The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 396 Method to dissolve the blood alliance


After Linn successfully cast the loyalty spell on Green's cabin, he smiled and said to Green.

He waved his wand again, pulling the secret out of his heart and returning it to the world, canceling the Fidelity Charm that protected Green Lodge.

Green nodded slightly and said: "In my original plan, you would learn the Loyalty Charm tomorrow, but I still underestimated you. In the next two days, I will not continue to teach you. You will use this room." Just practice the Chidan Loyalty Spell repeatedly, and don’t leave behind the contract magic book I gave you!”

Lin En quickly agreed.

Lin En knew in his heart that this was not because Green underestimated him. If he were still the same person a year ago, then even if he had superior magical talent and high enough understanding, he would probably need a day of practice if he wanted to successfully release the Red Heart Loyalty Curse. time.

And the reason why he was able to succeed in one go was ultimately due to his level as a demon king level wizard.

The Demon King-level wizard is a qualitative leap. This magical realm can bring about more than just an improvement in strength. Now Lin En's understanding of magic, perception of magic, and even the exploration of the essence of magic are all thanks to the Demon King. level realm.

In the next two days, Linn continued to repeatedly apply and cancel the Red Loyalty Charm on Green Lodge in the morning, improving his proficiency in the Red Loyalty Charm.

In the afternoon and evening, he stayed in the room that Green had arranged for him, concentrating on reading books that recorded various contract magics, and trying to practice them one by one on parchment.

Soon, the time came to the third day.

When Linn finished his breakfast and teleported to the training ground through the alchemy circle on the bedroom door handle, Green had been waiting here for a long time.

After seeing Lin En appear, Green came over and said calmly: "The practice of the Red Loyalty Curse has come to an end today. Now, I plan to teach you another advanced contract magic, which is the blood pact!"

When Lin En heard the words "Blood Alliance", his heart was immediately shaken, and he looked at Green more intently.

Green said calmly: "The blood pact is a kind of contract magic that is difficult to reverse and violate. I don't require you to actually practice it. Therefore, I only need you to fully master its theoretical knowledge, spells and casting techniques in order to Make sure that you can successfully and perfectly perform it when necessary, without failing due to some minor mistakes, resulting in more severe consequences."

Lin En nodded solemnly. He also knew the effectiveness of the blood alliance.

Just like an unbreakable oath, few people are willing to make a blood pact with others.

Once the two wizards enter into a blood pact, they will not be able to fight each other or even create hostility. Once one of the wizards wants to violate the blood pact and become hostile to the other party, the blood pact will make the violating party miserable. , It hurts so much that I can’t hold the wand!

"Teacher, what you just said is that the blood pact is irreversible and irreversible, rather than 'irreversible and irreversible'. Is there any way to break the blood pact?!"

Lin En seemed to have thought of something, and he suddenly asked.

If Linn remembers it well, the blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald was later broken. Doesn't this mean that there is some reliable way to break the blood pact? !

Green nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the blood pact made by the former Dark Lord Grindelwald and Dumbledore was successfully broken. Otherwise, Dumbledore would not be able to defeat Grindelwald, let alone Not to mention bringing peace to the magical world!"

"If you want to break the blood pact, you have to make the blood pact 'schizophrenic.' To put it simply, when the existence of the blood pact has no practical significance, it will be cracked. For example, two people who made a blood pact will be broken when there is no confrontation. Confrontation."

Green said.

Lynn asked: "Confrontation without confrontation? What does that mean?"

Green raised his hand, interrupting Linn's inquiry.

Green explained: "Before clarifying this, we must first understand what the blood alliance's 'non-confrontation' actually means? Will the spell against the other party fail or miss? Or will it be like being silenced? Still can’t recite a spell to resist?”

"In fact, the party that violates the blood alliance will be 'punished' by the blood alliance as long as it has the idea of ​​confrontation! Therefore, the 'non-confrontation' of the blood alliance means that it cannot have the idea of ​​confrontation!"

"From this point of view, the blood alliance is more like a lover with its own personality, and its only idea is that if you betray me, then I will punish you!"

"And why do you want to make the Blood Alliance 'schizophrenic'? During the Grindelwald period, Grindelwald once used the Death Curse on a descendant of the Dumbledore family, but Dumbledore used other spells to protect him. Come down."

"I had wondered about this, and an old friend of mine, Newt Scamander, told me that he had the same doubt. And when he asked this question to Dumbledore himself, Dumbledore was They said they didn't want to fight, it's just that Grindelwald wanted to kill, while Dumbledore wanted to protect!"

"This also means that confrontation actually occurs without the thought of confrontation! There is no confrontation psychologically, but there is confrontation behaviorally. This is what Muggles call psychology. The incoordination of knowledge, intention and action' is also the main symptom of what Muggles call schizophrenia."

"When a person is unable to reconcile himself, he will feel pain and may even have thoughts of self-destruction. The same is true for the blood alliance. Under the pain of being unable to reconcile itself, it cannot find the meaning of its existence, so it... …Broken."

"Yes, the blood pact made by the former Dark Lord Grindelwald and Dumbledore was dissolved in such a childish and unreasonable way! And this is also generally believed to be the only way to dissolve or destroy the blood pact! "

Green said in a deep voice.

Linn listened, his face filled with wonder.

This method of dissolving the blood alliance was simply unbelievable to him, and it also surprised him that Green knew this information.

It seems that the magical world may seem closed and disconnected, but it is actually closely connected.

Especially those who have powerful powers, whether they are the high-ranking ministers of magic of various countries, Dumbledore and Nico Flamel who are devil-level wizards, the famous alchemist Green who masters advanced alchemy, the magical... Animal master Newt Scamander, as well as some wizards with great ability or voice in their respective fields.

If you investigate carefully, people will be surprised to find that these people all know each other!

Not to mention how good the relationship is, at least we are an acquaintance! (End of chapter)

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