The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2295: Devil Stone Things [Six Million Word Net Wang Wen, Seek to Kill]

The fairy in the Red Temple replied: "A thing called Demon Stone."

"Evil Stone" Pan Chen was taken aback, and asked, "What is that?"

The Fairy of the Red Temple muttered for a while and said, "The seal of a strange evil stone."

Pan Chen, oh, said: "What's the use?"

The fairy in the Red Temple said, "My righteous father used it to practice secret methods."

Pan Chen said leisurely: "I see." Do you have evil stones on your body? let me see. "

The fairy shook her head and said, "No." This is a very evil stone. I dare not take it away. If invaded by evil forces, it will mutate people. No one, no ghost, life is worse than death. "

"Is it so evil?" Pan Chen said thoughtfully: "No wonder you don't go to mine in person, but grab some unlucky people to dig for you, right?"

The fairy of the Red Temple said: "This. Yes, there are some evil stones buried in this cave. The breathing in it is very chaotic. If people stay in it for a long time, there will be some bad changes. Most people dare not go in. "

Pan Chen murmured for a while, and said, "Well, I won't have any more questions. Call the people inside first."


Fairy Hong didn't dare to do this.

Now, before she reached the cave, she rushed directly into the cave and shouted: "The people inside, come out to gather."

After a while, someone came out slowly.

There are 34 people in total.

A pure and strong man, naked, exposed on copper skin, muscular and bursting with green tendons.

Only a pair of leather shorts and bare feet were worn on the lower body.

How does it look?

I have no idea then.

Because these people are wearing fully enclosed iron helmets, their faces are also covered, only a pair of eyes, the eyes are empty, there is a row of pores in the mouth and nostrils, for ventilation purposes.

As soon as these "Iron Man" came out, it was very interesting, and there was a long line in front of the fairy in the Red Temple.

The fairy in the red temple glanced at the iron-headed people, suddenly waved his hand, and something flew out of his sleeve and fell to the ground.

Pan Chen glanced and found that this is a large basin made of crystal, which is twice the size of an ordinary basin.

The fairy from the Red Temple shouted: "Put all the evil stones you dug into the basin."


Those iron men are very obedient and not noisy.

They stepped forward neatly and threw the stones they dug into the crystal basin.

Personnel, one by one.

Kistler entered the basin one by one.

Soon, it was turned over.

Of course, some people did not get it, so they stayed where they were.

At this time, I saw dozens of strange stones with different shapes and colors in the crystal basin.

The fairy in the Red Temple swept some strange stones, looked at Pan Chen, and said, "Son, these are evil stones."

Only Pan Chen, oh, did not speak, lifted his step and walked to the side of the crystal basin.

He looked at some evil stones seriously, whispered for a long time, and said with a smile: "Oh, these evil stones are good things, but I don't know how they taste."

At the end of the speech, he was pointed at the crystal basin and sucked hard. These evil stones enter his mouth again and again.

After a while, it disappeared and was washed away.

As soon as I swallowed it, I swallowed it in my stomach.

"What? How dare you swallow?"

"Is this son's appetite, ma'am?"

"What? How dare you take such a bite? Dare, he thought it was just some beans?"

"Oh, next, I think it's time to watch."

When others saw it, they thought Pan Chen was a lunatic.

The red fairy saw it, and the color on her face was incredible.

In addition, she was looking forward to seeing what changes Pan Chen would have. Perhaps the evil force directly supported the explosion?

However, a few minutes passed quickly.

At this time, Pan Chen is no different, on the contrary, his spirit seems to be more active.

After a while, Pan Chen still hasn't changed much. It's like eating beans.

At this time, Hong Miaoxi couldn't help but ask, "You." Did you really eat those evil stones? "

When she saw that Pan Chen had nothing to do with the incident, she couldn't help thinking, so she couldn't help but wonder if the person was covering up the facts, but in fact she didn't swallow these evil stones.

It should be noted that she witnessed a lot of people who swallowed an evil stone, it would mutate, become monsters and so on.

No one can resist this transformation of evil forces.

That's why she put an iron helmet on all these people to prevent them from stealing evil stones and mutations.

Because if you mutate and get a superpower, it's a mess.

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Yes, I ate it, haven't you seen it?" Don't you believe your eyes? "

Yes, he did.

Why hasn't it changed?

In fact, when he ate these evil stones, it was indeed a very evil and violent force erupting in his body, trying to change his body structure.

However, his body is a swallowing body, composed of countless heavenly sacred warriors, so strong, so easy to change?

With a little effort, he can swallow the laws of heaven and cleanse the evil powers, and there is no leftover left.

So, for others, this is a terrible evil force, but for him, it is a huge supplement to the subtlety, getting better and better.

The fairy of the Red Temple said, "So, do you feel uncomfortable after eating?"

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "No, actually it tastes good, and it is more fragrant than fried beans."

The wonderful fairy couldn't help but be speechless.

Those iron men are also stupid.

As for Zhao Tianlei and five other friends, they were not surprised, but they saw nothing, and quietly watched the boss performing there.

At this moment, Pan Chen mumbled for a while, waved and said: "Okay." Fairy Red Temple, I am serious. After you. "

The fairy in the Red Temple was stunned and said, "Really let me go?"

Pan Chen said: "Yes, you go." After a pause, added: "Remember not to do bad things in the future, otherwise, even if I don't do it, you will not have a good result, will you?

The red fairy nodded like a rice-pecking chicken and said, "Yes, yes." I'm sure I will correct it. "He didn't even say it completely, so he ran away."

In an instant, she left naked. ..


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