The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2319: Equal to each other [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

The hard touch of this note seems that the two sides are side by side and are equal to each other.

Next, the eyes of the students on both sides suddenly froze, and everyone made a move to attack the past.

Therefore, a king who opposes the peak war of the king will be well released.

That battle was killed in the dark and in the void.

During that fight, people saw a lot of excitement and opened their eyes.

After about a few hundred rounds of fighting, I suddenly saw the roar of the King of Gold, and then he walked out of the original, money of a golden turtle.

Later, it flew towards the enemy like a huge gold plate, the trajectories crossed, the gap split, leaving a dark crack in time and space.

This momentum is very rapid.

When the Dragon Sword King saw it, he did not panic and hurriedly snorted coldly.

Then, I did n’t know what secret method he advocated, but he suddenly turned into a triple shape and became a giant.

Only to see his pupil suddenly flashed through a cold mans, then, he raised a huge fist, a sudden blow.


In the second minute, the golden flying saucer was transformed by the golden king and blew out of the sky.

However, the golden flying saucer is so safe that it has not been frightened out of its original form. After drawing a beautiful arc in the void, it attacks the enemy from the other direction.

"Well! This is useless."

The Dragon Sword King smiled coldly, looked at the track of the golden flying saucer, and hit it again.

This time, he secretly tried his best. The whole fist came out of the dazzling god, planning to blow up the enemy in one fell swoop.


Suddenly, people heard a loud voice.

Many people think that this time, the golden flying saucer may be broken, right?

However, the real situation is that the Dragon Sword King's blow is empty, not hitting the target.

So, there is nothing to say, don't try to break the goal.

As a result, when people said that it was too late, too fast, when the calcium carbide was on fire, the golden plate of the Golden King suddenly lit up, changed its trajectory, and successfully avoided the fist of the enemy.

At the same time, after half a circle, it blew towards the enemy's back.

And because the meat of the Dragon Sword King is very hard, the golden plate cannot be cut in, and will only scare him.

However, he stabilized his heels in time and did not fall.

However, the golden flying saucer was powerful, and then flew towards him, after half a circle.

The King of Dragon Sword couldn't react for a while and was hit again.

This time, he couldn't get there, he fell immediately.

After the Dragon Sword King fell to the ground, he was immediately angry. Seeing him growling, he walked out of his original form, a sword dragon beast with a row of bone spurs on his back, it looked terrible, and his breath was terrible.

It flicked its tail and a bone spur flew out like a sword.

In the second minute, the thorn of the bone was shot at the golden flying saucer, making a loud and harsh sound.

Then the bone punctured, and the golden disc flew out of the way in shock.

I saw the sword dragon beast flicked his tail, several bone thorns flew out.

Only to see that each bone spur successfully hit the target and exploded, forming a shock wave, causing secondary damage to the target.

After more than ten attacks, I saw that the Golden Plate of the Golden King became a plate of blood and fell to the ground, dying. I saw the sword dragon swooping out and came to the golden king in the next minute.

I saw Jianlong Beast glancing at the Golden King with cold eyes, and said in a silent voice, "Golden King, go to hell!"

He said while raising a huge front paw, quickly flapping it, trying to defeat the enemy with one hand in order to send it to the West.

With such large claws, everyone thought that the Golden King must die this time.

However, the actual situation has not developed as they expected.

I saw that terrible claw was knocked down, and immediately blew the ground out of a big hole, covered with dust.

After a while, the dust settled.

At this time, people stretch their necks one by one, or tiptoe to look at the bottom of the pit to see if the golden king has been photographed as flesh?

However, I saw that the bottom of the pit was empty, with no body and no blood stains except for sand.

"What? Not scumbag at all? Just lost? It's terrible."

"In other words, the Golden King is at least a money turtle. Isn't its shell strong? Why is there no residue now?"

"It can only be said that the Dragon Sword King who defeated the power is terrible, and it is directly turning everything into nothingness."

Those sea monsters, part of the Dragon Sword King, were surprised one by one.

"Why? No, the Golden King shouldn't be so vulnerable, right? Where did he go?"

The Dragon Sword King glanced at the bottom of the pit and was puzzled.

As for Zhao Tianlei and others, their hearts were also surprised.

"Why? When did the King of Gold appear here?"

"I just saw the old man's figure seem to be shaking. He should have saved the King of Kings, didn't he?"

"Ah? The King of Gold won't blink? When did you come to our side?"

You don't need to rap. Of course, the Golden King was not photographed by the Dragon Sword King, because Pan Chen rescued it in time.

And because his flying hermit was too mysterious, he moved directly, grabbed the body of the golden king, and immediately moved back to the original place.

As a result, no one saw through.

Can you see how mysterious his body is?

In addition, although King Jin was rescued, he was severely injured by some bones and was unable to move for a while.

At this point, Pan Chen knew it was his turn.

I saw him take a leisurely step forward and looked at the sword dragon beast, that is, the dragon sword king said: "Dragon sword king, don't be too happy, the golden king is not dead yet."

Long Jian Wang listened and looked at Pan Chenye and said, "Son, what did you just say?"

Pan Chen said: "I said that the Golden King is not dead and may disappoint you."

The King of Dragon Swords said, "Isn't he dead?" What about him? "

Pan Chen reached out to find the golden king lying next to Zhao Tianlei and said, "Well, stay there."

As soon as the king lowered his fingers, he saw the golden king lying there, frowning for a while, then looked up at Pan Chen and said, "Just now did you save him?"

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said: "Yes, I promised him that I can't let him lose his cold hair, so I must do this at a critical moment." Ha, Dragon Sword King, I accidentally broke your good Things, you won't be angry. "

The Dragon Sword King suddenly laughed and said, "Boy, what do you say to ensure that he has a lot of cold hair?" You see, he was injured like this, more than one cold hair disappeared? The Dragon Sword King suddenly laughed and said, "Boy, what do you say to ensure that he has a lot of cold hair?"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Oh, Dragon Sword King, don't you know that the golden turtle is the golden turtle? Where did you get the turtle hair?"

Um? The King of Dragon Swords can't help but stunned, said: "Okay, boy, your mouth is very good."

Pan Chen said with a smile: "Overall, I was flattered." After a while, he said: "I promised the king to help him catch you." Then, let me look at your tricks, Right. "..


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