The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Killing the Hungarian Horntail, Karkarov looked ugly!

Charlie Weasley and the other dragon trainers on the edge of the field looked distressed. After all, these were the fire dragons in their dragon farm!

At this time, Linn walked step by step in the direction of the Hungarian Horntail, preparing to take away the golden egg.

On the other side, the Hungarian Horntail looked at the demon that had summoned terrifying flames to injure itself like this and walked towards it. It became restless and restless. It raised its claws as if it wanted to fight Lin En to the death. Give it a try.

The Hungarian Horntail opened its mouth, but did not dare to spit out another flame. It knew that its own flames were no match for this short demon, so it planned to use its strong body to defeat the opponent!

"Oh, do you still want to resist?"

Seeing the action of the Hungarian Horntail, Linn chuckled and spread his hands outward.

Countless golden threads flew out from the palms of Lin En's hands and quickly intertwined into alchemy formations in the air. In less than a minute, three alchemy formations stood beside Lin En.

At this time, the Hungarian Horntail had already flapped its dragon wings, flew into the air, and swooped in the direction of Linn.


Facing this huge dragon as big as a hill, Lin En didn't show any worry. He raised his right hand, stretched out his thumb and index finger to make a pistol shape, and then shook it slightly, simulating firing. The voice was just like those of naive Muggle children.

However, no one would underestimate Linn's every move. When Linn's right hand made a shooting motion, the sense of crisis that filled the heart of this Hungarian Horntail reached its peak.

The next moment, golden beams of light shot out from the three alchemical formations all over the sky. The beams of light, like a meteor shower, shot in the direction of the Hungarian Horntail. These golden beams even had an advance amount of time when they were launched. This caused most of these beams to hit this Hungarian Horntail!

Under the bombardment of hundreds of golden beams per second, the Hungarian Horntail was unable to get close to Linn. It could only keep swinging its body in an attempt to avoid the damage of these golden beams.

Every time about ten golden beams hit the Hungarian Horntail, one of its black dragon scales can be shattered.

In less than a minute, the Hungarian Horntail had hundreds of dragon scales shattered by Linn. In order to save itself some suffering, it quickly landed on the ground.

However, it has not given up the idea of ​​killing Lin En, its enemy. It stood on two legs and raised the dragon claw bar in front of itself, while resisting the golden beams of light emitted by the three alchemical formations. , while striding towards Lin En's direction.

This Hungarian Horntail is so huge that every step it takes shakes the entire competition venue.

Seeing this scene, Linn also raised his left hand.

"Prison Flame Martial Arts Refining!"

Linn shouted low, and a ball of golden Gubulai fairy fire ignited in Linn's left hand, and under Linn's control, it compressed and collapsed crazily towards the inside, and finally turned into a flame spear. .

This flame spear was ten meters long, but it seemed to have no weight in Linn's hands as he held it tightly.

Looking at the Hungarian Horntail flying in the distance, Lin En recited an obscure spell. Soon, a ball of light gray magic appeared in front of Lin En, and Lin En stuffed it into the flame spear. .

The next moment, the flames burning on the flame spear disappeared instantly, turning into a black spear as black as ink.

After holding the black spear, Linn jumped upwards. With the blessing of the floating spell that was cast silently and without a wand, he suddenly jumped to an altitude of more than ten meters, even higher than those in the stands. Those spectators are even higher up!

Linn looked down at the Hungarian Horntail below. He threw the black spear in his hand and shouted in a low voice: "Fire thousands of bullets!"

As Lin En's words fell, the black spear that was falling at a neither fast nor slow speed suddenly shot out like an arrow that had escaped from its string, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.


The tip of the black spear ignited with a bright golden flame, and even spit out about two inches of golden gun light. The ten-meter-long black spear penetrated in the direction of the Hungarian Horntail with thunderous momentum.

In less than a breath, the black spear burning with golden flames pierced the belly of the Hungarian Horntail, broke open its flesh and blood, penetrated from its back, and nailed it to the ground. superior!

Under the powerful impact, the Hungarian Horntail was pinned to the ground by the black spear, unable to move!

The Hungarian Horntail kept wailing and struggling, but its entire body was nailed to the ground. Even if it tried its best to suck, it would only expand the wound penetrated by the spear. The pain is inescapable.

After pinning the Hungarian Horntail to the ground, Linn ignored it. Instead, he used a floating spell to let himself fall to the ground slowly and walked towards the golden egg.

Under the gaze of thousands of young wizards in the stands, Lin En came to the dragon's nest where the golden egg was placed. With a wave of his hand, he removed the alchemy circle sealed on the nest, lifted the golden egg, and held it high. Overhead.

However, there was silence in the stands at this moment. Everyone was stunned by Lin En's incredible move. The flames suppressed the fire dragon, the golden beam shot at the fire dragon, and finally nailed the fire dragon to the ground with a spear. What Lin En did Any single thing about it would be shocking enough.


At this time, Dumbledore stood up again, clapped his hands vigorously, and shouted loudly.

Dumbledore's voice woke up the others. In an instant, the entire venue burst into applause, and the burst of cheers almost overturned the entire stand!

"Merlin's lace stockings! I was honored to witness the birth of a future star in the wizarding world. To be honest, when Mr. Rowle told me that he didn't need a wand, I thought he was suffering from hysteria, but now I see I’m afraid I’m the one who’s suffering from hysteria! Okay, now let’s ask the referee to score!”

After the cheers of the little wizards gradually died down, Ludo Bagman held up the microphone and said with a look on his face.

As Ludo finished speaking, the little wizards finally turned their attention to the referees.

Each judge can give no more than ten points, and these little wizards are very curious about what kind of score Linn can get.

At this time, Mrs. Maxim raised her magic wand, and a silver ribbon-like magic spurted out, forming a score of "10 points" in the air.

Seeing this, the little wizards cheered again.

After Mrs. Maxim was Old Barty, who also sprayed out a "10 points."

Then came Dumbledore, who hit a "10" without hesitation.

Ludo Bagman, who was shocked, naturally gave "10 points" without any doubt.

Now only Karkaroff is left without a rating. All eyes are on Karkaroff, wondering how he would rate Lynn's performance.

However, Karkaroff's face was livid at this time. He glanced at Lynn with an ugly expression. He raised his wand, and a small "4 points" appeared in the air. (End of chapter)

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