The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 371 Demon King-Level Disappearance Curse and Avada Lightning Chain!

Dumbledore did not hesitate, the wand in his hand rotated rapidly, and an anti-disapparation spell was deployed in an instant, covering the entire village of Little Hangleton.

Then, Dumbledore's figure rose into the air under the control of magic, took Linn's place, and faced Voldemort.

"Lynn, you and Irina should go deal with those Death Eaters together."

Dumbledore said this, with a serious look in his blue eyes. He waved his wand gently, and dozens of tombstones turned into red phoenixes and flew towards Voldemort.

Now that Voldemort's realm has fallen to the Demon King level, Linn's original plan to use Voldemort as a stepping stone to break through to the Demon King level wizard has come to nothing. After all, Voldemort, who has not yet reached the Demon King level, cannot bring Lin the kind of life and death. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve a breakthrough by rebounding under such pressure.

Although Voldemort, who is now infinitely close to the devil-level wizard, has been able to suppress and beat Linn, it is still not enough for Linn.

Linn nodded. Since Voldemort couldn't help him become a devil-level wizard, there was no need for him to tangle with Voldemort anymore. He would be better able to deal with those Death Eaters with his alchemy circle and fire group attack capabilities. The earth exerts his power.

However, under the previous five alchemy formations, fifty purgatory demon puppets, plus the full power release of Li Fire and Gubulai Fairy Fire, Lin En's physical fitness has made a qualitative leap compared to a few years ago. But this still puts a huge burden on Lin En's body.

Now that Dumbledore is willing to take action against Voldemort, he can naturally relieve some of his pressure.

Therefore, Linn removed the five alchemy circles around him and focused more on controlling the purgatory demon puppets to attack those Death Eaters, and used the forbidden fire to block the magic power of those Death Eaters with low magic level.

Under the suppression of the power of forbidden magic, those Death Eaters with low magic level are nothing more than fish and meat at the mercy of others. These Death Eaters who cannot use magic can be said to be a hit in front of Irina.

Wizards, especially pure-blood wizards, admire the power of magic. They adopt most of the fort tactics in battle. After all, as long as they are strong enough, their iron armor spell can withstand most of the spells that attack them.

But now, with their magic power suppressed, these Death Eaters who cannot use the Iron Armor Curse to resist attacks have no way to dodge the enemy's curse as cleverly as Linn and Irina, who have been practicing actual combat for many years. .

An icy blue bolt flew out as Irina waved the ice crystal spear in her hand, freezing five or six Death Eaters in an instant, while the fierce fire and thunder that followed froze these frozen ones. The Death Eater who captured the ice sculpture was completely killed.

In this way, this small Death Eater camp was jointly slaughtered by Lynn, Irina and Irwin, while Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, August Lu Death Eaters with powerful magical abilities, such as Kerwood and the Carlo brothers, find it difficult to release too much powerful magic under the suppression of the forbidden magic power.

At the same time, in the battlefield above.

Dumbledore and Voldemort both relied on their powerful magic power to stand more than ten meters in the air, facing each other.

"Tom, don't make any more mistakes!" Dumbledore shouted.

Voldemort's eyes became increasingly scarlet, but they were full of vigilance. Now he was no longer a devil-level wizard, which meant that he no longer had the capital to compete with Dumbledore as before.

But even so, Voldemort still roared: "Stop being pretentious, Dumbledore, without you, I wouldn't be who I am now! Also, don't call that damn name!"

Voldemort roared, pointing his wand at Dumbledore's heart, but did not dare to issue even a spell.

At this time, the phoenix transformed by Dumbledore's transformation spell had already jumped in front of Voldemort, but it was just a simple transformation creation. Voldemort didn't even move, and the huge magic power exploded, destroying those who were jumping. Crush your own phoenix.

"Alas," Dumbledore sighed, his tone becoming more serious, "Maybe I was wrong back then, but now, I will never continue to be wrong!"

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the wand in his hand passed quickly in front of him, and a ray of white light shot out of the air.

That's a disappearing spell!

The Vanishing Spell has the same effect as the Cleansing Spell, but unlike the Cleansing Spell, which is a must-have spell for novices, the Disappearing Spell is an extremely profound magic. People who practice it to an advanced level can make anything disappear and make them disappear. Turn into nothingness!

And this disappearance into nothingness is irreversible!

Unless casting the Vanishing Curse does not require any negative emotions, and it is not a black magic, otherwise a powerful enough Vanishing Curse would definitely be qualified as the fourth Unforgivable Curse!

Looking at the white light that broke through the sky, the vigilance in Voldemort's eyes reached its extreme. He knew very well that the disappearance spell released by the devil-level wizard Dumbledore could completely make him disappear.

"Is this the White Wizard in your mind? Dumbledore!"

Voldemort said crazily. He waved his wand to summon an invisible barrier. While using the invisible barrier to block the white light, his body also flew sideways driven by magic power.

The powerful Iron Armor Curse cast by Voldemort only blocked Dumbledore's Disappearance Curse for less than a third of a second, but it was this third of a second that gave Voldemort a chance to dodge.

The duel between strong men is ever-changing, and perhaps a battle between lightning and flint can determine the winner.

"Avada Kedavra!"

After escaping Dumbledore's disappearance spell, Voldemort roared crazily, and a green light as thick as an adult's thigh shot out of the sky.

Dumbledore looked calmly at the life-killing curse that came through the air. A flash of fire suddenly flashed, and his figure disappeared from the place and appeared dozens of meters away.

That was Phoenix Fox's blood magic. Even the anti-Apparition spell couldn't restrict this kind of disembodiment from the Phoenix.

In this case, Dumbledore was able to apparate through Fawkes at will in the small Hangleton village, but Voldemort could only avoid it by clumsily moving, and there was no way to counterattack!

That green light exploded in the air, turning into a chain of green lightning that spread all over the sky. However, the spreading chain of green lightning could not threaten the people who had already appeared dozens of meters away. Dumbledore outside.

Obviously, Dumbledore had already noticed the Avada Kedavra lightning chain used by Voldemort on Lynn, which made him somewhat prepared for the special technique of this Kedavra. (End of chapter)

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