The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2259: You're really finished [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 2259 You Really Finished Six Million Words Wang Wang

Pan Chen smiled and said nothing. "Don't worry, Master, it doesn't matter. If he dares to come to the Chu Kingdom to offend the manor, his head is not allowed."

When I heard this news, many people were surprised, really? This is a terrifying thing. The other party replied: "Pan Zhaolao, you do n’t know, this Wei Zhongwang heard that a Montenegrin demon is helping them, I think, after you let him go this time, he will definitely Go to Laohei, when he let the old demon of Montenegro deal with you, you are really finished. "

you know!

When Pan Chen came here, there was really no one other than a lazy Qin Jian, but this time, Wan did not expect it. Pan Chen took Qin Jian away and said, "Don't be afraid, I am here, they dare not do anything to you."

"Really? Master Pan, you should pay attention to this matter."

"It doesn't matter, you can take me to see Li Qinglian now."

A room outside the door. In the room, a very beautiful boudoir, with really bright teeth, very beautiful, sitting at the table dignifiedly, not talking, with a dull expression.

"Well, it's all Dad's fault, ha!" The woman kept repeating the same words, you know, this is Li Qinglian, ah, she is very tall for her father. There are many resentments.

"It's all my father's fault. I got engaged to that person, and he was the one who wanted to deal with me. This person is really abominable, but doesn't he know?" Really, it's hard to say, dad really Is that kind of person? "


In the room, Li Qinglian's voice kept coming out, but the door was knocked directly. The outsider said, "Is that lady?"

"leave me alone"

Li Qinglian is obviously very angry.

However, people outside shouted, "Is that a lady?"

"Tell you not to call me, I want to be alone, really, what dad is doing, I said, don't marry him, I want me to marry him, I said, don't want her!"

Li Qinglian lost her bottom line and was in a bad mood. If people outside still insist on knocking on the door, do n’t blame Li Qinglian for being angry.

Of course, in this case, the little maid outside was shocked. One of them had a good relationship with Li Qinglian. Knowing the original paragraph of Li Qinglian and Pan Chen, she smiled and said, "Miss, this is a happy event!"

"What broke the joy, it's hard to say, sold to his daughter, for him, this is happiness? I told him, impossible. I will never marry him. I will marry him personally!"

"Little sister, this is a good thing, really, little sister, I didn't lie to you. If I lied to you, I would walk with my head first." At this time, the maid outside was very gentle.

"Well, you lied to me like your father, but I fell in love with it." Miss Li, I can't believe this maid. Once she opened the door, she would definitely be caught by them and then tied directly to Wei Qingfeng's house.

For Li Qinglian, she just wanted to say, Dad, you are selling your daughter, selling your daughter.

"No, little sister, you are really wrong about your uncle, and your uncle really doesn't think so." At this time, the maid talked to the owner of Li Jiacun. In fact, everyone knows that the owner of Lijia Village was forced to do nothing at the time. Otherwise, how could he marry his daughter like this? But it is not important now. The important thing is to say it three times. Now, is this lady thinking about this?

Must the maid report good news to Miss Li in advance?

"Little sister, you know, that monk, is he back?" When Li Qinglian heard that monk, that little monk, really? really?

"Yes, little sister, come out quickly. He has been waiting outside for a long time. If you can't go out, he may have gone, little sister!" Said the other side.

This is what Li Qinglian wants to be happy, it is an excited jump, it really makes her nowhere to go, unexpectedly. Can not believe it. The fork is too big. Are you really hungry?

"Yes, little sister, come out soon!" But Li Qinglian thought, how could it be? It was the father who lied, Li Qinglian said: "Well, you will know that the fire is lying to me, there is no such thing at all."

"Where is it, little sister? Really, I lied to you that you were a puppy."

"Ah? Really, Jinxiang?"

"Really, little sister." Li Qinglian is really happy. If Pan Chen came and Pan Gongzi came, she had to tell him all the grievances she had suffered recently and repeat it again.

Really wronged.

He demanded that Pan Gongzi retaliate against Wei Zhong's family and seriously injure them in Li Jiakun. I heard that Pan Chen was here, and his dream lover was here. Li Qinglian was really at a loss.


I have been on a hunger strike for a long time, because I haven't supplemented my nutrition for a long time. Now my skin tone is a little yellowish, and it looks ugly. !

How worried.

"Jinxiang, please give me powder soon. I want to make up. I want to dress up beautifully. Look at my son Pan. I want it. I want it!" At this time, the other party said.

"Okay, miss, could you please open the door? If you don't open the door, how can I get in? Sister, little sister," said the other side.

"Okay" Li Qinglian just didn't open the door no matter what happened in the past, but as soon as he heard that Pan Chen was coming, he was immediately happy, no complaints, no crying, and the whole person was ecstatic.

"Ah, little sister, you are finally willing to open the door, but Grandpa and we are all scared to death, anxious, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you cheating me? Are you cheating me together?" Although the door opened, the younger sister was also very vigilant, and Li Qinglian was also vigilant. He was afraid that it was the old father who had deceived her by shutting the fire. There.

"Where is it, little sister? The benefactor is in our lobby. I called from grandpa." At this time, Jin Xiang wanted to explain. If she didn't, there was really no reason.

"Okay, don't lie to me, I know you are lying, Mongolians."

"I'm not covered, little sister. If you think I'm blind, can you ask yourself? Or you should go and see now. I'm going to lie to you. As soon as you open the door, I will let grandpa come in. If that proves ,I did not lie to you."

Li Qinglian is very scared, but Li Qinglian also understands. If it were not Wei Qingfeng, his father would not treat her like this.

"I'm such a poor child." Li Qinglian said to herself. ..

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