was originally promoted only by virtue of his attainments in a certain field.

Demon King-level wizards who have achieved enlightenment by virtue of their attainments in a certain field will also be the most powerful among those who advance to Demon King-level wizards through these three methods.

Linn's fire magic and alchemy have not yet reached the level where he can achieve enlightenment and advance to the level of a demon king wizard. He was promoted through the combination of his knowledge of fire magic and alchemy and strong enough emotions.

This means that after his emotions subside, the power he possesses may not even be defeated by Voldemort.

This is why Lin En would rather give up the field of alchemy temporarily, but also study fire magic, and improve his understanding of fire magic to a level that is enough to advance to the level of a demon king wizard.

This is equivalent to Dumbledore's method of getting on the bus first and paying the ticket later.

Linn looked at Fred and George opposite with complicated eyes.

If his vision of people is accurate, then Fred and George may have the opportunity to rely on their alchemy skills to advance to the level of devil-level wizards, just like Nico Flamel hundreds of years ago!

Perhaps the current alchemical attainments of the Weasley twins were like ants and elephants compared to him, but their love for alchemy was something that even Linn could not match.

After hearing Linn's question, Fred and George seemed to realize something, and their expressions became solemn at the same time.

Do they love alchemy and are willing to study it forever and dedicate everything to alchemy?

Maybe, yes!

Thinking of this, Fred and George's eyes gradually became firm. They nodded at the same time and said in unison: "Yes, we will do that!"

Hearing this, Linn smiled, and he smiled very relaxedly.

He raised his left hand slightly, and a roll of parchment and a quill flew out of his pocket, and he wrote quickly in front of him.

Before the Weasley twins could look at the contents on the parchment, the quill stopped writing and flew back to Linn's pocket.

Lin En handed the parchment to the two of them with a smile, and said softly: "If you are really willing, then go find my teacher. I think you will have this opportunity before the end of this school year."

Fred and George were stunned, and when they saw the content on the parchment, they jumped up in surprise.

"Letter of introduction? Good brother, is this really true?!"

"Thank you for your kindness, brother!"

Fred and George hugged each other happily, and the two said loudly to Lynn.

On this roll of parchment, I saw a letter of introduction written by Linn to his teacher Wallison Green, hoping that his teacher would also accept the Weasley twins as students.

Linn really couldn't bear the alchemy talents of the Weasley twins to be buried, and he was still not as good as Wallison Green's alchemy level, which made him dare not teach the Weasley twins himself, for fear of delaying their talents.

So, he chose to write a letter of introduction to his teacher, hoping that his teacher would accept the Weasley twins just like he accepted him five years ago.

Linn smiled and said: "I can't guarantee that my teacher will accept you, but I believe that you will not let him down."

The Weasley twins looked at each other, laughed at the same time, and said in unison: "Of course, my brother."

After accepting Linn's letter of introduction, the Weasley twins left happily. They planned to improve their alchemy skills as much as possible in the limited time.

This gives them more chances of being accepted before meeting Lynn's teacher, Wallison Green.

Not long after the Weasley twins left, Irvine also walked into the car.

"Good afternoon, Lynn! Well, is Irina in the suitcase?"

Irwin sat down opposite Linn. He saw the suitcase next to Linn and couldn't help but ask.

In his impression, Lin En and Irina were inseparable most of the time. But now that Irina is no longer with Lin En, she has probably entered the small world inside the suitcase.

Linn nodded and asked, "Did your father say anything to you after we left yesterday?"

Hearing this, Irwin's face became solemn, and he said: "I learned the deeper meaning of your conversation from my father after you left. Don't worry, Linn, the Foley family will always be of use to you."

As he spoke, Irwin leaned slightly towards Linn's direction.

Linn smiled and said: "Of course I believe you, Irwin, is there any news other than this?"

The serious look on Irvine's face disappeared, replaced by a bit of joy.

Irwin raised his right hand, and a ball of thunder like a thunder dragon beat in his palm. Even Linn could feel a bit of threat from this constantly beating thunder.

Irwin said happily: "This ancient magic called Thunderbolt is indeed powerful. After a summer of superimposed thunder, the power of the thunder I released can already threaten the devil-level wizard!"

"Not only that, in the process of infinitely superimposing the power of thunder, I continue to gain more understanding of thunder techniques and even weather spells, and my control over thunder is constantly improving!"

Irwin said so.

Hearing Irwin's last words, Linn's eyes once again showed surprise.

If Irwin only gets an increase in the power of thunder in the process of infinitely superimposing the power of thunder, then this is just an accumulation of quantity. After the power of thunder reaches a certain level, it may be able to continue to superimpose its power. But the power of each enhancement will decrease without limit!

But in the process of infinitely superimposing the power of thunder, Irwin was able to gain a better understanding of thunder. This means that Irwin is likely to gain enough to be promoted to the Demon King level wizard with the infinite superposition of thunder power. His understanding of Thunder!

This allowed him to effortlessly prove the truth with the power of thunder and advance to the level of a demon king wizard! (End of chapter)

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