The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Illusion Array, Dream Weaver Spell and Dream Entrance Spell

After seeing this magic stone shining with blood-colored light, Linn became energetic.

During the school year when Nico Flamel retrieved the Philosopher's Stone, although Linn was able to exert considerable combat power based on his own magic level, it was still far from the complete body possessing the Philosopher's Stone.

Perhaps, until he truly reaches the level of Dumbledore's Demon King-level wizard, possessing nearly unlimited magic power reserves, the Sorcerer's Stone will be Lynn's indispensable trump card.

Lin carefully took the magic stone from Green's hand. He gently tapped his wand on his right arm to manifest the demon's authority. He took out a dim magic crystal from the inside of the demon's authority and carefully Put the magic stone inside and seal it.

After doing all this, he looked at Green again and asked expectantly: "Teacher, what alchemy knowledge are we learning today?"

Ever since Lin En learned the alchemy circle that can affect the soul from Green last year, Lin En has been hoping to improve in this area. After all, there are very few magics that target the soul, and alchemy is an alternative method. .

If you want to destroy more of Voldemort's Horcruxes in the future, or even face Voldemort's true form, there is nothing wrong with learning more alchemy circles that can target the soul.

You must know that Voldemort's soul is already incomplete after cutting out six pieces of soul. Soul-targeting magic or alchemy can always get twice the result with half the effort when attacking targets with defective souls.

"Do you still remember the alchemy formations you learned last year? They are the alchemy formations used when refining alchemy items such as 'Qingxin'."

Green did not answer Lynn's question directly, but asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin En's eyes lit up. He understood that Green was going to continue teaching him alchemy in this area. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course I remember, I have never slacked off in alchemy during this school year. I have already refined at least a hundred of Qingxin!"

Green nodded with a smile and said: "In that case, I will take you to learn the next step of the alchemy array with 'soul' type attributes, which is the illusion array! Do you know what an illusion array is?"

Lin En lowered his head and pondered for a while, then tentatively replied: "Illusion arrays should refer to some alchemy arrays that are designed to confuse other people's minds to achieve the purpose of hurting others, and can form a similar field form. There are both real and illusory in the illusion array." , all kinds of fantasies permeate it.”

Green nodded, but then shook his head. He sighed and said: "Inside the magic array, there are some things that people hope for most, some things that people fear the most, and some are painful or happy memories. , making people fall into it and find it difficult to extricate themselves! But this is just the lowest level of illusion formation."

"More advanced illusion arrays can even absorb information directly from a person's soul like Legilimency, thereby revealing those unforgettable memories that even the person involved does not know but are hidden deep in the soul. Everything in the illusion is as real as reality. Even if the person knows that it is an illusion, the person entering the formation will probably fall into it. If the illusion can find the most vulnerable part of his heart, he can be completely lost in it and make him There is no recovery!"

Green said calmly.

Listening to Green's explanation, Linn couldn't help but yearn for it. If he could completely trap the enemy in the illusion and make him get lost in it, then killing the enemy would be effortless for him.

Lin En said quickly: "Please ask the teacher to teach me these magic formations!"

Seeing Lin En's anxious look, Green chuckled and said: "Don't worry, the phantom array is not a pure alchemy array, but a combination of magic and alchemy! Before teaching you the alchemy array related to the phantom array, , I have to teach you two magics first, the Dream Weaving Spell and the Dream Entrance Spell!"

Green said as he tapped his wand on the bedroom door handle.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them appeared in the training ground again.

"Dream Weaver Spell and Dream Entrance Spell? What kind of magic is that? It sounds like it is inseparable from the phantom formation you mentioned?"

Lin En was still thinking about the two magic spells Green just mentioned. He frowned slightly and whispered.

Hearing Lin En's whisper, Green said with a smile: "Inseparable? Oh, not only that, these two magic spells can even be regarded as the underlying logic of the magic array! The magic array itself is based on these two magic spells on top, superimposed on ingenious changes produced by alchemy.”

"The so-called dream weaving spell is to weave dreams with magic power. This was originally invented by great parents to weave a wonderful dream for their children in order to have a good dream at night. But in With the blessing of the alchemy circle, scenes that could only appear in dreams can be realized in reality and reflected in front of the participants. The false scenes that can confuse others are what we call Fantasy!"

Green said.

Lin En nodded slightly and asked, "So, what is the dream spell?"

Green explained: "If you only use the Dream Weaver Spell as the foundation of the illusion array, then the most you can refine is the lowest level illusion array I mentioned before. The Dream Spell is alchemy. Masters are on the threshold of entering the realm of advanced illusion formations!"

"The so-called dream spell is to enter other people's dreams and spy on other people's dreams. This was originally a spell invented by the psychiatrists at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Maladies to explore the patient's heart and be able to penetrate into the patient's dream. But in Alchemy With the blessing of the magic circle, it can function independently, autonomously search for the memories deep in the soul of the person who joins the magic circle and the scenes that have appeared in recent dreams, and send the obtained data to the corresponding alchemy magic circle for processing, and then the weaving process. The dream curse cooperates with other alchemy formations to present it. This is the basic principle of the advanced illusion formation I mentioned before!"

Green explained the basic principles of the advanced magic array to Linn in concise language.

While Linn was running his brain frantically, trying to digest the knowledge he had just gained from Green, Green handed Linn a thick notebook.

I saw Green patting Lin En on the shoulder and said: "It is impossible to explain the profound alchemical knowledge of the Magic Array clearly in just a few words. All my understanding of the Magic Array and the experimental process are in this notebook." Here, I ask you to study it thoroughly within a week, I think this shouldn’t be difficult for you, right?”

Hearing this, Lin En hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "No problem!"

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