The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 431 You love it and are willing to give everything for it, right?

"Good afternoon, Irina!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your chat, but can we talk to Lynn for a moment?"

After Fred and George said hello to Linn, they winked at Irina.

Seeing the two of them looking like living treasures, Irina couldn't help laughing. She nodded and said, "Of course!"

After saying that, Irina looked at Linn and said, "I'll go take care of the little ones in the suitcase first. Remember to call me when the train arrives."

Lynn said, "No problem."

So, Irina opened her suitcase and got into the small world of the suitcase.


"Is this alchemy combined with the Invisible Stretching Charm?"

Fred and George said in amazement that they knew Newt had such a magical suitcase, but they didn't expect Irina to have an exact same one.

Lin En smiled and said to the two of them: "Yes, the small world inside this suitcase is completed by using a very powerful traceless stretching spell to expand the space, and then using the formation alchemy to stabilize the space."

Fred and George still had a look of amazement on their faces, and it took them a while to calm down.

Just heard Fred say: "Lynn, could you please help us take a look at the level of our formation alchemy?"

With that said, Fred took out a ring and handed it to Linn.

After learning from Lynn and Irina that there might be turmoil and war in the magical world in the future, Fred and George no longer used all their alchemy knowledge to make those prank products as before. .

Their vision seems to have gone further, and even earlier than the original work, they applied their alchemy knowledge to anti-curse products such as anti-curse gloves, anti-curse hats and anti-curse cloaks, and refined more anti-curse products that can protect wizards. Alchemy equipment.

The ring Fred handed to Lynn was one of them.

While Linn was observing the ring, George explained on the side: "Fred and I made this together. I found that when we combine the alchemy with each other, we can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Lin En did not speak. He wiped the ring with his left hand. Hundreds of alchemical circles appeared on the ring in the surprised eyes of the Weasley twins.

Examining the alchemy circle on the ring, even Lin En's eyes showed surprise from time to time.

The combinations of these alchemical formations sometimes exceeded his expectations!

After looking at the alchemy array on the ring, Lin pointed at one of the alchemy arrays and asked with interest: "What do you think of this group of alchemy arrays? The main attribute is 'shield' The anti' alchemy array, combined with the alchemy array whose main attributes are 'disarm' and 'firm', can be used to create a disarming spell that can reflect the enemy's spell and simultaneously cast a disarming spell on itself, and also equip itself with something similar to a hegemonic body. An effect ring?”

"The rebound and disarming spell are meant to launch a counterattack when the enemy is most negligent, and the overlord effect is a spell that allows the wearer of the ring to ignore non-life-killing spells from other directions for the next second. This kind of The mechanism is very clever and I’m curious how you came up with it.”

Lin En thought about the alchemy circle on this ring and said this.

Hearing this, Fred and George looked at each other.

In the end, it was Fred who answered: "I originally just wanted to add an alchemy circle with the main attribute of 'Shield Counter' to the ring, so that the ring has the ability to passively counterattack. Then George said next to him, 'Why don't we Add a disarming spell and launch a sneak attack while the enemy is unprepared'."

Lin En asked funnyly: "So, you added an alchemy circle with the main attribute of 'disarm' on the ring?"

Linn didn't expect that the process for the Weasley twins to come up with these ideas was so simple.

Generally speaking, innovating the combination of alchemical circles through brainstorming requires the participation of a large number of alchemists, and may not necessarily lead to ideal results.

But in daily life, the Weasley twins, with some fantastic ideas, were able to defeat those veteran alchemists who had studied alchemy for who knows how many years!

George nodded and said, "Yes, and after I added the new alchemy circle, Fred said again, 'Then why don't we add a layer of protective effect to resist the same attack by the enemy? attack in a different way,' and just like that, this ring became."

Listening to Fred and George's words, Linn couldn't help but feel a little more amazed in her eyes.

Without formal teaching, the Weasley twins were able to achieve this step just by relying on their talents in the field of alchemy, which even Linn marveled at.

Perhaps, the Weasley twins are more suitable to take the path of alchemy than he is!

After all, Linn is better at fire magic than alchemy.

For the Weasley twins, alchemy is almost everything to them.

Thinking of this, Linn lowered his eyes slightly, as if thinking about something.

Fred and George did not notice Linn's abnormality. Fred smiled and said: "If I guess correctly, Linn, you probably haven't thought about the use of this set of alchemy circles, right?"

George said: "By the way, after our attempts during this period, we found that it seems impossible to develop more powerful equipment or weapons just by relying on array alchemy. We want to learn legal alchemy, but Lin Well, what can you do?"

Unlike array alchemy, even a layman can learn it by himself.

Thousands of alchemy books recording various alchemical runes and alchemical formations are placed in the Hogwarts library. Every little wizard can learn certain formation alchemy techniques. knowledge.

But legal alchemy is different. Almost all legal alchemy is taught by alchemists personally to their disciples.

Legal alchemy is not a complete system. It is like a potion, consisting of potion formulas one after another.

The legal alchemist learns the refining methods of legal alchemical creations one after another, thereby creating his own legal alchemical creations, just like Wallison Green's forbidden magic stone.

Therefore, it is difficult for a wizard to learn orthodox legal alchemy before he has a legal alchemist as his teacher.

Even the alchemy elective course open to senior students at Hogwarts Castle only teaches the knowledge of formation alchemy.

After hearing George's words, Linn suddenly raised his head, as if he was touched.

"You love alchemy and are willing to study it forever and dedicate everything you have to alchemy, right?"

Lynn asked softly.

He had a hunch that Fred and George might be more suitable than him to prove the truth through alchemy and become devil-level wizards! (End of chapter)

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