The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2333: Real gas [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Therefore, he cannot eat fat in one go.

That's why he turned out-Pan Chen didn't directly convey the real atmosphere to him, but let him practice slowly, so it is the best way to go one step at a time.

"Oh, now my Dantian's carrying capacity is close to the limit, then I can only practice slowly, two or three hours a day will be faster, and the rest of the time I will practice nine swords against the sky, or other swords and so on."

"Nine swords are great for the real gas consumed by the sky. From my current point of view, this is just a drop in the bucket, it makes no difference. Let's delay some time to practice it."

"Now, my focus is to improve my fighting skills."

"In other words, the swords, knives, and boxing techniques I know are complex, which one is best to practice first?"

"Okay, my current self-defense weapon is a sword of ice and snow, so first practice the ice and snow knife."

"It's just that I don't seem to have any place to practice a knife in this city center."

"Is it difficult to go to the suburbs?"

"By the way, there is a pine forest in the western suburbs, which is suitable for me to practice the knife, but if it is a bit far from here, it seems that it will take an hour and a half to start."

"It seems I have to find a way to get some money to buy an electric car."

"Well, it is really necessary to buy an electric car. It is also convenient to go to school. It is convenient to squeeze the bus every weekend. It is crowded, not easy to squeeze, and it wastes time."

"But how can I get money?"

"By the way, I read a piece of news not long ago that a freshman made a lot of money by writing online, bought a car for his family, and became a local celebrity, which was praised by many people. "

"It seems that my experience is also very tortuous. I was on the rivers and lakes when I was very young. I couldn't experience the twists and turns. Later, I was led to the world of ice and snow, and I witnessed the occurrence of countless legends. If written, I can earn a few dollars. "

"Well, it's better to act, I will try it immediately."

"Although I don't have a computer, after downloading the relevant software on my mobile phone, I seem to be able to operate it with my mobile phone."

"Let me first imagine the plot of the story."

Throughout the afternoon, Pan Chen continued to stay in the room without going out.

He did not practice, but reviewed some of his first half of his life and planned to write it into a network, earn some money to buy an electric car, making it easier for him to go to school and practice knives in the suburbs.

He didn't hurt too many brain cells, and soon he came up with the outline of the story.

Then he used his mobile phone to go online and wanted to know how to publish a book online.

There was no difficulty, and he soon knew.

Secondly, he chose the biggest start, first downloading a mobile software writer assistant developed by the literature company on his mobile phone, then registering an account on it, and giving himself a pseudonym Xuanliufeng.

Why is there such a pseudonym?

That's because he suddenly read that in the cold snow world, he read a ranger called "Sword". At that time, he felt very attractive and admired his writer, so he remembered the three words of Xuan Liufeng and felt very gentle.

So he thought about it and stole it impolitely, trying to spread the pseudonym to all parts of the world.

After the account number and pseudonym are ready, the next step is for him to start creating according to the guidelines of the website.

The first problem is the title of the book.

He thought about it. His biggest adventure was to find a strange book called "The True Word of the Sword" in the mysterious ancient well in the East China Sea. It was precisely because it brought his knowledge of the sea into a sword gate. He became a natural voter and won the favor of the old man of the sword, so he aimed nine swords at the sky.

"The Truth of the Sky Sword" is undoubtedly a grotesque book, which is the core content of his life's legendary experience. He thought it was very appropriate to use it as a title.

So, on the last day, he completed it and used the real word sword as the title.

After the title of the book was picked up, the next step was to get a brief introduction.

After thinking for a while, he gave a brief introduction to the couplet on Jianmen.

However, he felt a little short and not strong enough, so he added the words about Lengxue and Feixingjian in front of him.

This is a bit short, so he finally listed some secret methods his father practiced, so that he would become better and more tasteful, and he would not realize the bright calendar.

After the book title and introduction are complete, the next step is to start creating text.

Write it.

After racking his brain for an hour and a half, he reluctantly wrote the first chapter.

However, I was not very satisfied, so it took another hour to make several changes before I was satisfied.

"The work of writing seems simple. Once you really do it, it will feel more difficult than practicing the method of swallowing heaven."

"Oh, but everything was difficult at first. As long as I persevere, the level will eventually improve."

"Well, starting today, I spend some time every day practicing writing."

"There is still a little time. I will write another chapter, arrange two chapters, and then publish it."

"Well, at my current level, set a small goal for myself and insist on writing two chapters a day."

He thought so, so he picked up his phone and made it.

The second chapter is relatively smooth. It took about an hour to write it, and another half an hour to modify it.

Next he just uploaded.

After the upload is successful, the next step is to wait for the review.

It is not clear when the audit can be completed?

Although he was impatient, he could do nothing and had to wait patiently.

At this time, it was getting dark.

Now, when he recovers, he goes out.

First, I went to see President Hu and said hello to her.

Then he left the orphanage and went straight back to school.

Back at school, I walked into the dormitory and saw that my roommate was not here. I wonder if they were playing basketball on the court or what they did.

In short, all three of his roommates are lazy characters.

He thought about it and planned to go to the stadium for a while.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

So he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. This was a note to call boss Fan's man.

After pressing the answer button, Fan Liang's voice came from the other end: "Xiao Ming, are you free tonight?"

Pan Chen thought about it and said, "Yes." Boss, what can I do for you. "

At the other end of the phone: "If you have time, wait for me at 07:30, you wait for me at the east gate of the school, I will take you for a ride."

Pan Chen was shocked: "Drive?" Go for a ride? Boss, what's going on? Did you buy a car for you at home? "

On the other side of the phone: "The phone is very expensive, I will tell you as soon as I meet." So I hung up.

Pan Chen, oh, said: "Okay, goodbye!"

I looked at the time on my phone and found that it was 07:03.

There are still half an hour. ..

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