The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2296: Opportunity for change 【Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter】

Pan Chen really did not embarrass her. He really wanted to give her a chance to change.

After the Fairy of the Red Temple left, Pan Chen said to the Iron Man: "Uh, wait for freedom." After a pause, he murmured: "It's too ugly to wear these iron helmets. I will wear them all the time and help you take it Come down. "

As soon as he spoke and exploded, he became a world swallowed by these people and swallowed up.

Then, as all the edges moved and cut, a jingle rang.

After a while, everything calmed down.

The figure of Pan Chen appeared again.

At this time, only those wearing iron helmets disappeared magically.

In fact, those people are very confused, they only see the people in front of them suddenly disappear, and then, when the light in front of them lights up, the lights turn on, and then they see countless faces.

Nothing seemed to happen, and the iron helmet on his head disappeared inexplicably.

It's really amazing.

However, their surprised expression did not last long, and soon became creepy.

Because, suddenly, they have a feeling of falling into a pile of monsters, instinctively afraid.

Why is this so?

Because, after taking off the helmet, some bare faces are not normal faces, some are succulent, some are protruding, and some are twisted mouths. In short, they are not normal.

"Ah? There are monsters"

I don't know who shouted.

The crowd immediately became chaotic, and scattered birds and beasts ran away in an instant.

"This, why are they all gone?"

"Boss, do you want to get them all back?"

"Forget it, run quickly. What if we get it back? Let them go."

"Oh, okay."

"Boss, shall we go next?"

"No, no. Don't worry. Well, wait for me outside. I'm going to see this cave."

"Boss, don't you think those evil stones are delicious? Do you want to go in and find more?"

"Yes, in my opinion, those evil stones are really good things, so I have to go in and see."

"Then you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, nothing in this world can threaten my life."

"Don't show off, boss. There is nothing wrong with being careful."

"Well, thanks, I don't have to worry, I will be careful. Okay, let's do this, I'm going down."

As soon as the helmet was removed, a fierce face appeared. After some excavators were scared away, Pan Chen and others ignored them and let them go.

I saw six people chatting on the spot, and then Pan Chen wanted to know what kind of baby was in that hole.

So, when he thought about it, he went in alone.

Once I heard the fairy from the Red Temple saying that the demon stone was buried in the cave, the breathing and atmosphere were very chaotic, and most people could not bear it.

Princess Lanxi and others did not want to be as strange as those demons, so they waited outside honestly.

In addition, in order to save time and improve efficiency, Pan Chen directly converted the data into a karst stream.

The cave sloped deep into the ground, very tortuous, deep, and difficult to get in and out.

However, the walls of the cave are inlaid with bright moonstones, illuminating the passage, but you can see things.

Pan Chen had no intention of enjoying the scenery along the way, he flew directly to the bottom of the valley.

At the bottom, it is a spacious cave with rugged rocks.

However, there are traces of excavation everywhere, messy.

"Ah? The spirit of heaven and earth here is really chaotic."

Pan Chen believes that the vitality in the cave is very chaotic, containing various unknown energies and a large amount of negative energy. If you let life absorb, the body's function will inevitably be chaotic, causing some unimaginable and uncontrollable changes.

For the average person, long-term stay is inappropriate.

However, Pan Chen's method of swallowing the sky is not picky. This chaotic energy is a rare supplement to him.

Currently, he is directly transformed into a devouring world, and then he devours it frantically.


The energy around him rushed wildly into the world he engulfed.

If someone looks at it, you will find it is like a black hole frantically devouring everything around it.

In addition, there are many evil stones buried in the rocks of this mysterious cave, some of which are deeply buried and should not be discovered.

However, under the crazy plunder of "swallowing the world", the evil power contained in these evil stones was also taken away.

Swallow the world, swallow everything.

After nearly an hour of looting, the energy in that cave was almost swallowed by him.

At this time, due to the loss of energy, the cave began to collapse.

Outside the cave!

Li Xi and others saw that Pan Chen had been staying for almost an hour, and there was no movement, so he couldn't help but worry.

"In other words, if the boss has been here for so long and hasn't come out yet, will there be an accident?"

"Thank you, don't worry, some miners didn't dig inside, and nothing happened."

"Oh, who said it's okay? Didn't you see those people's faces swollen like pigs?"

"Huh? Smile, Xixi, you are worried that you don't look good, do you?"

"This one"

"Don't do that, that. It seems that you care about whether Pan's big skin looks good, right?"

"No, it's not."

"Sister Xi, don't be noisy. Okay, wait a minute. When boss Pan comes out, I will make a small report with him."

"Girl Lanxi, do you dare?"

"Giggle, I was born without fear of the world. What dare not?"

"Well, hum! It seems you are tickling, you want to be beaten, don't you?"

"Yes, I want to be beaten, why don't you beat me?"

"Guk, why am I afraid of hitting you?"

"Stop, you better forget it. Boss Pan is not here now. You can't beat me with Xiao Qian, so, are you still a good girl?"

"Imagine it as a sissy? Giggle, I miss it too. But these two words are not in my dictionary."

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

"Earthquake? Not so good."

Zhao Tianlei and others were suddenly taken aback and quickly rose from the sky and flew into the air.

At this time, when they looked down, they found that the mountain was the center, about 10 miles round, all collapsed, forming a very deep pit and dusty.

"This. What the boss is doing, Shrimp? I can't believe I made such a big hole."

"Shouldn't there be an immortal demon king in the cave?"

"This is very possible. This must be a battle at this level, causing so much damage."

Just when people speculated whether Pan Chen was fighting the demon king, suddenly, a figure appeared from the thin air on the top of the pit.

This is a seemingly ordinary but extremely extraordinary young man, breathing an indescribable breath, so people cannot be despised. ..


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