The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 254 Summer vacation begins and the Magic Stone returns!

In the next few days, the final exam results of this year's little wizards were also released, and Linn and Irina's scores were the first among the fourth- and third-grade wizards respectively.

Although Lin En and Irina didn't put a lot of energy into their studies, their extraordinary talents allowed them to still easily master the final exam and become the well-deserved number one among the little wizards.

In addition, Hermione seemed to be unable to bear the pressure of taking all the electives together. She chose to drop her Divination class and Muggle Studies to reduce her pressure.

And because the reduced courses meant that she no longer needed the Time Turner to reset time, she returned the Time Turner to Professor McGonagall. With the intervention of Lynn and Irina, Hermione finally did not return to school this school year. Use Time Turner for things other than studying.

The holidays are coming soon, and the little wizards are packing their luggage, and among those packing their luggage is Professor Lupin.

Perhaps in order to avoid the curse of the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor falling on him, or because his identity as a werewolf has been learned by some young wizards, Professor Lupine finally decided to resign to Dumbledore at the end of this school year. He will no longer be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry next term.

This made Harry and the others very sad.

"When will you have time during the summer vacation? I will pick you up then. We will go to Le Fei Lane in France to practice black magic. I think my teacher will protect us."

In front of the Hogwarts Express, Linn looked at Irina beside him and asked aloud.

As early as when Irina was studying black magic in Rohr Castle, she planned to go to Lefei Lane with Linn during the summer vacation to practice her black magic, especially the three unforgivable curses.

Irina thought for a while and said: "I am going to travel to various countries with my teacher in July, so let's schedule it in August. Deducting the time taken up by the Quidditch World Cup at the end of August, we can still have some time there by then. Practicing black magic for more than half a month.”

After learning that this year's Quidditch World Cup would be held in the UK, Sirius promised to send them the best tickets. Therefore, even though Lynn and Irina were not very interested in Quidditch. Interested, but they still plan to come and watch this grand event.

Linn nodded and said: "In that case, you can feel free to learn more about magical animals from Mr. Scamander. It just so happens that I can improve my alchemy skills from my teacher and master in July."

Newt did not hide the fact that he accepted Irina as his disciple. One week after Irina became Newt's disciple, most of the masters in the magical animal circle knew about it.

As Irina's best friend, Irina would naturally not hide this matter from Linn.

At this time, the little wizards had begun to board the Hogwarts Express one after another. Unlike the little wizards who were carrying a lot of luggage, under Irina's superb invisible stretching spell, both she and Lin Carrying a small satchel, she boarded the Hogwarts Express.

After Irina learned the powerful Seamless Stretching Spell, all the magic props on Linn's body that were cast with the Seamless Stretching Spell were updated with the help of Irina, and the space that each magic prop could hold increased. It has reached more than ten times the original value.

Everyone boarded the Hogwarts Express at noon, and when the train slowly pulled into King's Cross Station, the sun had already slowly set.

The little wizards poured off the train like a tide and headed outside King's Cross Station. They had to get back to their homes before it got completely dark.

Linn and Irina didn't have this worry. They took the Hogwarts Express just for the so-called sense of ceremony. After Linn got off the train, he apparated under the house elf Gale. Returning to Rohr Castle, Irina used the door key she made to teleport to the door of her home.

Unlike the little wizards who were happy for their hard-won summer vacation, Linn and Irina knew exactly what was going to happen in the coming school year. The impending resurrection of Voldemort made their nerves tense.

They are eager to improve their strength as much as possible during this summer vacation so that they can have more resistance when facing the resurrected Voldemort.

Therefore, after Linn arrived at Rohr Castle, he did not leave himself any extra time to rest. Instead, after sending greetings to his mother Rowena, he went back to his room with great fanfare to sort out the things he wanted to do for the long trip. Things to bring.

At Lynn's request, Green once again used his identity as a famous French alchemist to apply for a cross-border door key to France for Lynn, and the trigger date of this cross-border door key is tomorrow.

Soon, the night passed.

The next morning, when the sky was dark, Linn had already left Rohr Castle carrying the satchel that had been cast by Irina with a powerful traceless stretching spell. He found the cross-border door key that had been placed in advance on a hillside and was waiting for it. The triggering of this cross-border door key.

About half an hour later, as a wave of magic power spread from the cross-border door key in Lin's hand, Lin's body twisted in the air and disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, when Linn's feet landed on the ground, he had already appeared at the door of Green's house.

Linn knocked on the door of Green's house in a familiar manner. After Green opened the door for him, he walked into the house.

"Lynn, is there anything big happening at Hogwarts Castle this year?"

Green sat down on the sofa. He looked at Linn and asked softly.

Lin lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then told the story of Peter Pettigrew being put on trial and Sirius being acquitted.

However, Linn did not reveal the role he and Irina played in the whole thing.

"It seems that nothing major happened this year. I'm a little nervous. After all, Voldemort's remnant soul and the Millennium Basilisk have been around for two years in a row. It really makes me feel worried about the safety of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Worry!”

Green said with a smile.

In fact, teacher, your guess is not wrong. Something big is going to happen at Hogwarts next year!

Lin En smiled in agreement, but she thought so in her heart.

At this time, Green suppressed the smile on his face, and he said seriously to Linn: "By the way, Linn. My teacher, your master, completed the refining of the potion of immortality half a month ago. Zhi, he asked me to return this to you."

Green said, taking out a spar that shone with blood-red light. This spar was the magic stone! (End of chapter)

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