The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 390 Linn’s assessment, the Ministry of Magic intervenes in Hogwarts!

With three consecutive days of reports from the Daily Prophet, even wizards who are inexperienced in the world should know the information about Voldemort's resurrection and its authenticity.

Under the mutual confirmation of the Battle of Little Hangleton Village reported by the Daily Prophet on the first day, and the memory fragments of Barty Crouch Jr. on the third day, even if someone is really stupid, who can do anything but the Ministry of Magic's announcement? I don't believe it, and I can't refute the fact that Voldemort is resurrected from the front.

Even if these stupid people want to speak for Fudge, I'm afraid they can only say such cerebellum-shrinking remarks as "putting aside the facts, are they not wrong?"

The Daily Prophet's three consecutive days of reports completely established the pattern of the British magical community's opposition to Fudge, support of Hogwarts, and resistance to Voldemort.

If during the Battle of Little Hangleton Village three days ago, Linn only managed to survive from Voldemort, or if she was evenly matched with Voldemort, then the wizards might not be so determined.

After all, if Linn can only protect himself when facing Voldemort, and even if it is difficult to protect himself, then how can he protect them?

But in fact, Linn defeated Voldemort by herself, which means that Linn has the power to defeat Voldemort and the power to protect ordinary wizards like them!

This is the fundamental reason why these wizards are willing to support Linn and place their hopes on Linn!

After Linn borrowed Dumbledore's Phoenix and used the flames of the phoenix to apparate the bottle containing the edited memory fragments to the Daily Prophet office, Dumbledore smiled and placed a piece of parchment in Linn's box. On the table in front of En.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Okay, Lynn, your plan is great. However, it's time to talk about your affairs next!"

"My business?" Linn looked at the parchment on the table in confusion. A large line of titles came into view, and he couldn't help but read it out, "O.W.L. Exam Timetable?!"

Lin En was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that this was the year he took the O.W.L exam!

However, for the smooth advancement of the Triwizard Tournament, his O.W.L. exam was postponed, and this time was after everything in the Triwizard Tournament had settled.

"As you can see, Lynn, your O.W.L. exam will start next week. Your O.W.L. exam will last for a week, with theory in the morning and practical exam in the afternoon. In fact, everyone's O.W.L. exam lasts for two days. Weeks, but you only took one elective course, and this assessment was rescheduled for you alone, so the exam time was adjusted accordingly."

Dumbledore explained to Lynn with a smile.

Linn nodded slightly. This year's fifth-grade wizard's O.W.L. exam had already been conducted before the start of the third event of the Triwizard Tournament. However, as a warrior, he did not need to participate in the unified examination in order to prepare for the competition. take an exam.

But relatively speaking, when other fifth-grade wizards began to rest, he needed to take an O.W.L. exam in which he was the only candidate.

Soon, next week is here.

Since there was only one candidate for this exam, Lynn, the Ministry of Magic did not send a large number of examiners to Hogwarts Castle to invigilate the exam. Instead, they decided to let a professor from Hogwarts Castle invigilate the exam, and the Ministry of Magic only sent one A clerk is responsible for supervising the conduct of the examination.

Lin En's first exam was about magic spells. The theory test in the morning was not difficult for Lin En. He had already mastered all these basic to extreme theoretical knowledge when he was in the first grade.

During the practical examination in the afternoon, Professor Flitwick personally proctored Linn, while another male Ministry of Magic employee supervised the examination.

"Oh, Roel, come on!" Professor Flitwick said, and he led Linn to a row of solid wooden targets about two inches thick that were erected on the ground.

Lin En looked at the row of hundreds of overlapping solid wood targets and asked, "Professor, are these targets the content of my assessment?"

Professor Flitwick nodded and said: "Yes, your assessment content is very simple, that is, use the spell you learned in the Charms class to smash these targets. Each target broken with the same spell can Earn ten points, and the full score is one hundred points. In other words, as long as a spell you cast can break ten targets at the same time, you can get full points!"

According to the regulations of the O.W.L. exam, candidates can have three opportunities to choose a magic spell, and the test score is based on the score that breaks the most targets among the three magic spells in the exam.

But Professor Flitwick did not tell Linn this. After learning from Dumbledore that Linn was already a Demon King-level wizard, he no longer thought that this small O.W.L. exam would have any impact on Linn. Hindered.

Linn nodded slightly. He did not pull out his wand, but flicked it in the direction of the target: "Split into pieces!"

As Lin En's words fell, a gray-white light suddenly shot out of the sky, cutting through more than a hundred wooden targets with great force, cutting them all into pieces, and for a while, the ground was full of broken wood. piece.

Seeing this scene, the Ministry of Magic employee responsible for supervision suddenly widened his eyes.

"Very good, full marks, Roll!" Professor Flitwick said happily upon seeing this.

In the next exam, Lin En passed all the tests, and no exam could stop him.

Lynn passed the Transfiguration exam on Tuesday, the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam on Thursday, the Ancient Runes exam on Friday, the Potions exam that was moved to Saturday, and the History of Magic exam that was moved to Sunday. Full marks.

Only for the Herbalism test on Wednesday and the Astronomy test that was held in advance on Sunday night, Linn was not sure of getting full marks, but even so, there was no big problem in getting an O, which represented excellence.

In this way, Lynn's O.W.L. exam ended successfully.

However, just on Sunday night, when Linn completed the last exam and was about to return to the Slytherin dormitory, a ball of fire suddenly flashed in front of Linn, and Phoenix Fox placed the parchment in his mouth. In Lynn's hands.

After reading the writing on the parchment, Linn was stunned, looked at Fox, and asked, "Dumbledore is looking for me?"

Fox nodded his head gently, jumped onto Linn's shoulder, and disappeared into a ball of fire with Linn.

When Linn appeared in the principal's office, he found that Dumbledore and Irina had been waiting for him here for a long time.

After seeing Lynn's arrival, Dumbledore said straight to the point: "I received news from the Ministry of Magic. They requested that a professor be assigned to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the next school year. Professor, to correct the bad habits of Hogwarts Castle!"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Irina immediately frowned and said, "The Ministry of Magic is trying to interfere with the normal operation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" (End of Chapter)

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