The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 370 Liuhe is in depression and all paths are wiped out!

Irina quickly took out the memory bottle she kept from her pocket, uncorked it, and handed it to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore put the silver ribbon on the top of the wand into the memory bottle. The moment the cork of the memory bottle was put back, the memory bottle emitted a faint golden light, and countless alchemical methods were hidden in it. The array is moving rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, in the remaining ninety-nine "Cloud Synchronization" memory bottles that were hidden, identical silver ribbons were constructed under the intertwining of a strange magic power, and floated quietly in those memory bottles.

After forcibly extracting little Barty's memory, Irina and others' mission to stay here has been completed.

At this time, Dumbledore gently touched Fox's head, smiled and said to the two of them: "Let's go, children!"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Irina and Irvine put their arms on Dumbledore's left and right shoulders respectively.

Soon, a flash of fire disappeared, and the three figures disappeared in place, leaving only Barty Crouch Jr., whose expression changed from dullness to pain, lying on the ground breathing hard.

Little Barty endured the pain and sat up. A powerful enough Legilimency can turn a person into a fool, but little Barty relied on his meager Occlumency skills, although he was unable to resist Dumbledore. Lido's Legilimency, but he saved his brain and didn't let himself become a fool and idiot.

Little Barty's eyes were full of resentment, and he growled: "Dumbledore, Lowell, Foley! Your biggest mistake today is not killing me. When the master returns, I will definitely kill him." You pay the price!”

Just when little Barty was about to pick up his wand, his body suddenly stagnated, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.

I saw an ice pick as thick as an adult's arm rising from the ground that was previously shrouded in ice mist, piercing little Barty's heart in the lightning and flint, and breaking his heart from his chest. Flesh and blood came out!

"I...I'm not willing to give in..."

Little Barty had a look of despair on his face. For wizards, even if their heart is damaged by a physical attack like an ice pick, as long as the wand is still there, they can wave the wand and use a healing spell to heal before their breathing completely stops. This is a fatal injury for Muggles.

However, Barty Jr.'s wand was thrown to the ground five or six meters away. This seemed like a step away, but for him who had suffered severe injuries and was struggling to move, it was as difficult as a bridge in the sky to cross.

In the end, little Barty fell into a pool of blood and died on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

On the other side, the village of Little Hangleton.

As the fire light flickered, Dumbledore brought Irina and Irwin to the cemetery. He saw the purgatory demon puppets in front of him who were constantly fighting with the Death Eaters, as well as the continuous intersecting fire and green light. , all three of them were shocked. They understood that the battle here had already begun.

After seeing clearly the showdown between Lin En and Voldemort, Irina became increasingly worried.

I saw that the dominance of the battle had fallen into the hands of Voldemort, but Linn was suppressed at every turn, and could only survive under the cover of the constantly splitting Avada Kedavra lightning chain.

If Linn makes a mistake during his dodge and counterattack, the green light with the aura of death will take away his life in an instant!

"Liuhe is depressed, and all paths are destroyed!"

Irina understood that the best way she could help Linn was to kill or contain all the Death Eaters who were restraining Linn.

In this way, the five alchemy circles and fifty purgatory demon puppets used by Lin En to contain the Death Eaters can be released and turned into combat power to blow the horn of counterattack against Voldemort!

The endless ice power condensed quickly with Irina's low shout, turning into a cold mist that filled the sky and flew towards the Death Eater camp like a sweeping storm.

As Irina waved the ice crystal spear in her hand, streaks of icy blue ice mist swept towards the Death Eaters, and the moment they touched the Death Eaters, they were frozen into ice sculptures.

However, in just a few dozen breaths, more than twenty Death Eaters turned into ice sculptures and were frozen in place.

Seeing this, Irwin also took action. Facing such a large number of enemies, he drew out his wand without hesitation.

Irwin raised the wand in his hand high above his head, and then swung it toward the ground.

The next moment, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, splitting a Death Eater who was frozen into an ice sculpture into fragments all over the sky.

Irwin waved his wand almost to the point of wind, and thunder fell from the sky. The ice sculptures suddenly exploded, turning into ice fragments that splashed all over the sky, scratching many Death Eaters around him.

There was even a piece of broken ice that happened to pierce the throat of a Death Eater when it spattered, causing him to drink in anger on the spot.

Under the joint attack of Irina and Irwin, the powerful iron armor spells that Voldemort had previously cast on these Death Eaters were shattered.

Seeing this scene, Lin En also controlled the five alchemy circles surrounding him to turn his gun and shoot in the direction of Voldemort.

Linn believed that the magic level of Irina and Irvine was enough to suppress those Death Eaters, not to mention the presence of Dumbledore, a true devil-level wizard!

Wait, Dumbledore? !

Linn's eyes lit up when he saw Dumbledore standing quietly in the cemetery. While controlling the alchemy circle to resist Voldemort's attack, he waved his wand and released an earplug, allowing everyone except himself and Dumbledore to listen. No one outside of Bledo could hear their conversation.

"Professor Dumbledore, quickly set up the anti-Apparition spell! Voldemort has now fallen to the level of a demon king wizard. I think we can imprison him!"

Lynn said quickly to Dumbledore.

Hearing this, Dumbledore's eyes also lit up. In their original plan, considering that Voldemort possessed the magical power of a Demon King-level wizard, it was impossible to capture him alive even if two other Demon King-level wizards were present.

Therefore, their original plan was to let Voldemort go.

But now, after learning that Voldemort fell into the realm due to lack of soul, they have a new choice, which is to use the power of Dumbledore, the devil-level wizard, to capture Voldemort alive and imprison him!

As long as Voldemort's body can be controlled, Voldemort's Horcruxes will not wake up on their own, and they will have enough time to find Voldemort's Horcruxes one by one and then destroy them! (End of chapter)

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