The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 391 Losing big starts with winning small

Dumbledore said hesitantly: "Irina, maybe the Ministry of Magic does want to interfere with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but... this time the Ministry of Magic also acted in accordance with wizarding laws, not Fudge's personal words."

Faced with the legal requirements of the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore, who had not yet woken up from his sleep, was once again in a dilemma.

Irina narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "Professor Dumbledore, haven't you seen it yet? Your impeachment of Fudge has caused him the greatest panic, and the only way he can stop you is to To make you miserable by interfering with the thing you care about most, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

"Only if you are busy with other things and unable to escape, can he have a chance to make a comeback. In this case, Professor, do you still think that the Ministry of Magic will take into account Hogwarts' status as the only magic school in the UK? Go ahead and show mercy to Hogwarts? No, they are totally here to destroy Hogwarts!"

Irina said sonorously and forcefully.

Dumbledore was still hesitant at first, but after hearing Irina say that Fudge was going to destroy Hogwarts, the holy place of British wizards, his eyes were suddenly filled with determination.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was Dumbledore's life's work, and it was the foundation of the British wizarding community. How could he let Fudge destroy it? !

Dumbledore said solemnly: "I understand, even if the Ministry of Magic wants to install a professor in Hogwarts Castle, it must first get the consent of me, the principal! What I am fighting is not the Ministry of Magic, but Fudge , this is all for the sake of better peace in the magical world!"

With that said, Dumbledore raised his hand and conjured a roll of parchment. A quill was writing on the parchment under Dumbledore's control. It seemed that he was not going to follow the orders of the Ministry of Magic.

But just when Dumbledore was about to ask Phoenix Fawkes to send the letter, Linn, who had been silent before, raised his hand to stop him.

Dumbledore and Irina both looked at Linn with some confusion.

Linn, who had been thinking for a long time, said in a calm tone: "Irina, Professor Dumbledore, you said that if Fudge puts the assigned professor into Hogwarts Castle, he can cause limited damage in Hogwarts Castle. Will everything happening at Hogwarts make the parents of those little wizards who are still hesitant make their position clear?"

Hearing Lin's words, Dumbledore and Irina were both stunned.

Irina asked hesitantly: "Lynn, do you mean to deliberately let people from the Ministry of Magic come in to cause trouble and affect the growth of little wizards, so as to arouse the anger of those parents who love their children and hope that their children will succeed? Targeting the Ministry of Magic and unknowingly taking our side and being in our camp?”

Before Irina could finish her analysis, Dumbledore said to Lynn seriously: "Lynn, maybe your method can indeed win over more wizards, but doing so will destroy the future of these little wizards. ! This is a completely lose-lose approach that harms others and does not benefit oneself!"

Hearing this, Linn raised his hand and stopped Dumbledore from scolding him.

Lin En said softly: "Professor Dumbledore, I have never thought of sacrificing the future of these little wizards. After all, the little wizards are the future of the magical world. Even if I am eager for quick success and quick gain, I will not let them become the power of this world." The sacrifice of the game!”

"However, you seem to have forgotten that, whether in Hogwarts Castle or the British wizarding world, strength is the measure of truth. We can get rid of the guy planted by the Ministry of Magic at any time, and we can also stop what the other party does at any time. for."

"The guy assigned by Fudge to Hogwarts Castle is not a demon king-level wizard like Voldemort. He is just a pedantic guy who may not even be able to reach the level of an Auror! There are two of you and me. With the Demon King-level wizards here, do we still need to be afraid that they will cause too many waves?"

Lynn said with a smile.

Dumbledore hesitated, yes, no matter what evil the guy from the Ministry of Magic wanted to do, they could stop it at any time if they wanted to.

Even, get rid of the other party completely!

Linn said softly: "Professor Dumbledore, Fudge has become a 'gambler' now. He bet his last hope on this game of Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore, have you ever listened? A word?"

Dumbledore asked subconsciously: "What words?"

Lin En's tone became lighter, and he said: "'Bet big, bet small', losing big starts with winning small; 'Buy and leave', how can it end without taking back?!"

"Instead of completely cutting off Fudge's retreat and letting him act like a mad dog, not knowing what kind of things he will do to harm the magical world, it is better to temporarily follow his will and make him mistakenly think that he has won, but as everyone knows, Losing big always starts with winning small!”

Linn said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Lin's explanation, Dumbledore and Irina were both a little shocked.

How cruel would it be to give Fudge a little bit of last hope and then make him completely despair? !

"Wait a minute, Linn, you must have another purpose for doing this, right?"

Suddenly, Irina seemed to remember something, and there was a bit of brilliance in her eyes.

Hearing this, Dumbledore also looked over curiously. In his eyes, Linn's plan had killed two birds with one stone.

This can not only completely destroy Fudge, but also take the opportunity to win over the parents of those little wizards. However, what other purpose does Linn have? !

There was a smile on Linn's lips. He nodded slightly at Irina and motioned for Irina to continue speaking.

Irina thought for a while and said: "I think, Lynn, you are doing this to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the Ministry of Magic and clear the obstacles for old Barty to ascend to the throne? If I am not wrong, he is now the target of public criticism. Fudge will not have too many followers anymore, and the one Fudge will send to Hogwarts Castle must be one of his few remaining followers."

"The professors appointed by Fudge, as well as those Ministry of Magic staff who are still willing to contribute to Fudge's dominance and interfere in the affairs of Hogwarts Castle, are all Fudge's remnants. After the next school year, we can Based on this, eliminate all Fudge’s remnants, so that there will be no obstacles in Old Barty’s path to power!”

Irina said this, her ice blue eyes full of energy.

This is no longer a method of killing two birds with one stone, but a method of killing three birds with one stone! (End of chapter)

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