The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 395 The Brave Loyalty Curse

"The Red Loyalty Charm uses magic to hide someone's secret in the soul of a living person forever. The secret is hidden in the heart of the chosen person, the secret keeper, so it will never be discovered, unless of course the secret keeper takes the initiative. Leak. As long as the secret keeper doesn't reveal it, a burglar won't see them even if he puts his nose to their living room glass."

Green simply repeated the introduction of the Red Loyalty Curse recorded in various books, and then he explained the spells and casting techniques of the Red Loyalty Curse.

Since the target of practicing the Red Loyalty Curse was Green's house, Green did not continue to teach in this training ground, but took Linn outside the house.

"Confuse the public!"

Green gently waved the wand in his hand and cast a confusion spell around them to make passers-by ignore their strange behavior.

Green looked at Lin En and said calmly: "The Loyalty Curse is to hide a secret, such as the coordinates of a house, in the heart of a living person forever. But just like a person cannot enter his own heart, the secret keeper cannot Entering a place protected by his secret loyalty spell."

"This means that if you still want to return to your home, the secret keeper of the Fidelity Charm you cast for your home must be another person you can completely trust, not yourself. Of course, you don't This worry is over, after all, the secret keeper of Rohr Castle is Dumbledore."

Green smiled and said.

After speaking, Green motioned to Linn to cast the Loyalty Charm on the house according to the technique he mentioned before.

Lin En did not cast the spell immediately, but asked rather puzzledly: "Teacher, if the secret keeper can extract the memory of the hidden secret from his mind, wouldn't the secret hidden by the secret keeper be lost forever?" No one will know anymore?"

Hearing this, Green said with a smile: "It's not that simple! If it's really what you said, then during the Wizarding War, there wouldn't be so many families protected by the Loyalty Curse who were destroyed because of the betrayal of the Secret Keeper. ”

Hearing Green's words, Linn became even more confused.

But soon, Green explained to him: "Although the Red Loyalty Curse recorded in those popular magic books is only the most basic introduction, it also contains many core principles of the Red Loyalty Curse. Linn, I received your letter before Xin, you invented an alchemy product called the 'Cloud Sync' memory bottle a few months ago, right?"

Linn nodded slightly.

So, Green continued: "Just like your 'Cloud Sync' memory bottle, as I just said, the Red Loyalty Curse uses magic to hide secrets in a person's heart, not in his mind. This means that even if someone is When the memory stored in the brain is extracted, the secrets protected by the secret keeper will be automatically backed up in his heart, and after his memory is extracted, the relevant memories will be restored for him as soon as possible!"

Lin En finally realized it.

The brain is not the place where the Red Loyalty Curse stores secrets. Even if the memory in the brain is destroyed, it will not affect the secret keeper's protection of secrets at all.

The only way to destroy this secret is to destroy the heart of the secret keeper, but that would also mean the death of the secret keeper.

According to the Judgment of the Red Dan Loyalty Curse, if the secret keeper dies, then everyone who knows the secret will become the new secret keeper, and if there is no other person who knows the secret, then the Red Dan Loyalty Curse will be lifted!

It is this kind of judgment that makes it impossible for the secret protected by the Chidan Loyalty Curse to become an eternal secret!

Since it is a secret, there will always be a day when someone discovers it, and the secret of the Chidan Loyalty Curse will not be an exception!

After learning about the storage principle of the secrets protected by the Red Loyalty Curse, Linn began to think about other uses of the Red Loyalty Curse.

The Red Loyalty Spell can protect not only a location, but also other things.

So, if the secret keeper casts the Fidelity Charm on all his memories, and the secret keeper is forced to extract or destroy his memory due to some irresistible reason, will the secret keeper be able to pass the secret of the Fidelity Charm backed up in his heart? How about restoring your own memory? !

Just like Little Barty, whose memory was extracted by Dumbledore and Irina that day. Assuming that Little Barty protected his memory with the Loyalty Charm, then after Dumbledore and Irina extracted his memory, he Can you restore your own memory based on this? !

Linn thought so and told Green his thoughts.

After listening to Linn's wonderful idea, Green smiled and shook his head.

Just listen to Green say: "That's impossible, Lynn, maybe you can store a place, a treasure, a thing in your heart, but you can't store your complete memory! Everyone's heart has capacity The upper limit, Linn, and the coordinates of a house are the things closest to the upper limit of the capacity, which is why most people are willing to keep the coordinates of the house as the secret object of the Loyalty Curse."

Seeing that Linn seemed a little confused, Green continued: "Take Muggle computers as an example. Assume that the memory capacity of the computer is 10MB, and the memory required for the coordinates of a house is 9.9MB. Then one person can The memory required is 1000MB! This exceeds the upper limit of the computer's memory capacity, so the computer cannot store it!"

Under Green's vivid narration, Lin finally understood why no one had ever kept their memory as a secret and protected it with the Red Loyalty Curse.

Hiding the coordinates of the house with the Loyalty Curse can maximize the utilization of the Loyalty Curse. This is why in the past hundred years, almost all the hidden objects of the Loyalty Curse have been the coordinates of the house.

After figuring out all this, his eyes became clearer when he looked at the green cabin in front of him.

Linn gently waved the wand in his hand and muttered an obscure spell.

A strange magic cut the coordinates of the Green Cabin from the world and hid them in Linn's heart.

Linn could clearly feel that after he became the secret keeper of this Green Cabin, every time he told the coordinates here to someone, it was equivalent to copying the coordinates from his own heart and returning them to the world.

This feeling reached its extreme at the moment when he told Green the coordinates of Green's cabin again, allowing Green to see his house again.

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