The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2334: Go straight to the East Gate [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

As soon as he thought about this, he would not go to court, and his time could not be wasted. Therefore, after thinking again, he opened the author's assistant on his mobile phone and continued to write.

I wrote about a hundred words. Looking at the time, it was five minutes to seven thirty.

So he stopped writing and saved the draft.

He went out and went straight to the east gate.

Walking out of the east gate, Pan Chen was waiting under a big yellow coconut tree on the left side of the door.

This is the prime time to take a rest on the street, so more people enter and leave the street, and the atmosphere is more lively.

Suddenly, I saw a pink supercar parked in front of Pan Chen.

"Wow! What a cool overtaking"

"That is. Baodi's new Xilong overtaking? The real car is really cool."

"Pink flooding, unlike the female stars here, isn't it?"

There is no doubt that this is a very popular overflow, and as soon as it appeared, everyone was salivating.

In particular, it is believed that when the door opens, it will fall to a female star, which is almost so exciting that the nosebleed is falling.

However, not long after, when the window fell and exposed a fat head like a pig's head, many people felt vomiting.

"Well, all the good cars are driven by pigs."

"Damn! Where is heaven? How can such an ugly person drive such a beautiful car?"

I saw that big guy smiled, ignoring the jealousy and jealousy of others, and shouted to Pan Chen: "Xiao Ming, what are you scared of? Get on the bus and take you for a ride."

Pan Chen was taken aback, and soon turned back, smiling slightly, and said, "Boss Fan, I didn't expect it to be you." He trot over, opened the co-pilot door, and sat on his ass.

After Pan Chen got in the car, he consciously fastened his seat belt.

Then the fat man said, "Xiao Ming, sit tight."

As soon as he stepped on the throttle, the dragon roared past like a beast, like an arrow shooting from the string.

The speed is too fast, so there is no construction.

In addition, this fat man named Fan Huadong is also one of Pan Chen's roommates.

This person has a strong temperament and claims to be the oldest in the dormitory.

Pan Chen saw that he weighed more than 300 kg, was tall, and had a fleshy face. He really looked like a triad boss, so he also tacitly admitted that he was the boss.

In short, Pan Chen thinks it's actually good to be with him.

Because this Fan Huadong often said that he was a rich second generation and his family was rich, Pan Chen and him mixed together, and sometimes he could rub a few good meals to eat. This is very attractive for people who lack nutrition, right?

In addition, Fan Huadong does not look at his fierce manners. In fact, Pan Chen has been in contact with him for half a semester, knowing that he is still very kind.

In short, Pan Chen believes that Fan Huadong is a good boss and is very happy to be with him.

This is not, Fan Huadong told him to go for a ride, he had nothing to hesitate, so he did as he said.

Of course, if he was asked to do bad things, he would definitely not respond so actively.

In addition, although this Haibei city is located at the southernmost tip of the celestial dynasty, it is a small fourth-tier city because it is a seaside city and it has more famous tourist attractions, such as Silver Beach, which is known as the world ’s first beach . In addition, many elderly people in the north like to come to support the elderly. Therefore, there are still quite a few residents, so their traffic is also relatively congested.

Especially at seven or eight in the evening, the traffic on the street is often queued for a long time.

Therefore, Fan Huadong and Pan Chen drove the super long-distance race together, just like climbing a mountain and a turtle.

"Fan, did you buy this car at home?"

"Oh no"

"Whose car is that?"

"My sister's. This is an engagement gift from my sister's fiance to my sister." "Oh, does this car seem to be made by Baudi?"

"Yes. This is Bowdy's new supercar. It was released this year and will not be available for sale until March."

"That would cost a lot of money, wouldn't it?"

"Not many. The minimum configuration is about 180 million."

"I'm going. Isn't 1.8 million a lot? By the way, what kind of configuration is this? How much does it cost to get on the road?"

"This, listening to my sister, cost me about three million dollars before and after."

"3 million? This. Boss, it seems that your sister's fiance is really rich."

"Of course. We can say that in Guizhou, if my brother-in-law's family is the second richest person, then no one dares to say that it is the richest man."

"Does this mean that your brother-in-law's family is the richest man in Guizhou?"

"Currently, it's a bit like."

"By the way, I remember it seems to be mentioned in the news that the richest man in Guizhou Province is Jin Shilong, chairman of the Jin Group. No, will your future brother-in-law be the Jin family?

"Do not!"

"No? Has the status of the first consortium in Guizhou Province changed ownership?"

"that is not true."

"What the **** is that?"

"In fact, my future brother-in-law is Jin Junjie, not a big family or a small family, but the third one, which should be called the Jin family Sanshao."

"Oh, it turned out to be three small, not big and small."

"By the way, how did your sister catch such a golden wife?"

"This. I don't know how they met. Well, Xiao Ming, the green light is on. I have to concentrate on driving so I won't chat with you."

"Okay, boss, drive seriously."

As soon as the green light came on, Fan Huadong drove with all his attention.

Next, he drove in the city center. Around nine o'clock, he drove onto the suburban highway and planned to hitchhiker tonight to end the journey.

On the freeway around the city, Fan Huadong reminded: "Xiao Ming, sit tight. Next, I will let you enjoy the flying feeling."

He said a few words and slammed the throttle shut.

The exhaust pipe roared immediately, as if the beast was angry.

Then Xilong went out immediately and almost flew.

After a few seconds, Pan Chen glanced at the tachometer and found that the pointer pointed to the 360 ​​yard position.

This speed can really be called wind speed.

If Pan Chen was Pan Chen in the past, then he must be afraid that his liver would jump out.

However, today's Pan Chen, although the skin phase has not changed, but his soul has been replaced by Pan Chen.

Pan Chen ’s soul is used to seeing storms, not to mention that he is a space where a straight sword roams.

He flies at full speed, not less than the speed of light, surprisingly fast, much faster than any third universe.

Therefore, this speed of more than 300 yards, in his view, is very common.

So he is calm.

On the other hand, Fan Huadong was excited and nervous, and the flesh on his face was shaking.

I saw the flying dragon rammed and caught up with the overtaking of the previous black crazy horse card.

In the car that Ma passed, the driver was a young man in his early 20s, and he was taking a beautiful woman for a ride.

The pretty woman was also very cool when she was in her teens and twenties, with red lips painted like a blazing sun, very fashionable. She saw such a pink treasure running around with her eyes Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and there was a commotion: "Wow!" What a cool sports car. It runs too fast. "..

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