The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Face is given to you by yourself, don’t be pretentious at the same time!

Seeing the crooked "4 points" floating in the air, the entire stadium was in an uproar. Whether it was the little snakes of Slytherin, the little wizards of other houses, and even the little lions of Gryffindor, Swear loudly.

Although Gryffindor and Slytherin were very difficult to deal with, Linn was now a warrior of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and they were really shocked by Karkaroff's shamelessness.

"Shady story! Shady story! I demand that this blind referee be replaced!"

"I'll give you a fucking grade. If you don't know how to grade, get out of here!"

"For Krum's performance, you give me ten points. For us, Roll, who pressed down the fire dragon, you give us four points. Are you embarrassed?"

"Karkaroff, you partial bastard!"

"Karkaroff, get out!"

"Karkaroff, get out!"

Almost all the little wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and even some little wizards at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, were scolding Karkaroff for his shamelessness. At first, everyone was still scolding each other, but later everyone The words all became a uniform "Karkaroff, get out."

At this time, the little wizards in the square of Durmstrang Magic School also felt a little red-faced. Their principal's actions were a bit excessive in their eyes. This made Karkaroff's students They couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Even Krum, who had been beaten ten times by Karkaroff, now covered his face and turned his head away, unable to bear to look directly at his principal.

Seeing that he was being reviled by a group of young wizards, Karkaroff suddenly felt that his face was a bit unbearable. He put his wand against his throat, cast a loud voice curse, and shouted: "Shut up! "

The deafening sound spread throughout the entire stadium, and the thunderous explosion stunned the little wizards in the stands. They stared blankly in the direction of Karkaroff, and for a while they stopped cursing.

Before these little wizards could react, Karkaroff said eloquently: "There is a reason why I gave the Rohr warriors four points. The goal of this first event is to obtain the golden egg, but the Rohr player will. A lot of energy was put into fighting the fire dragon, and a lot of time was spent on it.”

"This goes against the goal of this game. Although Linn got the golden egg intact, he got the golden egg the latest among the four warriors, so I gave the Rohr Warriors four points. It’s reasonable! In addition, students are asked to respect their teachers and be polite to their professors!”

Karkaroff talked nonsense, and in the end he looked sanctimonious and preached to the two young wizards from the magic schools in the stands.

As Karkaroff's words fell, the entire stand fell silent. Almost everyone was stunned by Karkaroff's shamelessness.

Compared with the other three warriors, the time that Linn obtained the golden egg differed by less than a minute. Such an innocuous amount of time was able to be used by Karkaroff.

Moreover, the other warriors only managed to get the golden egg while crawling on the ground to avoid the fire dragon; but Linn only used less than an extra minute to nail the fire dragon to the ground. Who is stronger? Isn't it obvious immediately who is weak? !

But Karkaroff was able to take it out and make a sound argument.

"You gave your face to yourself, don't be a bitch and build a memorial arch again!"

At this moment, a shout came from the Gryffindor square, once again igniting the anger of the little wizards in the stands.

"That's right, don't even lose your fucking shame!"

"Karkaroff, please give me a little face!"

"Get out, Karkaroff!"

These little wizards no longer cared about Professor Karkaroff's identity. They cursed loudly, searched for all the insulting words in their minds, and sprayed them all on Karkaroff.

Looking at the little wizard who didn't follow his own example, Karkaroff's face turned blue and white. He became angry and retorted loudly with the loud voice curse, but his voice was still blocked by the angry outbursts of the little wizards. The curses were suppressed.

Obviously, Karkaroff's severely biased and unfair behavior aroused the anger of these little wizards.

"Please be quiet, everyone."

At this time, Dumbledore stood up, put his hands down, and said.

Although these young wizards were very dissatisfied with Karkaroff's behavior, they still wanted to show respect to the respected Dumbledore. They all calmed down and turned their attention to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not disappoint them. He only heard Dumbledore say loudly: "Since everyone thinks that Professor Karkaroff's score is unfair, then I will cancel Kaka on behalf of the organizers of the Triwizard Tournament." How about the validity of Professor Love’s rating of Lynn Rohr Warriors. And the voting rights that originally belonged to Professor Karkaroff belong to you?”

“Please use a wand to mark your rating of Lynn Roll Warrior on your head, and we will take the average of everyone’s ratings as Lynn Roll Warrior’s score in this first event! Okay, everyone can start!"

Dumbledore said loudly.

Hearing Dumbledore's words, almost all the little wizards cheered loudly, and they also raised their wands and punched a number on their heads.

I saw that the entire stand was now filled with scores of "10 points". Even some first-year wizards who were not yet able to use magic to score, after consulting the seniors of the same college, under the enthusiastic guidance of the seniors He scored a "10 points" crookedly.

While these little wizards were reveling in this, Karkaroff walked over with a livid face. He growled: "Dumbledore, what do you mean? Why do you deprive me of the right to give scores? Don't forget , you are just a referee like me!"

Hearing this, Dumbledore smiled slightly and said: "The power of people is great, Karkaroff. Although they are just some students, their combined power is something that even I dare not ignore." . You have caused outrage, Karkaroff, and you should know that."

Karkaroff sneered and said: "So what? Dumbledore, don't be alarmist here, they are just some underage wizards, why should they contradict me, the principal of Durmstrang Magic School?! Is it possible? Are all the students in your school so unqualified? Moreover, you haven’t answered me yet, why do you deprive me of my right to grade, and what qualifications do you have to do this?!"

While Karkaroff was confronting Dumbledore, Ludo and Old Barty came over from not far away.

"Professor Karkaroff, since you have said so, then Mr. Crouch and I, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic and the organizers of the Triwizard Tournament, cancel the validity of your score! In addition, if you are in the second If you are still biased in the scoring process of each event, then we will disqualify you from being a referee!"

Ludo Bagman said calmly. (End of chapter)

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