The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2318: really? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

The dragon sword king laughed and said, "Cut!" The six people you found, only this boy, still have a little skill, but now he is injured, what else can you get from him? As for the other five, the king thought it was just a matter of coding. "

King Jin said: "Really?" Then why don't you send a loved one out to draw again? "

The King of Dragon Swords said, "Well, whatever you want." He turned his head to one of the others, and said, "How about you helping me clean up those who don't know what to do?"

This strong man, known as the King of Lions, patted his chest and said, "Okay, no problem." Dear King of the Dragon Sword, I will be happy to serve you the next day. "

Then, he stepped forward, staring at a pair of majestic brass bells, looked coldly at Pan Chen and the others, and shouted, "Which one of you came up and died first?" : "Or, you can do it together."

Pan Chen glanced at the Lion King first, then looked at Sun and said, "Xiao Qian, go up and play with this."

Sun Qing couldn't help but want to give it a try. When he heard these words, he answered, "Okay." He stepped forward and came to the Lion King.

Not to mention that the Lion King is so tall, the sun couldn't help but stop in front of him, and one end was shorter than it, but Sun Wu'an was very imposing and not afraid at all.

The Lion King looked at Sun's helplessness. He didn't like it and said contemptuously: "Boy, look at your momentum, dare to stand up?" Is there anything you can't think about, want to be myopic? "

Sun had to laugh strangely and said, "Lion of heaven, you hate your own figure, don't you?" Well, since you don't look down on this little guy, let me show you. "

At the end of the sentence, Sun Qing couldn't help but left immediately, and his body quickly pulled up.

After a while, it turned into a super monkey about 180 feet tall.

"What? I can't believe I changed as soon as I came up?"

"It turns out that this is not just a human, but a monkey king."

"It's a terrible breath. I'm afraid the big monkey survived several natural robberies."

The sun couldn't help being crazy, and immediately whispered.

"Really? It turned out to be a monkey king, so terrible breathing. Just in front of my lion king, you don't look very good. Change clothes!"

When the Lion King saw that Sun had to change himself, he did not want to fall behind, so he also appeared in the original form.

This is a huge sea lion, as big as Sun, and the lion has gone crazy.

I saw a lion and a monkey roaring almost at the same time, then hit each other.

As a result, a terrible war began.

Both sides are directly fighting each other, a fierce melee together, no skills can be used.

The two behemoths wrestled together and rolled on the ground. The scene was spectacular.

After fighting for a while, he suddenly saw Sun Wu's arm bitten by a fierce sea lion, and a fracture sound came immediately.

Sun Wuzhi snorted and saw that his figure soon became smaller.

It seems that I want to be smaller so that I can pull my arm out.

However, when it was as big as an ordinary person, when he saw the sea lion suddenly open his mouth, it swallowed it all up.

"What? Swallow it in one bite? Isn't it cruel?"

"The Lion King is majestic!"

"Xiao Qian is not really dead, is he?"

"Don't worry, it won't hang. In fact, it was swallowed on purpose."

Sun had no choice but to be engulfed, and everyone responded differently.

Others think that Sun has nothing to do. This time, he is probably destined to die. Even Princess Lanxi could n’t help but worry.

However, Pan Chen believes that Sun Zhongshan has no choice but to do so deliberately.

Sure enough, the next moment, I saw the sea lion swallowing Sun Helpless, and suddenly it seemed that his stomach hurt.

I saw it fall to the ground, rolling over and over again.

"Why? What's going on?"

"What if my stomach hurts if I eat the wrong food?"

When other people saw each other, they were surprised.

After a while, I saw the seven holes of the Lion King flowing out of the red liquid.

After continuing to scroll for a while, it remained silent.

He didn't breathe at all, but it was hung up.

Suddenly, I saw a big hole in the lion king's stomach and a figure burst out.

Soon, the man fell to the ground and became an elegant young man.

"What? It's not dead?"

"It turned out to be about this monkey."

"Cough, Xiao Qian is really good, very good!"

When others saw this conspiracy reverse, it caused a heated debate.

"Dragon Sword King, what else can you say this time?" King Jin is in a good mood.

At the same time, this was the first time he saw Sun Wuhua, and he couldn't help being surprised. He did not know whether the boy hid a hand. No wonder he thinks this boy has a terrible power in his body. It turns out that his own feelings are really accurate.

The dragon sword king looked even uglier when he saw the lion king hanging. "Golden King, let you be proud first," said a cold voice. "Wait a minute, the king peeled you, will you laugh or cry?"

King Jin smiled and said, "Do you want to peel us?" Haha, I'm afraid you won't have that opportunity in your life. "

The King of Dragon Sword looked fiercely and said, "Really?" Golden Noodle King, I don't know how much your practice has been promoted in decades. Let the king see it now, right? "

King Jin whispered for a while, looked at Pan Chen, and whispered: "Mr. Pan, this Dragon Sword King is the enemy of the old man. I will kill him personally, fight him first, if you can't fight him, please you help me."

Pan Chen nodded solemnly: "Senior, you can rest assured, let go of your hands and feet and fight with him, everything is with me, promise you will not let you lose your head."

The King of Dragon Sword listened and couldn't help laughing. He felt that this human boy who didn't even have a mark was simply too capable of blowing.

The point is that the golden king still respects him.

I don't know what medicine these two people sell in gourd.

"Then thank you" Panchen Jin Dynasty smiled.

Then he looked at the Dragon Sword King and said, "Dragon Sword King, there is nothing to say between you and me. Come on, come on."

The Dragon Sword King said: "Really, you and I really have nothing to talk about, watch this action!"

Finally, he clapped his hands and walked directly to the other side of the door.

As soon as the Golden King frowned, he clapped each other and attacked.

When the two hands touched each other, a loud noise rang out like a thunder.

Then I saw both sides stumble back a few steps. ..


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